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Monday, 7 January 2019

Ten Of What Are In My Opinion The Greatest Anime Of All Time

Hello there anime fans with alot of anime fans out there very fond of doing lists I thought i'd do something a tad bit different a list. Only this list will not be a best of kind of list because all of these anime have either stood the test of time or are going to stand the test of time. Please note that since i'm only one man i've not seen every single anime that's ever been made so there will be alot of possibly great anime missing so lets get it started.

10) Your Name

I'm getting this one out of the way right now because let's face it you all know that every top 10 best of list is going to include this film. So putting here just makes the whole thing a little bit more unpredictable and yes Your Name is a truly great film heck i'd even say it's one of the most stunning anime films in the past few years but my god was this film over hyped as hell and when I say over hyped i'm talking Frozen levels of over hyped. It's even getting to the point that if you make a top 10 best of list you feel obligated to include this film. 

9) A Silent Voice

This film is in my opinion much better then Your Name yes Your Name is alot more stunning of that i'm not denying. However in terms of how I personally felt towards the story having been a victim of bullying myself was quite different to how I felt towards the story in Your Name and allot of that is due to the fact that like I said I myself was bullied and I can there for connect with the main female character alot easier plus both the anime and the manga made me cry alot.

8) Hellsing Ultimate

You no the expression "you never forget your first time" well I would like to sort of echo that because while Hellsing Ultimate wasn't the first anime I watched (like most of you that honour goes to Pokemon) but it was the first anime I ever bought on either VHS / DVD /Blu-Ray so it does hold a special place in my heart. It also helps that this OVA series is really kicka*s for me it's a great horror anime but there's a few more that are better but for different reasons.

7) My Neighbor Totoro

I had the pleasure of seeing this film for the first time last year and while I don't think it's as good as people have made it out to be over the years. I can certainly see why people would like it perhaps I missed my chance to fully enjoy it or perhaps it's only good threw nostalgia glasses but tho I have ti admit it is one of the best anime films of all time but in my personal opinion there are a few films that are miles better.

6) Highschool of the Dead

I know that alot of people are going to kill me for putting this show above anything to do with Studio Ghibli but here me out. I put this here because this show knows that it's a dumb show and it just has fun with it it doesn't try and bog things down with complicated storylines it knows that your here to see girls with big boobs take on a hoard of Zombies and it has fun with it. This show to me says that you don't need a great plot line to be good all you need is to be fun a bunch of girls with Double D's.

5) In This Corner of the World

This is such an underrated masterpiece this film got overshadowed by A Silent Voice which in turn was overshadowed by Your Name. In all honesty none of those films should have been overshadowed because they are all great in there own way so you might be asking your self what puts this film above the other two then well it's simple not only i'm a history buff but i'm also a sucker for a really engaging story and this film does both.

4) Blood-C

Now I know your wondering why this show little show that hasn't made much of an impact on the medium is featured here well that's because this show is not only well acted but also well animated. It helps that there is a a really good mystery as well and that's something that I cannot say happens that often in either anime or in cartoons so when something comes along and the mystery is actually good you have to give it some credit.

 3) Dragon Ball Z

Now I know your wondering why isn't this show number one well when we get to number one you'll fully understand why. This was a show that many people myself included grew up with heck i've just seen the latest movie for crying out loud despite turning out one terrible god awful American movie and a terrible spin off everything that has come from this franchise has been solid gold and know where is that more apparent then in DBZ the show which i'm guessing turned alot of us onto anime in the first place.

2) Arrietty

What's this two Ghibli films on the same list and one of them isn't one of the more well known ones what kind of madness is this is what i'm assuming your saying right now. Well there's a simple answer for that and it's that i've not seen any more of the more well known Ghibli films and I can't remember When Marnie Was There and just to make things clear when I talk about this film i'm always going to talk about the UK dub because the American dub is terrible the UK version does the story alot of justice.

1) Ghost In The Shell

I don't think it needs saying but whenever I talk about Ghost In The Shell i'm referring to the original movie not any of the other animated movies , not the TV show and defiantly not THAT live action movie. Heck it's weird because whenever people do mention Ghost in The Shell it's always the TV series that comes to mind not the far better 1995 movie i'm not saying that the TV series isn't good far from it but when push comes to shove i'm always going to go with the movie over the series any day.

So there you have it anime fans ten anime that are in my opinion the greatest anime of all time now I know that alot of you are wondering where certain shows or movies are. Well like I said at the start of the post I havn't seen every single anime out there so chances are I havn't seen your favourite show or movie.


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