DC fans lets be real for the next few months Marvel is going to be on everyone's lips and while there taking all the money ever made on the big screen DC is getting all the views across both TV and there are own streaming service. So I thought i'd rank some of there TV shows from worst to best and yes I will be including stuff done for there streaming service but i'm only counting the live action output since if I didn't the number spot would be very easy to predict.
Legends of Tomorrow
Out of all the shows set in the Arrowverse this is perhaps the worst one in my opinion and i'm saying that because it's the same storyline every single year there's this big bad guy that the team has to face all the while avoiding this big corporation who wants to stop them. It honestly gets boring after a while which is a shame because when it wants to be this show can be really fun especially during the action sequences.
This show just aired it's final ever episode but in my opinion while that episode was indeed good the series as a whole just isn't. The reason why I think this is the case is because it's a prequel so we know none of the main cast of characters are going to die because they play a part in the Batman lore and so all suspense is gone but to the shows credit it does have a great performance from Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot.
Now i'll admit to not watching much of this current season so I can't really say if this season is any good or not but just based of the previous three this is one of the worst shows on the Arrowverse. It's not that bad of a show by any means but what really gets me is the fans the fans of this show can be really insane when it comes to these shows even going as far as threaten to boycott the show because an actress chose to leave the show.
Our first show from the DC Universe and I have to say that I really did enjoy this show alot the show had alot of things in it that I really liked like for example the acting from the leads was really good , I liked the fact that it was more mature because it's not a take i've seen on the Titans before and the action was solid. The reason why this show isn't higher is just because it didn't grip me so I wasn't compelled to watch the next episode.
Doom Patrol
Now i'll admit i've only seen the first episode of this show and so this show being placed here is purely based on that episode alone. To me the show seems really fresh and unique it has a great mixture of comedy , action and drama but as far as the first episode goes that's all it has since like Titans i'm not feeling compelled to watch the next episode so I have no idea if it's getting better or worse.
The Flash (2014 Series)
I know that not alot of people like this show but I love it for me it's a comic book show that's not afraid to be a comic book show. I will admit that there can be some bad episodes but the same thing can be said for every show , this show honestly has some of the best CGI seen on network television and they do it on a weekly basis as well. The show knows when to use humour which to me really does help sell the show because it makes it feel more real to me and it's easily the best show in the Arrowverse.