Hello there Doctor Who fans it's that time of the week once again where you read my look back on the latest episode (you know you love it) and this time i'm dealing with some nasty buggers in Scotland (no not the Scottish) here is my review of The Eaters Of Light.
The story for this episode is a hunt for the lost Ninth Roman Legion leads the Doctor, Bill and Nardole into the middle of an ancient battle that could cast humanity into the dark forever. Now Just by reading that little line right there you'd be forgiven for thinking that this episode was great sorry to say but it is not story wise at least the episode is pretty weak and really straight forward but there's one thing that old Doctor Who fans will love and that's the fact that the writer of this episode is one Rona Munro who's making her return to the series years after her last episode which was Survival.
We of course have our three main leads who at this point will earn nothing but praise from me as they are constantly doing a great job in each episode. They are joined by Rebecca Benson , Daniel Kerr , Brian Vernel , Rohan Nedd and Ben Hunter for me the guest cast did a really great even if one of them looks like Amy Pond crossed with ygritte from Game Of Thrones and honestly the only actor out of the guest cast who i could truly say was the standout performer was Benson and she's also the one who looks like Amy Pond to me she is the true heart of this particular story and i really liked that.
I'm sucker for great locations and for me Scotland is a great location i don't know if they actually filmed there or not but if they did then wow did they pick some stunning locations and if not they found a great place that looked like the country. To me the locations in this episode looked really good you cannot beat using an actual location there's only so much a studio can do and what it cannot do is recreate the beauty of a stunning location.
Now i have to say that in terms of humor this episode was hitting jokes out of the park like it's nobody's business all of the jokes from this episode like the one's in the rest of the series mostly came from Nardole i say mostly because there's a few lines from the end of the episode which came from a character i cannot mention but the ones that came from Nardole where really funny i won't give away the joke but i'll just these words Nardole and Popcorn.
The monster in this weeks episode was created fully in the computer and i thought it came out looking really good this weeks episode featured some truly great CGI monsters i can't really say much more then that since the creature is mostly covered in darkness when it's not it goes by to quick but from what i saw it looked really good.
Overall this weeks episode was kind of weak but as weak as last weeks episode altho i thought the ending to the story was kind of a let down really i give this episode i 7.5 out of 10 and next week it's the return you've all been looking forward to.