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Monday, 12 February 2018

Robot Chicken Season 9 Episode 8 "We Don't See Much of That in 1940's America" Review

Robot Chicken fans it's that time of the week again and I have to say that without going into to much detail this episode is a step up from last weeks episode so here we go with a review of "We Don't See Much Of That In 1940's America"

In this weeks episode Dom Toretto drives the Titanic , James Bond joins The Bachelor , Harry Potter relives his golden years , Miss Frizzle tries to survive in the mountains after The Magic School Bus crashes. After last weeks dreadfully unfunny episode i'm glad to say that alot of sketches in this episode were actually funny and apart from one of the sketches they don't go on to long.

Doing guest voices for this weeks episode are Abraham Benrubi , Luke Evans , Amy Forsyth , Milla Jovovich , Arielle Kebbel , Ally Maki and Patrick Pinney. I'm gonna be frank I had no idea Luke Evans or Milla Jovovich where in this episode and i'm fans of both of them and I think I know who they play i'm sure Luke plays James Bond and Milla plays Miss Frizzle but since the acting for this show overall is really good it could be anyone.

Yeah I know this isn't from the episode but since pictures from the episode are hard to find I figured this will do since they spoof The Magic School Bus. Also getting better from last weeks episode was the animation which for some reason took a downward turn last week but it's back to being pretty good this time around with a nice mixture of there traditional stop motion and some CGI.

There is one downside and it's more of a personal issue then anything else but I think they should have made it more clear which version of The Magic School Bus they were spoofing just because whoever was doing the voice for Miss Frizzle doesn't sound like Lily Tomlin or Kate McKinnon which is a shame because it is a funny sketch and it would have made the sketch a think a little funnier if they brought in either actress to voice the character.

I covered most of the sketches at the start of the review but there's a lot more and they are all really funny but for me tho the two funniest sketches were the James Bond sketch at the end because i'm a Bond fan and this is something every Bond fan pokes fun at and the sketch at the beginning with the Cheerios Bee I won't spoil any of the jokes in this episode because they are all worth watching and laughing at.

Overall this was a return to form for the team and i'm glad that last weeks episode was just a fluke and we can get back to the funny stuff once again this episode scores a 8 out of 10 from me.