Hello there Marvel fans this is a review i've been toying with doing for a while now and finally here it is and just by pure chance it's come not long after my review of Avengers Assembled so here is my review of the pretty fun Guardians Of The Galaxy TV series.
Like Avengers Assemble each season of this show has a different plot the first season has the guardians trying to find and destroy something called The Cosmic Seed before Thanos gets his hands on it and uses it to wipe out the galaxy. Season two on the other hand has the Guardians looking for a strange sarcophagus which contains something really powerful and it also has them trying to defend that powerful object.
Now what I found great about the first season's story was that it lasted the whole twenty plus episode season they really did take there time telling that story and that made the pay off much more rewarding but it's a shame then that in season 2 them trying to find the sarcophagus only lasts until episode 10 that whole plot line could have lasted a whole season.
Starring as the guardians we have Ron Stoppable as Peter Quill , Hera as Gamora , Trevor Devall as Rocket , Lion Turtle as Groot and David Sobolov as Drax. Yes I know the actors have names but lets face it those are the names you'll most likely no them by but tho all kidding aside the actors playing the guardians do a really great job even if it was hard for me not to hear the live action actors at the beginning and even tho Yondu is in this series he's not played by Micheal Rooker and he is the only person who is aloud to play him I have now decided.
What I forgot to mention before is that unlike Avengers Assemble which changed it's title pretty every season for this shows first two seasons it's just called Guardians Of The Galaxy it's only getting a subtitle for it's upcoming third season which is due to premier next week on Disney XD and I think they said the premier episode will be an hour long.
What I found while doing some Avatar research was that Studio Mir did the animation for this show but only the first season and I cannot find out who did the animation for the second unless Marvel Animation took over since that would save them alot of money.
The animation for the show it self I thought was really well it looked like it existed in the same world as Avengers Assembled there's lots of great fluid looking movements and stunning backgrounds I think that's the one thing that even people who hate the current Marvel animated line up can agree on the animation is really good.
I admit when the series was first announced and they released the character designs I like most of the world thought this was set in the MCU I mean how could you not they all look like there live action counterparts but nope this has nothing to do with the MCU it instead takes part in the Marvel Animated Universe but then I have to ask why did they make the characters look like how they did in the movies why not make them look different kids would still watch the show because of how good the movie was and the same reason goes for the adults even Thanos kinda looks like Josh Brolin.
This is a question I asked myself during the first season finale since it took place on earth why the hell didn't either The Avengers or Spider-Man come in to offer some help it took place in there backyard and they didn't even cameo even in the season two premier where the avengers did appear they don't even mention it.
I can safely say that the action scenes are one of this shows big selling points for me personally they were really well animated and for me personally they were pretty creative and they don't always boil down to who can hit who the hardest there are times in this series where one of the heroes has to use there brains to win the fight and that was something that I really liked.
This show has a pretty sweet soundtrack and i'm not going to lie I might have sung a song or two during this series but in my defense they played both Hooked On Feeling and Don't Stop Me Now the actual score for the show for me was pretty bland but that might be because I was more interested in what ever song was playing during that episode then the actual music.
Overall this was a really fun show and I hope that it gets more attention since it's miles better then the new Spider-Man cartoon and it has fun with it's characters and setting plus the soundtrack is pretty sweet it gets an 8 out of 10 from me.