Doctor Who fans for once i'm stuck on what to write for an intro and if you've seen my reviews you'll know that that very rarely happens but that goes to show you how good I thought this episode was so here it is my spoilerish review of Demons of the Punjab.
Like the intro it's hard for me to say what the plot of the episode but basically The doctor and friends travel back in time to India at a crucial point in history. That's honestly the best summery I could come up with because I truly believe that this episode is so good just on the basis of what the plot is that it's best not to know what the actual plot of the episode so you guys will just have to trust me when I say that it's a really good an interesting story.
Guest starring in this episode is Leena Dhingra as Nani Umbreen , Amita Suman as Young Umbreen , Shane Zaza as Prem , Hamza Jeetooa as Manish , Shaheen Khan as Hasna , Emma Fielding as Voice of Kisar and Isobel Middleton as Voice of Almak. In terms of the guest actors i'd say that they did a fairly good job i'm not going to say that any of them are flat out bad because given the subject matter that would be a lie but there are some performers that are better then others that's for sure.
In the regular cast we have Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor , Tosin Cole as Ryan and Mandip Gill as Yaz. Now I left of Bradley because I want to talk about him later on in the review so out of those three Jodie once again killed it in the episode and to me she is one of the few people who deliver great performances week in and week out and shockingly so was Mandip she was actually pretty good in this episode.
Ok boys and girls from this point onwards there will be some slight spoilers but i'm going to try and keep them as light as possible. The whole reason why I didn't mention Bradley when talking about the regular cast was because of one single scene you all know what scene I mean it's the wedding scene for me he was so freaking good in this episode he honestly almost had me in tears and i'd say that he's the other series regular that always delivers a great performance in each episode and like many of you I to was worried when he got cast but by now I truly do believe that he is one of the best companion actors in the shows history.
I know that alot of Doctor Who fans are very mixed on the Rosa Parks episode which I still say is the best episode of this current series and the reboot as a whole I mention that episode because if you didn't like that one then chances are your not going to like this one either since it is based around historical facts but you guys will have to accept that Doctor Who will do episodes based around events that actually happend and that was honestly one of the main goals of the show when it first came out to teach kids about history.
Now by looking just at the above images you'd be forgiven for thinking that they actually went to India to film the episode but the truth is they actually shot the episode in Spain and I have to give the production team alot of credit for making Spain look a lot like 19th century India that really couldn't have been an easy task but they pulled it of really well and like the rest of the series the episode looks fantastic.
Now a few days ago I just so happen to read the first issue of the new Thirteenth Doctor comics and they gave a bio for each of the main characters the bio for Yaz goes into more detail about her then the show has done granted this episode does go into a little bit about her but not as much as I thought they would so it really is telling when a comic book bio goes into more detail then the show it's based of does.
I'm not even going to go into that much detail about the villains of this weeks episode even tho this is still spoilerish because I think that they really do needs to be seen and since I didn't know going into the episode who the villain was and because the episode was so good i'm not going to mention anything about them but I will say that they are strong villains and you'll fully understand why I think that when you see the episode itself.
Overall this for me is the second best episode of this current series it's that good and there is one scene in the episode which will have even the manliest of men in tears but in my opinion Rosa is still the better episode so this episode scores a 9 out of 10 from me.