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Monday, 3 October 2016

Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa AKA Attack On Titan: The Wings Of Freedom Review

Hello anime fans i'm here to get you all ready for season 2 of Attack On Titan and the best way i thought i could do is if i review the second movie called Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa since i've already reviewed the first one  so here we go with the second .

Now here is where i would get into the story of the film but since this film is a recap from the second half of the first season i will just say watch the first season of the show and you'll get the story. I will however say this the film's pacing isn't that good there are scenes that could have served from getting trimmed down a bit.

All the voice actors from the series are all back (duh) and they all do a great job voicing there characters one of the things i liked about not only the first movie but also the few episodes of season one i did watch was the voice acting and how the actors were able to make you believe that this world is real and so are the threats within it.

The animation is freaking brilliant the motions were very fluid and life like but you can tell that this was done on a TV budget this is sadly one of the short comings that all recap movies have especially when it comes to anime recap films it's nothing the film makers can help but since it's in the film i have to point it out.

Since this film is the last entry of Attack On Titan before we go through the long wait for season 2 there is a new ending added on that does lead into the new season i won't spoil it here but if your a die hard fan of the franchise you will like it. The one thing i discovered while watching this film is how brutal the action scenes are you see a lot of blood and they don't even try to hide it either.

Overall if your a fan of the show and you want a quick recap of the first series then i recommend you watch these films however if you have not seen the first series but are interested in seeing what it's all about then i say watch it but there are pacing issues so as a non fan i give this film a 7.5 out of 10