Hello there anime fans and i'm here today to give you a review of a movie that you might not have heard of and trust me it's for good reason and that movie is called Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita: Kokuhaku Jikkō Iinkai so let's begin.
The story is your typical romance story a girl and a boy like each other but don't have the courage to tell the other the end. That one line right here might make the movie sound more interesting then it actually is but the fact is it isn't interesting at all the plot is so predictable you know what's going to happen when the opening credits stop and the pacing is so bad that i actually started looking up all the things i would need for this review and i started messing with my phone.
Now usually i would say who is in the movie but for this film i will make an exception just because i couldn't find one single stand out performer in the whole piece and that's not there fault that's the fault of the script writer and the director for not giving them anything to work with but i did find a few characters that i liked tho and those were Natsuki Enomoto who is our main female character and Akari Hayasaka who is her best friend those were the only two characters that didn't make me want to pull my hair out. The rest of characters are either dull as hell , dumb as hell or just annoying as hell like for example there's this one girl who is walking down a street on the road and she doesn't even notice the freaking bus coming towards her that's how freaking dumb she is.
The animation in this film was done by Qualia Animation and from what i can gather this is there first piece if animation for both film and TV and i have to say for there first time out they did a decent job i'm not going to lie it could have been better but for a first time studio it was decent the motions looked good the characters looked like real people and the art work was great the only problem i have with the animation is there are a few times in the film where there is just a black screen for a few seconds which they could have filled in very easily.
Another thing that i didn't really like in this movie is the fact that the film feels like it should have been a TV series in fact you can even tell where the opening for each episode would have been because they play song over that scene but i'll get into the music soon. The reason why i feel this would have been better as a series rather then a movie is because it would have given the creators more time to develop the characters and more time to tell the story better and i think that this would have helped with alot of people's enjoyment.
The music for the film was done by CHiCo ( don't ask me who that is i don't know) and i thought it was pretty good the songs used worked well for me altho there is alot of songs in this movie and all of them are done by Honeyworks (again i have no clue who that is) and they sound really good for me personally the standout song is the opening called Koiro ni Sake which is worth listening to.
Guys can i recommend this to anyone maybe if you love romance anime then you might get something out of it but even the romance part falls flat because you don't care about the characters if you like slice of life anime then you guys might also like it but for me who likes slice of life this show is a 5 out of 10 and it's getting a sequel called Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai