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Wednesday 4 January 2017

Three Reasons Why Adventure Time Ending Is A Good Thing

Hello animation fans in 2018 Cartoon Networks highest rated show Adventure Time is coming to an end after 9 solid seasons of fun and laughter and i know alot of the Adventure Time fans are upset but i'm hear to list you three reasons why ending the show is actually a good thing.

3) The series won't have a chance to go stale

what does Spongebob and Fairly Odd Parents have in common they have both gone stale so with Adventure Time ending now it means that the creators won't run out of stories to tell nor will they have a chance to repeat the same stories and thus the show will never go stale.

2) The Creators Don't Get Bored With The Show.

this can be a huge problem with animated shows since they take so long to produce a single episode but with the show ending after series 9 it means that those involved will not have a chance to hate the show that they worked on for so long.

1) More New Shows Get A Chance To Shine

this is perhaps the most important reason of them all like i said before Adventure Time is Cartoon Networks highest rated show and because of that the network puts it a lot but when the show ends that little block will now either go away or will be given to a different show either way it means that a new show get's a chance to shine and in the end that can only be a good thing.

Three Ways To Make A Good James Bond Cartoon

Hello there animation people incase i havn't mentioned it yet i'm a bit of a James Bond fan i go to see all the films when they first come out and i have them all on DVD and i've even seen a few episodes of the cartoon series but now i'm going to tell you 3 simple ways in which you can make a good James Bond cartoon.

3) Stick Close To The Tone Set In Either The Books Or The Movies

this one really does depend on who your target audience for the show is if your aiming it more towards adults then i say stick to the tone of the books but if it's more for little kids and teenagers then i would stick to the tone of the movies since those are more kid friendly either one works best.

2) Tell Great Stories

the one thing that the films , the books and even some episodes of the cartoon had in common was they told great stories and this is one thing that every Bond story should be great and the only way you can do that is if you have great writers who understand the world of James Bond.

1) Get The Actor Who Plays Bond In The Movies To Voice Him In The Show.

Picture this your watching episode of the newest James Bond cartoon and you hear Daniel Craig's voice come out of Bond's mouth that's epic this should be and it would be a perfect way to bring back Bond's of the past.