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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Victoria "Entente Cordiale" Review

I know that this review is a late but if you saw my last review of Victoria then you'll know why i wasn't able to get a review out but i'm here this week with a late review so here we go with my review of Victoria series 2 episode 5 Entente Cordiale.

The plot of this episode finds the Queen and her husband in France in order to persuade the king to not let his son marry the young Spanish Queen. I really loved this episode i thought that the story was light hearted enough to enjoy and yet serious enough that you could feel the weight of what they were trying to do.

Of course we have Jenna and Tom in this episode and they both do a really great job and i think that Jenna should have her hair down all the time. For me Diana Rigg once again stole the show even tho her scenes don't have an impact on the plot she's just great in all her scenes and it's in those scenes that we get most of the comedy for this episode.

I want to know if the production went to France to film this episode because everything just looked so beautiful but given the high quality production values that this show has it wouldn't surprise me if they stayed in London.

It's not all sunshine and flowers tho as for most of the episode the Prince is dealing with something that happened last week (thanks to the recap at the start of the episode for that little nugget) and to be honest i'm glad that they didn't just forget about it they had that plot point come into play in this episode and i have to give them credit for doing that.

Overall this was a fun episode and one that i would say so far is the best of the series for me this episode gets an 8.5 out of 10.