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Saturday, 10 August 2019

Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Animation fans I never watched Rocko's Modern Life growing it was on just before my time but i'll admit to being caught up in the hype for the special. The history behind this special is quite interesting because for years at a time no one knew when the special was coming out and first it was going to air on Nickelodeon but then for some strange reason they sold the special to Netflix who have just released the special and so here is my review of Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling.

The plot of the special is twenty years ago Rocko and his friends Heffer Wolfe and Filburt were somehow launched into space and now two decades later they found a way back home and must adjust to modern life. I'll admit there's a bit more going on in terms of plot but i'm trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible for now but the story it self was really simple and very easy to follow but I feel that it would have been better swerved with a longer run time.

Every actor is returning from the show and so starring in the special is Carlos Alazraqui as Rocko, Spunky, Leon Chameleon, Gordon, Mitch, Bun Master and Squirmy the Ringworm , Tom Kenny as Heffer Wolfe and Chuck Chameleon , Charlie Adler as Ed & Bev Bighead, Mr. Dupette, Grandpa Wolfe and Mr. & Mrs. Fathead , co-writer Mr. Lawrence as Filburt , Jill Talley as Nosey and Rabbit Mama and creator / co-writer / co-director Joe Murray.

I will say that there's a name that i've left of this list on purpose and that's because I want to talk about their character separately. In terms of what I thought of the acting it's wasn't that bad like I said I didn't grow up with the show so I don't have the same attachment to these actors that other people might have but the acting in the special is honestly pretty good and i'm sure that people who grew up with the show will be glad to these voices again.

The animation for the special was done by Yeson Entertainment, Inc. and what's interesting is that this was animated the only fashioned way and not done on tablets like most shows are now. The animation was honestly a lot better then what i was expecting it to be I was honestly expecting it to look cheap but no it looks like some effort actually went into it and it really does show at least in my opinion.

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The one thing that I left of the cast list was who Joe was playing and that is Rachel Bighead which might not seem as spoiler but Rachel was formerly known as Ralph. Yes guys you read that right there's a transgender character in this and not only that there's a storyline involving Mr. Big Head coming to terms coming to terms with the fact that his son is now his daughter and i;m honestly ok with this storyline because unlike most shows that hit you over the head with there acceptance message here it's done just right in my opinion.

In terms of what I thought about the character of Rachel to me she seemed pretty bland like I get that she most likely had a lot of development in the show and that's understandable but here in this special it comes across as she has no personality. Which in terms of representing transgender people isn't a good things since their writing her as a trans person first and a character second when it should be the other way around.

What really does damage this special at least in my opinion is the fact that it's only forty five minuets long. To me given that there's enough plot in here to make it at least an hour and a half long so by making it forty five minuets long it means that alot of scenes and plots that would have been better served with a longer running time but as it is there are alot of scenes that feel rushed and it does hurt the film.

Now i'll admit that as someone who wasn't a fan of the show since I didn't watch the show growing up I did find alot of the jokes to be really freaking funny. That being said tho in my opinion the best jokes in the film were all mostly seen in the first clip that was released in 2018 but there was one that totally caught me of guard and that's the scene were they straight up kill of an old lady even tho they don't really show her dieing given that they drop a phone into some water which she's in it's pretty obvious that she's dead.

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Overall this wasn't a bad special and the way it ends does indeed leave it open to further episodes but that being said I can see a fan enjoying this more then someone who wasn't a fan but that being said the special gets a 7 out of 10 from me.