There's no denying the fact that Netflix has changed how people view there favorite no longer do they want to wait a week for the next episode they now want the next episode right away and as well as giving us quality shows like Orange Is The New Black and GLOW they have also given us a handful of animated shows and i'm going to list my personal favorite shows from least favorite to the ones that I simply cannot live without.
Oh boy I can literally feel all of your hate right now and given the fact that there's a chance a certain fan favorite show is also going to make an appearance on this list i'm going to make a guess and say that it's going to get worse but the reason why this show is so low down isn't because it's a bad show far from it but it just didn't grab me.
Voltron :Legendary Defender
OK put those pitchforks down I do have a reason for this both being on this list and higher up then Trollhunters it's higher then the previous show because it does have some interesting ideas and some nice animation however it's also this low down because like Trollhunters this series didn't grab me and the only season / series I watched all the way through was season 5 which was a bore fest in my eyes.
Harvey Street Kids
I very recently did a review of this show so if you want to know more about what I thought about this show then you can just find the review but to cut a long story short it's an average show but it's also a show that has fun with it's premise and it has some really fun characters and animation.
The Hollow
I admit when I first started writing this post I forgot about this show which is such a shame because it's so freaking good this show got my attention from the very first episode and it never let go you never really know what's going to happen next or where the story is going and all of that concludes in a great twist ending.
Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
I did contemplate putting the next show I want to talk about here but when push came to shove the other show was better but that just goes to show you how good this show is because the next show is really freaking good and for a show aimed at little kids this show is really entertaining I never once felt bored while watching a single episode of this show and the opening theme song is really good and catchy as hell.
What else was it going to be I talk about this show alot whenever I talk about Netflix's animated output but like I said it was a tough call to choose which show to put here but in the end this show has better writing , better animation and better voice acting and is an all round better show and yes I am excited for season 2 October 26th cannot come soon enough.
If I didn't mention your favorite show then it's either because A) I don't watch it and thus can't really say if it's a good show or not or B) I like these shows better people have different opinions so that could also be the case either way don't spread hate only love.