What is up anime fans i thought the next time we spoke with each other it would me reviewing Attack On Titan Part 2 Dubbed but nope instead i'm here to talk to you about Keijo!!!!! and the so called controversy so here we go.
So there was this article up on Heatstreet.com saying that the anime is sexist and child porn and while i'm no fan of the series i wouldn't use those words the article is by someone called Louise Mensch someone who was a politician and is now spreading BS stories on the internet anyway on to the article itself (which has since been either removed or made harder to find by the way).Mrs. Mench claims the anime follows normal practice by making the main characters look like little girls with large wide eyes i guess she doesn't know that's the whole anime industry then.
In that same paragraph she also states that the series is basically soft-core porn i don't know what kinds of soft-core porn she watches but this is just straight up lies right there there is no way that the series is even near soft-core porn and that the soft-core premise is now being paired with anime characters that according to her look like children even tho you can tell there over the age of eight teen and no longer in high school.
Also in the article she goes on to say that the character of Sayaka has the breasts of a pre-pubescent child because apparently in her world women who want to look there age have to have huge boobs even tho most normal people come in all shapes and sizes.
Now this woman is a feminist and i don't hold that against her or what she believes in but she out right gets thing wrong not only about the series but about the anime industry as a whole well then i have to speak up and throw in my two sense but we havn't even got the best bit of the article yet the best bit is about to come up.
You see according to Mrs Mensch if your a fan of a series then you should "grow up and get out of the comics section" that line right there is a direct quote from the article and just goes to show you that as well as throwing shade over the anime industry she's also trying to insult fans of the series as stated before i don't like the series to me it's all T and A but i would never go as far as to insult people who like the show.
I'm not going to say that Keijo!!!!!!!!!! is a great series because to me it's not but it's also not sexist and not child porn either so when she says that it's all these it just goes to show you that she really doesn't understand the anime industry and she is wrong for trying to insult both it's fans and fans of anime in general.