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Monday, 26 February 2018

Robot Chicken Season 9 Episode 10 "Factory Where Nuts Are Handled" Review

Robot Chicken fans i'm back after a week of to get some rest and I have to say this was a very enjoyable episode so here is my review of Robot Chicken Season 9 episode 10  "Factory Where Nuts Are Handled".

In this weeks show Mary Kate and Ashley head to Mexico , Michigan J. Frog and his cousin Pepe have a chat and Megatron suffers from PTSD. I'm being honest here I cannot remember most of the sketches from this weeks episode and i'm not sure why that is they weren't that long and they were pretty funny.

This weeks episode starred Seth Green , Genevieve Angelson , Rachel Bloom , Larry Herron , Victorious star Victoria Justice , David Kaye and Tesha Kondrat. Whoever does the casting for this series well done because I had no idea who was playing who in this episode and that's the best thing you can say about any actor in any show or movie.

I'm not going to repeat what I say every week about the animation because honestly i'm getting sick of saying it which is why these reviews will be short unless something drastic happens and if not then i'll have to reconsider doing this on a weekly basis but yeah the production value for this weeks episode was pretty high.

Like I said before most of the jokes for this weeks episodes were just forgettable they were funny jokes but if your like me you'd forget them a few minuets after watching the episode but my favorite sketch featured the legend that is Michigan J. Frog he's a funny character anything he says or does is funny in this episode.

Overall this was a decent episode and like I said before i'm going to reconsider doing this as a weekly series maybe just doing the season premiers and endings with maybe the specials so that way i'm not repeating myself week after week this episode gets a 7 out of 10 from me.