Hello there Doctor Who fans it's that time of the week once again and this time we are heading into outer space where no one can here you scream and here is my review of "Oxygen".
So then what is the plot of this space age episode i here you ask well The Doctor , Bill and Nardole answer a distress call and discover everything is not as it seems. In terms of plot that's really all i can say without giving away to much but what i really liked it about the episode is that it reminded me alot of the film Alien and that is by no means a bad thing.
We of course have Peter , Matt and Pearl who are all really good in this episode i feel like this is the episode were they really began to gel together and it shows on screen in terms of the guest cast we have Kieran Bew , Justin Salinger , Peter Caulfield , Mimi Ndiweni and Katie Brayben in all honesty the guest cast were good but i feel like there characters weren't given that much time for us to really get to know them but tho out of the guest cast i'd say my personal favorite was Mimi who just has this great look about her.
Now this episode does some really shocking things which i can't go into because there spoilers but i will say that one of things that happens looks like it will effect the next few episodes at least and i believe it's a first for the series to have this kind of thing happen to this certain character so for me it was really great to see it happen because now you have no clue what could come next.
Just like what i said before i cannot really talk much about the villains of this weeks episode since it's spoiler but i'm glad that they chose to do something totally different from the standard monster of the week and i think there's some form of social commentary in there as well but i'm not to sure about that.
Now like last weeks episode i'd say this is a horror themed episode and for me this couldn't come out at a better time since we also have the release of the new Alien movie but back to the show the scares in this episode i thought were really well done and they do what this show does best and they make ordinary things scary but i can't say what they are tho for obvious reasons.
Overall this was a really solid episode that gives you a few interesting ideas so for me this episode is a 8 out of 10