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Sunday, 22 April 2018

Craig Of The Creek Review

Hello their Cartoon Network fans this has been a review long in the making and it's also a review i've been waiting to do since it's a really good show so here is my review of the new Cartoon Network show Craig Of The Creek.

The show is episodic so the premise of the show is basically Craig and his friends get into adventures at a creek.For some reason when I watched the pilot episode it reminded me alot of Disney's Recess and honestly the same is true for this series and that's not a bad thing at all in fact it's part of the show's charm.

The show stars Phillip Solomon as Craig , H. Michael Croner as J.P. and Noël Wells as Kelsey but is really interesting is that for the pilot and the first three episodes Kelsey was voiced by Georgie Kidder and there's no given reason as to why they switched her out. The acting in the show is pretty decent and I like that they got an actual kid to play the main character and Phil does a good job voicing Craig.

In all honesty there's nothing really bad I can say about the show apart from the fact that it's way to short this series really should have been a full twenty two minuets since that would allow the stories more time to breathe instead of moving at breakneck speeds but honestly that's my only major complaint.

This show was made in house by Cartoon Network and was thus animated by Cartoon Network Studios and i've seen the list of shows they've made and damn that's a lot of good shows back to the animation tho this is show is really well animated I know that comes across as me being surprised but i'm really not since this is the same studio that animated Steven Universe and Adventure Time.

Now I know alot of people are going to say that the characters look like Steven Universe characters but to me that kinda makes sense since the creators of this show  Matt Burnett and Ben Levin did write episodes of SU so it makes sense that that show would influence how some of  the characters look in this show.

For some reason I remember alot of people talking about the pilot of this show which for some unknown reason is not uploaded on the official Cartoon Network Youtube page but i'm glad that I watched the pilot the first chance I had because if not I feel like I would have missed out because the way the pilot played out it was just screaming to be picked up for a full series and it's very rare that you see a pilot like that.

For me the best character in the whole show period is Kelsey I just love the fact that she's really over dramatic and she's basically into Game Of Thrones which is my show (#TeamDany4Life) and for me she is not only the groups strategist but she's also the crazy one of the group and that only makes me love her even more.

The show for me is really freaking funny like really funny and while you do get jokes in their for little kids i'm sure that there are some jokes in their that are for adults but there's a chance that I might be wrong and the jokes are so well written which is something i can also for pretty much all of the characters and I say pretty much because J.P. is just the typical dumb kid character.

Overall I highly recommend you check out this show trust me you will not disappointed just set aside a few hours and binge watch a a dozen or so episodes you'll love it for me this show gets an 8.5 out of 10.  


Spy Kids: Mission Critical Review

Oh Netflix while your live action shows are really good your animated out put is mixed at best for every Voltron there's a Big Mouth and they are at it again this time turning a franchise that is no longer relevant into a TV series so here is my review of Spy Kids: Mission Critical.

How do I describe the plot to this show it follows brother and sister duo Juni and Carmen Cortez who now attend Spy kids Academy and form a team to stop S.W.A.M.P.. I've been trying to work out where this show fits in the continuity of the films and the best I could come up with is that it takes place after the first film but just before the second but even with that the story is still predictable because you know who's going to come out on top because of the fact it's a kids action show.

Starring Not Alexa Vega (Ashley Bornancin) , Not Daryl Sabara (Carter Hastings) , Caitlyn Bairstow as Glitch , Nicholas Coombe as Ace , Nesta Cooper as Scorpion , Not Antonio Banderas (Christian Lanz) , Not Alan Cumming (also Christian Lanz) and Not Carla Gugino (Mira Sorvino). Do you notice a problem with the casting alot of the actors didn't reprise their roles which for the main kid characters does make sense but they couldn't be bothered to bring back any of the adult actors they don't even feature Uncle Machete.

I do have to say that the acting for the most part isn't that bad Ashley and Carter do a good job with their actors the problem is if you grew up with the movies then all you'll hear is the original actor saying these lines and that makes me wonder why didn't they just get the original actors back and make the series a sequel to the films.

Ok Netflix we both know that you don't like to promote your animated shows as much but when you release a trailer just one week before the show premiers then there's something clearly up because that's good at all and i've only been able to find a single trailer and that's really it just imagine how much hyper there would be if they treated their animated shows like they do their live action stuff the hype would be of the charts.

Yes you can see the series right now on Netflix not like they would have let you know about it i'm sorry to keep on going about this but only releasing one trailer and literally nothing else is pretty bad from a marketing stand point and it's something the company needs to stop doing.

The animation was done by Rainmaker Studios who are known for doing the animation for the Barbie films and *sigh* the upcoming Barbie Netflix show and I have to say that even tho i thought the animation would be bad it's not as bad as I thought it would be don't get me wrong it's pretty bad but it's also pretty decent at the same time you can tell that alot of care and effort went into the animation and for me that's a huge plus.

I have to just come out and say it the characters to me look like pure nightmare fuel I didn't know this show was coming out and the first thing I saw for the show was a picture on Kimcartoon and it really did make me wonder if I should watch it because the characters looked hideous and this might just be me but the characters eyes look a little two big.

I really am thankful that this show is only ten episodes long not because it's a bad show but because like I said before you know where the story is heading so your just sat there watching all of the story beats play out and that does make it feel kinda boring to sit through.

I will say that in terms of it being a kids show there's nothing harmful in their the show does have a lot of life lessons thrown in but don't go into it expecting it to be like the movies because it's not it's worse then the movies but little kids might enjoy the show.

This is a show based on an action franchise and with that in mind the action scenes are actually pretty good granted their aren't as good as they could have been but for a kids show they are pretty decent and well put together my only gripe is they are spy's and they do very little spy work in the series they just go in all guns blazing and they come out alive some how.

Overall in terms of a kids show this is pretty decent but I feel it would have worked more if this was a sequel to the films rather then taking place in between films since if it was a sequel then the story could have been unpredictable but since it's not we know who's going to come out on top and with that mind the show gets a 5 out of 10.