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Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Doctor Who " The Daleks" Review

Doctor Who fans as you may or may not be a where of Twtich are currently airing around 500 to 800 episodes of the classic series and when I logged on this morning one of the stories they happened to be repeating is the serial i'm going to be reviewing for you now here is my review of the very first Dalek story The Daleks.

The plot of this serial is The Doctor and his companions find themselves on a planet and encounter some deadly enemies on the planet Skaro. I'm not going to spoil what happens in this serial because I want people to check out the Twitch streams but I will say that the story is really interesting and it does a good job of making the dalek an actual threat.

For you young Doctor Who fans the doctor in this serial is played by William Hartnell and his companions are played by Carole Ann Ford , Jacqueline Hill and William Russell and they are joined by Peter Hawkins and David Graham as the voices of The Daleks , Alan Wheatley , John Lee and Virginia Wetherell. I will say that this episode for the most part is very acted I say for the most part because there are a few scenes where Carole's acting isn't that good and it's mostly when she's running.

What really shocked me was how early the daleks appeared in the series this serial is only the second ever serial made and out of all the monsters the first doctor ever faced these are the ones that the fans took to the most and like i said before this episode does a really good job of making them scary unlike recent stories where they would show up just for a ratings boost.

Honestly the amount of episodes in this serial for me is a bit much there's seven episodes each one around 25 minuets in length that's around two to three hours in total which for my liking is way to long but tho having that many episodes does help the story.

If your one of those complained about Clara being a strong character you should know that the show has always had strong female leads and yes this includes both Barbara and Susan who are more then a match for both The Doctor and Ian so if your going to take issue with her then you better do your research because if not your going to get taken to school and I don't give you money for lunch.

The show never really had a huge budget during it's first run and in some scenes in this serial it really does show because there are scenes where you can tell that the daleks in the background are cardboard cutouts which did provide me with a good laugh even tho i've seen this serial once before.

The effects in this show also look cheap i'm not comparing them to effects seen in modern day Doctor Who either but wow you'd have thought when this serial was released on DVD that the BBC would have put the money up for updated or better looking special effects but nope they didn't so instead we are left with effects that just look cheap and something that you could make in a computer in five minuets if you wanted to.

During the shows early years it became known for it's cliffhangers and perhaps the most famous one is in this serial it's a cliffhanger that's really well built up with lots of suspense and it leads to the reveal of doctor Who's most famous villains if only every episode in this serial didn't end with a cliffhanger episode six ends in a literal cliffhanger.

Overall this is a fantastic Dalek story and it's a great episode that introduces the classic villains I would recommend this episode to both old and new fans alike but it's an episode that does have it's fair share of issues so it's gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.