Viz fans it's that time of year again where I go ahead and talk a look at the latest Viz annual and well then this year is no different. I will admit that joke wise there weren't as many truly laugh out loud jokes in this book but there are still some really good things to be found in this very book and so then join as I review what is the latest annual from Viz with this particular annual being called simply just "Viz: The Coppers Torch" enjoy.
As a lot of you will know by now these annual Viz annuals don't really contain any stories there just short stories all designed and thus set up to tell a hopefully good joke at the end of them. With that in mind there were some stories in this book that I just didn't like like for example any of the 8Ace stories or any of the The Drunk Old Bakers storylines just because I just don't those characters to be that freaking funny in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Art wise I thought that the that was featured / presented to us in this very book was really freaking good this might be because the makers of Viz usually take there time with things and they usually keep there outwork pretty simple. This really does work well enough for Viz since the kind of stories that Viz usually tells are pretty freaking simplistic stories and so having rather simple artwork meshes well enough with the stories that they are currently / presently trying to tell in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Now then with all that being said I do wish that some of the male characters had some slightly different designs. Just because some of this books male characters all started to look very freaking similar to me so much so that I had very completely forgotten which comic strip was actually reading at that exact moment in time and it's something that I could see over readers having an issue with as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
So now then of course making a return for this years annual is of course the world famous Viz newspaper stories. Which are just a pure joy to read simply because it's always funny seeing what the writers of Viz can come up with and seeing how the writers of Viz can lampoon what's currently going on in British culture and as well as in freaking British newspapers in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Now then one of the comic book strips that really did continue to freaking entertain the living heck out of me in this very book is a comic book called The Male Online. Just because alot of what they cover in the The Male Online comic book strips are things that people are still getting upset about on Twitter to this very freaking day which just makes the comic book strip not only still very freaking relevant but also still very freaking funny as all heck because were basically living these comic book strip storylines in real life in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
So now then if you've read any Viz comic book then you'll know that there comic book strips are more often then not very freaking vulgar as all heck and is also chock-full to the prim of jokes and things that you wouldn't necessarily want your parents or your Grandparents to see you reading. With this book no exception to that rule since there are alot of freaking comic book strips that are in this very book that would / will make your parents or even your Grandparents be forced to ask you why your even reading such a vulgar and disgusting book in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Now then one of the best jokes in this book is one that is literally a James Bond parody which is something that I really did love and find to be very freaking hilarious. Simply because it was a comic book strip that I wasn't actually expecting to see and plus it was also a comic book strip that managed to hit all of the James Bond clichés whilst also putting a stereotypical Viz comic book spin on them all in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
So now then this comic book strip annual is a whopping two hundred and twenty pages long which is I think the standard for these Viz annuals. However either way tho I can see alot of people whom are currently reading this review being put of by the very long page count but I ask that you all bare in mind the fact that this book is filled up with all of the best bits from a previous years worth of issues and so of course this book is going to have a freaking large page count in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.
Now then this is comedy comic book strip after all and so that means that I have to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very comic book strip book and well then in honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very comic strip book was a very mixed bag of affairs for me personally. Since alot of this books jokes just weren't that funny to me personally but tho at the same time tho when this book does tell a good joke it really does stand out a freaking mile tho in my freaking personal opinions anyways / at least.
Overall this was a rather good comic book strip comic book that was a rather good read but at the same time I could get the sense that this book a huge step down in quality from the last two years books tho in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now i've talked about all of the good things and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very book in this very review and as such that means that this very book erns itself a grand old score of exactly a 6.5 out of 10 from me.
Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official James Bond fandom wiki page , the official Viz fandom wiki page , Amazon . Co . Uk and Google Images. With my personal preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images just simply due / down to the fact that Google Images has alot of images from this film and alot of the images that are on Google Images are fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition.