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Monday, 29 October 2018

Doctor Who "Arachnids in the UK" SPOILERISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Doctor Who fans the show has a habit of making scary episodes and indeed some of the shows best episodes are the ones that have scared us but will this weeks episode be one that puts us behind the sofa or will it be one that has us rolling our eyes well find out in my review of Arachnids in the UK.

The plot of this weeks episode is the team find themselves back in Sheffield only this time there's a problem with the spiders and it's up to our gang of heroes to find out what's going on and put a stop to it. The plot for me was perhaps the weakest aspect of the story just because it's almost very predictable so you know where certain story beats are going before they even happen but tho the bits that you couldn't see coming I thought worked really well.

Guest starring in this episode is Chris Noth as Jack Robertson , Shobna Gulati as Najia Khan and Tanya Fear as Dr Jade McIntyre. Honestly for me some of the guest actors in this episode did a really good job I can't imagine that acting in this episode was easy since the spiders are all CGI so they did a good job in that regard but Tanya was just lacking any emotion for me personally.

Of course also in this episode is Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor , Bradley Walsh as Graham , Tosin Cole as Ryan and Mandip Gill as Yaz. Thank the heavens they gave Yaz something to do in this episode for three straight weeks she's just been in the background doing next to nothing but here she actually plays a part in the main plot of the episode I don't really think that this needs to be said but Bradley is just killing it this series every scene he's in he's great and I cannot wait to see more of him and from here on out there will be mild spoilers so you have been warned.

I saw this on twitter I think it was either the day of the episode or the day before but someone had posted a picture from the IMDB page for this weeks episode which had listed Sharon D. Clarke who of course died in the first episode of this series and I have to say the way she appears in this episode is very much like how Clara appeared in Heaven Sent except this time you actually get to see her face and hear her voice and it fed really well into the grief that Graham is going through.

I don't know if anyone else got these kind of vibes but while watching the episode I was reminded very much of the villains from the Planet Of The Spiders episode from the classic era I was honestly shocked that one of the spiders didn't start talking I really cannot be the only one that was reminded of that episode.

Speaking of story beats that you knew were coming the whole kind of sub plot with the companions choosing to stay with The Doctor we all knew right away that they were all going to stay because they've been featured on pretty much every piece of marketing for this series so there was no way in hell they were going to leave the show after just four episodes if this was say the third episode then I might have been more believable but they chose episode four and this was after all of the trailers have shown them in scenes that weren't in this episode.

This episode was for me at least very creepy and before you say anything I don't actually mind spiders but it's due to the fact that the spiders could come out of know where which to me is a really creepy idea and the fact that they were acting like the giant spider from Return Of The King who was freaking creepy only added to the creep factor to me.

I have to mention the new Time Vortex now i'll admit that I had this spoiled for me on Twitter so I knew it was coming I just didn't know when and when it showed up on screen I was blown away by how stunning it was and how once you go through one hole it then leads to several different holes you can go through and all of the colors just really popped for me that's one of the few things I can say is consistent throughout this series is that everything is visually stunning and it looks like it belongs in a movie.

Overall this episode was never going to be as good as last weeks episode but in terms of scary episodes this one does hold up pretty well it's not the scariest at least in my opinion but then again what might not scare me might scare some of you so this episode gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.#TeamTardis