Hello there movie fans and animation fans with a new My Little Pony movie due out in October i thought i would talk about a few little known documentary's all about Bronies and the first one up is the 2014 film A Brony Tale.
The premise of this film is Ashleigh Ball prepares to visit Bronycon, the unusual fandom of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is explored. It's a really interesting premise as we have a star of the show who actually doesn't know that much about the brony fandom which is great to me because of the fact that she is willing to learn about this culture and not just judge them like most of society does.
Now i have to that altho Ashleigh is on the poster and is in the movie her story isn't the only one we also have several stories from the fans themselves and for me that was really interesting to see we got to see that the Bronies aren't 40 year old bald men there real people who have or have had real things happen to them and that was a really great because it would have been easy to have made the fans 40 year old bald men but the film chooses to focus on real people.
I'll admit that this film does start to drag on a bit near the end but i think that's because that outside of the main story there really isn't enough story to fill out the 80 minuet run time which is where the fan segments come in and while a lot of them are interesting there's alot which are just dull which is no fault of the film's but it's in the film so i have to mention it.
This guy right here is the perfect example of someone who isn't the type of brony you would think of when you first here the word brony why is that i here you ask well because he's actually known as the manliest brony and he actually offers some great insight like for example how boys are expected to like explosions and motorbikes and stuff like that and points out that there's nothing wrong with liking a cartoon made for girls which is true there's nothing wrong with liking a girls cartoon.
What i wasn't expecting from this film and it's something i'm glad about the film takes the time to go into the psychology of the brony culture and it turns out that bronies are the most emotionally stable and happy people out there and i think it's because of the lessons that the show teaches as well as the fact that they get to relax for half an hour and before anyone says it the film interviews two doctors who did a survey and found out that only a small percentage of the people they asked were gay.
As someone who respects voice actors it was great to see Ashleigh in the booth recording lines for the show and she does them as both Applejack and Rainbow Dash so for me it was like the characters were there in the room with me watching the movie which was pretty cool or at least i thought it was cool.
Overall i thought this was a very well done film that did offer some insight into the MLP fanbase and the next film on the subject i might be able to watch and review is Bronies The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony as for A Brony Tale i give it a solid 5.5 out of 10