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Saturday, 12 November 2016

Class "Brave-ish Heart" Review

Hello there Doctor Who and #Class fans here we are again after another cracking episode of this series and here are my thoughts on episode 5 "Brave-ish Heart"

The plot of this weeks episode is the following April must face the terrifying consequences of her actions and confront Corakinus in his alien realm. Meanwhile, the invasion is overwhelming as the gang try to save Earth. Yeah not gonna lie this was a badass episode i just loved this weeks episode from start to finish there was some pacing issues and i loved the way how both stories came together very nicely.

We have the usual cast and they all do a really good job this episode there's not much i can really say about there performances that i havn't already said but they all do a solid job even the actors playing the parents whose names i don't know do a really good job as there essentially being thrust into this world and all the questions they ask are questions that parents would ask in that situation.

For me and i think most of the people who watch this episode will say that the standout character is easily April she's just so badass in this episode in fact for all the episode i just called her April Warrior Princess (if you watched Xena you'll get that joke) but that's just because everything she did reminded me so much of Xena.

We get alot of Shadow Kin action in this episode and in fact all of the action scenes involves them and there King which was great as we didn't really see what they could actually do in episode 1 or in last weeks episode. We also find out more about there mythology which i thought was pretty cool and interesting and i have a feeling we will find out more about them either before or once we get to the series finale in a few weeks.

As mentioned above we get some pretty cool action scenes which i loved it was great to see April use her Shadow Kin swords which just proves that she really can hold her own should she ever get into a fight on earth.

Overall this was a really good episode and it really did live up to the hype that i got from the trailer and i cannot wait for next weeks episode overall i would give this weeks episode a solid 9 out of 10