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Thursday, 14 February 2019

Wonder Woman: The Lies Review

Wonder Woman fans instead of reviewing another movie I thought i'd do something a tad bit different and review a comic book. This arc was the first arc that actually got me into reading Wonder Woman comics and well I thought that since there's no new Wonder Woman media products out now would be the right time to take a look at it so here is my review of Wonder Woman: The Lies.

The plot of this story arc is a jungle god is kidnapping women which means it's up to Steve Trevor to stop him and Wonder Woman is going around wondering why she can't find her way home. In all honesty the plot of the arc is pretty straight forward since it's the first arc in a still ongoing series not all story threads are tied up which is also the problem since you could loose alot of readers before those threads are tied up so it would have been great and served the story well if they got talked about in this arc.

The issues that make up this story is Wonder Woman Rebirth and issues 1 ,3 ,5 ,7 ,9 and 11 altho it is debatable if issue 11 is apart of the story. I say that because on Amazon the description has every issue i've listed except issue 11 plus that issue barely has anything to do with the overall story and more acts as a prequel to the next story arc but I myself do consider it part of this story since it does kind of resolve Diana's plot and if you've seen that issue you'll know why I said it kind of does.

When this arc was first being released DC did something that they havn't done both before and I think since and that's start to story arc's at the exact same time. So in the above listed issues we have the lies and in the others there Wonder Woman: Year One which i've not read in a long time so I can't say if it's any good and I wouldn't read that storyline when it was first released since I was more interested in this one.

This story arc was written by Greg Rucka who has written so many comic books that if I was to name them all i'd be here all day just listing them all. In terms of what I thought about his writing in this story tho it's honestly pretty good i'll admit i'm not expert when it comes to judging others writing but here I got the feeling that the writer is really trying to make this storyline as good as it possibly could be.

The artwork is done by Liam Sharp who is currently doing the artwork for The Green Lantern and I have to say that I hope his art improves in that book. Since in this one it's not that good don't get me wrong it's still impressive but I feel like it could have been so much better. He could have put more energy into the drawings to make them feel more alive and less flat and uninteresting but if you like the art then more power to yeh.

This story lione also reintroduces us to Cheetah who here is Barbara Ann Minerva and is also a friend to Wonder Woman. I have to admit that making these two once enemies now friends is a really interesting angle and one that really could have been explored in this story line but they don't do anything with it it just gets brought up once or twice and that's it and that really is a shame because it would have made for a really interesting story.

I would talk about the action in the book but there honestly isn't that much and even when there is some it's not for long like it only lasts a few panels and that's it. For a Wonder Woman book that does actually make sense because the character is about spreading love at least in my opinion but also I do think that there should have been a few more action scenes just because it's not only what alot of readers are used to but it also would have been a great way to hook in new readers.

Overall this will confuse some new readers since they don't go into detail about Wonder Woman's backstory but it could interest them to go and find out more about the character. That said this is a very enjoyable read I had a good time reading it so this story arc gets a 7 out of 10.