Hello there wrestling fans with Netflix's wrestling series GLOW getting great reviews i thought i'd take a look at a 2012 film about Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling called GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
This is the only documentary i've reviewed where the story of the film is in the actual title so i don't have to explain what it's about but i will say that i;m glad that someone had the courage to tell this story and to get these women who havn't seen each other for decades to take part makes it special.
I admit i can't name all of the people who are in this film since they all have there wrestler names on screen but from what i can workout all of the GLOW girls appear in the movie and what i actually noticed is that one of them actually wrestled for the WWE Ivory herself worked on GLOW but what made me a little sad was seeing that creator David McLane chose not to appear despite being invited to appear in the film.
This film is actually very emotional i wasn't expecting a film about GLOW to be as emotional as it was we find out that one of the girls is living in a nursing home due to her weight crushing her knee's i think that part really got to me because it reminded me so much of the late Andre The Giant except his weight was crushing his back and the only way she can get around now is by wheelchair and ambulance.
Even tho this is called The Story Of The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling they don't actually go into any detail about how GLOW started it skips that bit and goes right into the girls training which was something i personally didn't like just because it's always more interesting seeing how something came to be so i would have liked it if they gave some time to that.
When i said that the story was in the title of the film that was a half truth because there's also another story that happens near the end of the movie which i won't get into but i do think that this person did a great thing by getting in touch with the girls again.
The impression that i got from this film was that everyone involved truly loved each other and in some cases truly loved wrestling and i'm glad that some of them went on to bigger and better things in the world of wrestling.
Overall i'd say that if your a wrestling fan then you might wanna check this out as it is a piece of wrestling history and if your a fan of the Netflix series then you might like this as it's about the real GLOW as for me this film is a 8 out of 10