Doctor Who fans for once i'm really stuck with what to say for an intro if you've seen the episode i'm reviewing then you'll know why and in my opinion we might have just seen not only the best episode of this series but also the best episode of New Who as a whole so here is my review of "Rosa".
The plot of the episode is the Doctor and company find themselves in 1955 Alabama and they meet a very important historical figure. That's really all I can say without giving to much away because you really do need to see this episode there's not really much I can say that won't give away the plot of the episode but I can say that it is worth watching just for the story alone.
Now I was going to start talking about the performances from the leads in next weeks episode but since this episode is so good i'm going to start doing it now in short everyone really does deliver in this episode Jodie I really feel is going to be a highlight in every episode I admit when she was first announced I had my doubts just because I hadn't seen her in anything dramatic but she is really killing it in this series.
In terms of the companions Bradley is so freaking good he's not just there to do the odd funny line and nothing else he does get alot of emotional scenes and that proves how good he is as an actor Tosin Cole is ok not really anything special for me and the same goes for Mandip Gill who does get alot more to do in this episode but she is yet to have a standout moment for me but who knows maybe she will next week.
In terms of guest cast we have Trevor White as James Blake , Joshua Bowman as Krasko and Vinette Robinson as Rosa Parks and I don't really think that it needs saying but the best performer out of all of the guest cast for me is easily Vinette who just simply a joy to watch in this episode I can only imagine what it was like for all of the cast and crew when it came to filming this episode and i'm glad that everyone put in there best efforts.
There we go you've had your warning from now on we will be going full on spoilers just because there's quite alot I have to talk about and one of them is the villain of the episode Krasko in my opinion not enough was done with him they only have him show up once or twice and have him act menacing and that's not enough for me but given how good the overall episode I can forgive them for giving him that much attention.
Doctor Who has always had a history of including historical figures so the fact that they included one in this series wasn't a big shock to me but it did have me worried that they shy away from certain aspects of what made this person so iconic and within the first three minuets I was so happy because we got a scene of someone acting racist and when that scene ended I clapped because I thought that it's the BBC so they won't show it but no they did and not only that they continued to show how racism was back in those days.
What I didn't really think they would shy away from given that two of the members of the core cast are people or color is other people being racist to them and honestly that made me feel for those characters even more and it's not just a one time thing it's something that happens alot during the episode and it gets to the point where The Doctor is almost fearing for there lives because she knows that if they stay there much longer then they'll most likely end up dead.
Given by what i've just said i'd say that this is perhaps the most scariest episode of this series because the villain isn't an alien life form it's real people yes I know that I said that Krasko was the villain but you could also say that the people are the villains of the episode as well and that to me makes this episode so much more scarier because we as people know how other people might react to certain things so if your in fifties America then chances are some people of color will end up dead for no real reason what so ever.
I really liked that for this episode the team took on almost an Ocean's Eleven type of vibe you see them planning everything that there going to do and you see them getting all of the things that there going to use to get the job done to me just seeing that was really fun and it was important to have that sense of fun given how heavy the subject matter of the episode is.
Overall I cannot say how much of a great episode this really was i'm not going to say it's an important one because I think that sort of thing should be left up to time to decide but it's a must watch for me I don't think this needs saying but this episode is going to get a perfect 10 out of 10 from me it's that good and it's the first Doctor Who episode i've reviewed to get that score.
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