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Saturday, 7 April 2018

The Boss Baby: Back In Business Review

Well then here we are with another Dreamworks movie turned into a Netflix TV show and I think it's about time that they learned that not every movie deserves it's own series so here is my review of The Boss Baby: Back In Business.

The plot of this show is as simple as it gets The Boss Baby and Tim have to juggle life at babycorp and being a family but there's also a small story about a character called Bootsy Calico who loves cats and wants to get rid of babies. Yeah the story for the show is pretty much the same as the first movie the problem is the first movie did the story better there was no creativity at all when it comes to the story the story goes where you think it will.

The series doesn't star Alec Baldwin but stars someone who doesn't sound like him in JP Karliak heck they even replaced the kid actor with Pierce Gagnon and both actors don't sound like their original actors. Now it's understandable that they couldn't get back Lisa Kudrow and Jimmy Kimmel but they could have at least got some actors who sounded like them instead we have Hope Levy and David W. Collins.

The only actor they did bring back was Eric Bell Jr. as The Triplets and that's it literally every character who's in the movie has a different actor in the series and the only actors i'd say are decent is the voice actor behind The Boss Baby and the new voice actress for Staci and that's really it everyone else puts in little to know effort.


As you'll know the animation was handled by Dreamworks Animation and while I expected there to be a downgrade in animation quality but at least in the movie the animation looked finished here it just doesn't everything just looks unfinished from the character designs to the way the characters move to me it feels like the makers of the show where given a deadline first and were then told to make the show when it should've been the other way round.

The show does also use some 2D flash animation which honestly doesn't look that bad especially when you compare it to the CGI it's just a shame that the whole show wasn't done using this technique if Trolls: the Beat Goes On! can pull it of then why not this series?.

Now I know what you're thinking " This is a kids show it's not meant to for you so don't be hard on it" well it's for that exact reason that i'm being hard on it because in a world where kids have shows like Adventure Time , Steven Universe and Star Vs. The Forces Of The Evil all of which have proven that kids shows can be smart and challenge you this show right here takes all of there hard work and goes "Nope we just want to show you babies doing things and put in little to no effort" say what you will about the Trolls netflix show but at least there's some kind of effort here there's nothing at all.

Now I know i've said alot of bad things about this show but I did find it funny at times and alot of the jokes came from who i consider to be the best character in the show Staci I could honestly watch a whole series based on her if I were to describe her it would be picture Harley Quinn but as a baby that for me would be the most accurate description.

The theme song for the show a terrible rap song who ever thought to have a rap song open each episode should be fired because that is a terrible idea and the person who thought that the rap song they went with was OK should also be fired because it's freaking terrible it's an insult to the ears I cannot wait for that song to be over because of how bad it is.

Overall this is worse then the trailer for the show at least with The Beat Goes On! I was surprised by how good it was this makes the trailer look fantastic avoid this show at all costs don't even show it to kids it gets a 1 out of 10 from me and that's me being fair.

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