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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Why I Think Superman Is The Best Superhero Movie Ever!!!!!!!!

I make it no secret that Superman aka Superman: The Movie is the best superhero film ever made and yes that includes The Dark Knight in fact if i were to rank my personal top 10 superhero films Superman would be number one and now i'm going to explain why i think it is the best superhero film ever made.

First of we have the fantastic Christopher Reeve who makes this alien human that is something no actor has done not even Henry Cavill can do that but all Chris had to do was give you a look or just flick his hair and you got the sense that Superman was human.

He also made you believe that Superman and Clark Kent could be two different people when he's Superman he stands up tall he doesn't slouch he's confident and witty but when he becomes Clark he slouches all the time he stumbles over his words he's not confident and becomes a bit of a bumbling idiot when around Lois Lane.

Another reason why this film stands out from the rest is the fact that the effects have withheld the test of time if you see the effects in the first Avengers movie you know what year it came out and while they are impressive they don't hold up that well but the effects in this movie do while they do seem dated especially when you compare them to modern day effects they still look fantastic.

The effects in the movie are all practical there's very little to no blue screen indeed the only blue screen or green screen in the whole movie are used in the flying scenes and they still look pretty good although they do look dated here and there but that's just due to what they had at the time.

Gene Hackman in this movie is freaking fantastic just like how Chris Reeve IS Superman Gene Hackman IS Lex Luthor no offense to people who think Jessie is the best thing since slice bread but he has nothing on Gene. Hackman makes the role his own he adds comedy when needed and can at times be quite threatening which is what a good villain should do he also has a very clear and simple plan and he gets about putting that plan into motion right away.

The titles and the theme song in this film are fantastic how often is it now a days that you see a movie that has a title sequence and a great theme song this is sadly a thing that has mostly faded away with the exception of the Bond movies hell the titles are so good that Bryan Singer paid homage to them in Superman Returns there almost as iconic as the theme song it self.

Speaking of the classic Superman theme it is just brilliant to listen it's pleasing on the ears and it gets you excited for the movie and in a strange twist of the fate the song it self actually says the word "Superman" when the title of the film comes on screen i really cannot say anything more about the theme that hasn't already been said but it is epic.

Lastly this film does something no other superhero movie since 1989's Batman has done and that is give us hope all superhero films now seem to think you have to be dark and gritty and that's even true in Captain America: Civil War but this movie proves that you can have fun in a superhero film and that's great because Superman is always about hope and sadly that is something that has been lost with the recent Superman movies.

So then guys those are the reasons why i think Superman is the greatest superhero feature film ever i know i'm going to get alot of hate for this but that's my opinion.

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