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Monday, 21 December 2020

Aeon Flux "Pilot" / Season One Review


Animation fans you've all seen me review alot of animated media before be it films / TV shows or TV show episodes. However there has been one piece of animated media that i've wanted to remove from my never ending but somehow always adding list of things to review and well now i'm finally getting it done and incase your confused about the title I will explain the title of this review later on in the review and so join me as I review the first season / pilot episode of Aeon Flux with the episode oddly enough being called "Pilot" enjoy.

The plot of this episode is Aeon Flux is sent to assassinate a government official all the while a strange disease is going round making people sick and ending with them dying. Just like how Star Wars: Clone Wars relies on it's visuals to tell it's story the same is true for this episode / first season since there are no words of dialog spoken and so you have to pay close attention as to what's going on but let me assure you that the story being told is honestly very well done in my opinion.

As to be expected since there's no dialog spoken in this episode / first season that also means that there's no actors. Which i'm not going to lie I found to be pretty off putting just because i'm so used to hearing in animated media and so to see an entire season of an animated show tell a story with not only no spoken dialog but also have no voice actors was honestly weird for me personally but at the same time it allowed the story to be told in a more naturel way and instead of having people telling you how to feel you can now have those feeling come to you more naturally in my opinion.

Honestly what was fun for me was trying to imagine what this pilot / first season would be like if it had voice actors in it and well truth be told it would still be pretty good. However the pilot / first season loose that something that helped make it stand out from the crowd since if it did voice acting in this pilot episode / first season then it would be just like every other cartoon out there with the only difference being that this was made with adults in mind and not with little kids / teenagers in mind but that's just what I think tho.

Doing the animation for this episode and thus this first season and i'm also assuming the entire show is Pion Animation who are now known as Luk Film and have done animation work for shows such as The Smurfs and Tiny Toon Adventures. As for what I thought of their work on this episode / first season it was honestly really good with the animation being alot better then it really had any right to be and honestly the animation in this episode / first season is alot better then the animation in alot of early nineties TV shows with the animation in this episode / first season looking like it could belong in a feature film the animation in this first episode / first season in that good.

Just to explain the title of this review (as I promised you that I would at the start of this very review) it comes from the fact that the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page , Wikipedia and IMDB have this episode / first season listed under the name "Pilot" however when the series was released on DVD it was labelled as the shows first season. So it really makes it hard to title this review since both titles are technically correct.

To say that this show is adult would be like saying the Simpsons was funny once (no duh) because yeah there's alot of adult scenes in this first episode / first season. Hell there's more blood and gore in this one episode / first season then there is in most R rated slasher horror films i'm honestly surprised that MTV let this episode / first season air unedited because the content in this episode / first season could have cost them alot of sponsors.

One of the guess you could say running jokes of this show and something that started in this first episode / first season is the fact that Aeon Flux dies at the end. This is second thing that makes this show standout (with the other being like I said the show has no actors in this first episode / first season) since no show either before or after Aeon Flux has the main character die at the end of every episode and honestly how they tell that part of the story here while it can be seen as forced it can also be seen as a story that was well told.

You can honestly the entire first season of this show in one sitting why I hear you ask because this episode / the entire first season of Aeon Flux is only twelve minuets and twenty four seconds long. Which yeah is another issues but not in a bad way because this episode is so good that I honestly wanted it to last longer and while the show would eventually get full twenty two minuet episodes that wouldn't be until the show's third season but hey it means that I get to say that I watched an entire season of a show in less then fifteen minuets so that's a plus it's not much of a plus but it's still a plus none the less.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action show that means that I have to talk about the action that's in this first episode / first season. Which sadly is another one of the episodes / first seasons bad things in my opinion since the action in this first episode / first season is so repetitive that it honestly becomes boring but when the action in this first episode / first episode gets creative it can honestly be pretty entertaining but that's just what I think tho.

Overall to say that I thought that this first episode / first season was really freaking good would be huge understatement. Even tho there are many good things and many things that I liked about this first episode / first season there are also somethings that I didn't like about this first episode / first season all of which just like the things that I liked about this first episode / first season have been covered in this very review as such this episode / first season gets an 8.5 out of 10 from this animation fan and no I won't be covering the film anytime soon and nor will I be covering the entire show any time soon either since it would take far to long to do and I just can't be bothered to do so.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page or Google Images. I actually cannot say which would be the best website for use for images from either this episode or anything to do with Aeon Flux since even tho the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page doesn't have that many images the images that they do have are fairly high quality however on the flip side of that is Google Images because even tho they have more of a verity of images not all of them are high definition so I say use whichever website you want to use.




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