Disney fans it's been around two months since I last talked about a Disney Channel show and well there's one show that's been on my mind recently due to how good it was. As such I had to talk about this show just to get it out of my system and I have to say that I had a blast going back and watching this debut episode again just because it's such a well written episode anyways here is my review of the Girl Meets World debut episode also called "Girl Meets World" for some odd reason anyways enjoy the review.
The plot of the episode is Riley Matthews wants to be like her best friend but in the process she looses sight of who she is and so it's up to her parents to remind her and to help her make the world hers. Honestly the summery I gave might not be the best way to describe the episode but it was the best summery that I could give since the story is perhaps the weakest element of the episode not that it's a bad story because it's not but it was also pretty thinly drawn I thought (which did for me at) least make it hard to work what the story even was.
Starring in the episode is Rowan Blanchard as Riley Matthews , Ben Savage as Cory Matthews and Sabrina Carpenter as Maya Hart. Also starring in the episode is Peyton Meyer as Lucas Friar , August Maturo as Auggie Matthews , Corey Fogelmanis as Farkle Minkus , Danielle Fishel as Topanga Matthews , William Daniels as George Feeny , Jackée Harry as Evelyn Rand and Kurt Collins as Dweezil.
In a rather shocking move the acting was honestly really good and I say it was shocking simply because you never expect the acting in live action Disney Channel comedy TV show to be good or even passable.However that isn't the case with this episode with the acting actually being really good which is something that I forgot was the case and so it was really refreshing for me to see good acting in this show as it's something that is very rarely seen in a live action Disney Channel comedy TV show or at least I think it's a rare thing to see anyways.
Unlike the Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy which treated it's legacy characters really freaking badly this show and this episode takes the opposite approach and actually writes the legacy characters really well. This to me is such a good thing because it gives new fans a chance to connect with those characters hopefully in the same way that the older fans did and because these legacy characters are being so well written.
Staying with the writing for this episode the whole episode is honestly really well written in my opinion. This is I think the third time i've seen this episode and I still get hooked by how well written the episode is to me everything about this script minus the weak story is so good I honestly think that this is one of the best comedies to come out of the Disney Channel in a long time because it's so well written and it treats it's characters and the issues that there going through as if there real and not something that's been exaggerated like in most live action Disney Channel comedy TV shows or at least I think so anyways.
Now I can't remember where he said this but writer and co-creator Michael Jacobs said that they chose to litter the show with cameos but rather build on the relationship between Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard) and her best friend Maya Hart (Sabrina Carpenter) which if you ask me is such a good move. Since with that relationship the show starts to fall apart and so you have to make that relationship strong in order for the stories to be more believable and for the characters and there development to seem more real and naturel.
This show does something which I wouldn't have done this early in the shows run and that's have something that could threaten the girls friendship or have one them not be friends with the other. Simply because it means nothing this early on in the shows run since we know that there going to become friends again in just a few minuets as such all tension and drama is lost as such I feel that something like that should have been saved for any of the seasons finale or the show's final episode since then it would mean more since we've had the time to get to know the characters and have hopefully have started to care for and about them.
To me this show shouldn't have been cancelled by Disney at all since it's a very good example of what good Disney Channel comedy TV show could be like when it's well written. Now that this show was cancelled there are no good live action Disney Channel TV comedy shows on there all just the same happy go lucky type of show which for every once in a while is fine but when every show is that kind of show it starts to get boring.
Now then boys and girls since this is a comedy this means that we have to talk about the jokes that are in the episode. I have to say that honestly the jokes were the best thing about the episode just because alot of the jokes honestly had me laughing and laughing hard that's how good the jokes were in this episode and for me to say that is a very rare thing in deed and so you know that it's true and it means something when I say it here.
Overall this is how you do a good live action Disney Channel TV comedy series because not only is the episode really funny which is the most important thing. It's characters both new and old are also really well written and well acted and in terms of the newer cast also well cast , however that doesn't make this a perfect episode infact i've talked about some the episodes faults in this very review as such this episode gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.
All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Disney fandom wiki page or the official Girl Meets World TV Series fandom wiki page. Since the overall majority of the images that I used came from the official Girl Meets World TV Series fandom wiki page I have no choice to but recommend that you use the official Girl Meets World TV Series fandom wiki page if you want images from either this episode , the show or any of the show's episodes.
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