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Monday, 14 September 2020

The Mandalorian "Chapter 4: Sanctuary" Review


Star Wars fans out of all the Star Wars entries i've reviewed the one that i've given the least amount of attention to is arguably the one thing that is the most true to everything Star Wars was right now. Out of all the Star Wars products that Disney has brought the thing that i'm basing a review on is one of the few things that pretty much all Star Wars fans agree is good and so I thought i'd take a look chapter four of The Mandalorian with the episode being called "Sanctuary" enjoy the review.

The plot of the episode is The Mandalorian and the world's cutest baby ever have to hide out on a small planet and while there they along with an ex shock trooper in order to help some of the planets inhabitants. I'll admit that the story honestly wasn't what I was expecting and that's honestly a good thing because as dark as this show can get it's nice to see an episode that's a little bit light hearted and the fact that the story was honestly good is for me at least a really good thing.

Starring in this episode is Pedro Pascal as The Mandalorian , Gina Carano as Cara Dune and Julia Jones as Omera. Also starring in the episode is Isla Farris as Winta , Asif Ali as Caben , Eugene Cordero as Stoke , Tiffany Thomas as Sorgan Farmer #3 , Aydrea Walden as Sorgan Farmer #4 , Trula Marcus as Sorgan Farmer #5 , Sala Baker as Klatooinian Raider Captain and Ida Darvish as Common House Proprietor.

The acting in this show has got alot of praise from both fans and none fans of Star Wars and it's honestly really easy to see why. Since the acting in this episode is honestly really freaking good try as I might I cannot find a single bad performance in this episode and that's because all of the actors in the episode are really giving it there all and because the script is so good that the actors have no choice to but deliver a good performance.

Providing the CGI for this series and thus this episode is Industrial Light & Magic , Image Engine Design , BOT VFX , Base FX and Hybride Technologies. The CGI is where I have some issue with the episode because while it is indeed really good there are some effects that really don't look that good and feel like they could have done with a little bit more time just to make them up to the shows already high standard.

To me at least this issue really comes into focus with the AT-ST aka the chicken walker just because it looks like something that you'd see in a late Playstation 3 video game. Which is a shame because there's are some shots where the make the AT-ST actually look pretty creepy but then you get a real good look at you see that it doesn't really look as good as the other effects in this show or even in this episode for that matter.

I've made it known a few times in the past that I don't like the Star Wars sequel trilogy due to the fact that they don't represent anything that Star Wars is or could be. Well with this episode we get to see what Star Wars is because it's made by people who actually like Star Wars the franchise is built of on the concept of good and evil with the idea that even the smallest person can make the biggest difference.

That is something that we see in this episode since The Mandalorian and Cara Dunne are pretty much forced to recruit the village's inhabitants in order to fight this people. I honestly feel that if the villagers hadn't been recruited and trained then both The Mandalorian and Cara Dunne would be dead as would most like Baby Yoda and so the smallest thing can make the biggest difference which in this case is the villagers.

Now for some reason people have been going after the one person who can take them down with out breaking a sweat Gina Carano. As far as I can tell this dates back several months when Gina refused to tweet anything either for or against black lives matter which she is well within her right to do and it's kicked up again because she's refusing to put pronouns in her bio please note that the same people who are attacking her and are demanding that Disney fire her are the same people that demand strong female characters in movies and TV shows and now that they have one in Cara Dunne they want to get rid of the actress just because she doesn't do anything that they want her to do , i've seen some of the tweets they've been sending her there are some demanding that Disney fire her from The Mandalorian and there are some calling her a fat ugly bithc which if you've seen the above image you'll know that all three of those statements are anything but true.

Back to the episode because I do have one more issues with the episode and that's the running time since this episode should be at least an hour long and not nearly forty minuets. Since with a longer running time the story can flow better and not feel rushed which sadly with this shorter running timer and as a result your not given the chance to care for any of the guest characters or there situation nor is there any time given to building up tension which for the final scene is something that you really do need.

Now then since this is an action show and there is action in this episode that means that we have to talk about the action in this episode. I honestly that the action in this episode is for a TV show really good granted they only have two actions scenes in the whole episode but the action is honestly really fun to watch and any action sequence with Gina Carano is always a plus for me just because she is such a bada** in my opinion.

Overall this was honestly a really good episode in my opinion and like I said is a good example of what Star Wars is when it's handled by people who are actual fans of the franchise. As i've said in this review there are some issues with the episode but for me at least while those issues or issues that are fixable they didn't take away from my enjoyment of the episode which is always a good thing as such this episode gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from the official The Mandalorian fandom wiki page , the official Star Wars fandom wiki page and Google Images. I have to say that even tho the official Star Wars fandom wiki page has some very high definition images i'm going to say use the official The Mandalorian fandom wiki page for images from either this episode or this show just because there's more to choose from and just based of the ones I saw they seem to all be very high definition.

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