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Sunday, 23 August 2020

Superman: Man Of Tomorrow Review


Ladies and gents we have a tradition here which is whenever a new DC direct to DVD movie comes out I get the review out the exact same day. Well a new animated direct to DVD DC film has just been released and sadly due to all the news that came out either yesterday or during the night depending on where you live not alot of people are going to know about or talk about this film and so here is my review of "Superman: Man Of Tomorrow" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is Lobo and a creature known as Parasite have there sights set on a new superhero called Superman and so it's up the last son of krypton and his new friend J'onn J'onzz to stop them before it's to late. I honesty feel that the plot of this movie is perhaps it's weakest aspect since it's so thin that at times it left me wondering what the actual plot of the movie was which should never be the case for any kind of movie direct to DVD or not.

Starring in the film are Darren Criss as Clark Kent/Superman , Alexandra Daddario as Lois Lane and Star Trek reboot film franchise star Zachary Quinto as Lex Luthor. Also starring in the film is former Agents Of Shield star Brett Dalton as Parasite , Ryan Hurst as Lobo , Ike Amadi as J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter , The Janitor himself Neil Flynn as Jonathan Kent , Bellamy Young as Martha Kent , Piotr Micheal as Perry White and Jessica Cruz voice actress the one and only Cristina Milizia as Maya, Petey and Kaylie.

The acting in the film I feel to be one of the film's stronger aspects since alot of the actors in this film do a really job at portraying these iconic characters. Just because the acting is one of the best things about the film doesn't however mean that alot of the acting is that good because it's not there are some fairly average performances coming from some solid actors and that to me at least brings the film down since a story like this demands solid performances from all of the cast not just a small majority of the cast.

Doing the animation for the film is a company called The Answer Studio don't worry if you haven't heard of them I honestly haven't done either. After seeing the animation in this film tho i'm inclined to see what else they've worked on since the overall quality of the animation in this film I felt to be rather good altho with that being said there was one thing that bugged me and that was the rather thick lines they give the characters which to me was very distracting and it really wasn't needed in the film in my opinion since it took me out of the film at various points and it just looked weird on any of the characters.

Now this film was due to have it's premier take place yesterday during DC Fandome but for some reason the premier was cancelled. The official story being that they wanted to avoid the film being pirated which given that the film was getting a digital release a few hours later seems a rather bad reason to cancel the premier since alot of people will most likely use other methods to see this film anyways.

As mentioned this film came out when DC was holding there big DC Fandome event where they dropped alot of news. As such I feel that this movie is going to get swept under the rug just due to all the news that came out of the event and all the trailers that they dropped which is a shame because I do feel that this is a good movie and as such I do feel that people should talk about this movie even if it's just in there mouths for a few hours.

As you can no doubt work out by the fact your seeing this review on a Sunday DC chose to release this film on a Sunday instead of there traditional release of Tuesday. On the one hand I can see why they chose to do this because again DC Fandome was the night before and so people would be in this DC craze but at the same time I feel that releasing it on a Tuesday would help the movie more since alot more people would be in tuned to buy the movie then because that's what they are more used to buying the movie.

Now as the plot synopsis would tell you this is basically an origin movie for the character of Superman but the issue with that is we know that he's going to make it out alive. This isn't really a knock on the film since telling an origin film for Superman is indeed a good idea and while there are certain things that I can't talk about due to spoilers your just going to have to trust me when I say that this idea could have been done better.

This film is one of the longer direct to DVD DC films with the film cocking in at one hour and twenty six minuets long. Which to me is a bit on the long side for this film which honestly could have told this story just fine in hour and fifteen minuets but as it is there are portions of the film which do feel boring and stretched out which did cause me to loose interest in the film at several points which is honestly something that i've never said before now and is something that I hope to never say again at any point in the future.

Now then since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Which like the acting is one of the films more stronger elements since the action in the film I feel is very entertaining and is honestly where the film shines since we get to see alot of really cool looking stuff happen hell even Parasite gets some cool moments in the final action scene and without giving anything away Parasite does something in the final battle which made me think of Godzilla i'm not saying what but when you see the film you'll know exactly what i'm talking about.

Overall this is a really solid film i'm not going to say that it's the best direct to DVD DC animated film out there but it's not the worst one either. To me this film feels very middle of the road since for everything that it gets right it gets alot more wrong which is a shame because on paper this film could be really good hell on paper it should be one of the best DC animated direct to DVD films but it's just not as such this film gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me.

All images used in this review were gathered from either the official DC movies fandom wiki page , Google Images and the official Batman fandom wiki page. I have to say due to the fact that the official DC movies fandom wiki page only has two images the best place to get images for this film is easily Google Images even tho they range from high definition to pretty low definition it's better then nothing at all and if you want to buy this film it's out right now on digital platforms and well be out on both DVD and blu-ray on September 8th 2020.

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