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Monday, 6 January 2020

Doctor Who Reviews: Spyfall Part 2 SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Doctor Who fans another week has gone and that means another new episode of everyone's favourite show has indeed aired. I will admit that this episode was kind of a let down in some respects and some of the questions I had didn't get answered but i'll get more into that as the review goes on as well as something that might possibly be getting setup as a season long arc and so here is my review of Spyfall Part 2.

The plot of the episode is after Wednesdays jaw dropping twist The Doctor finds her self separated from the rest of the gang and must work her way back to them as well as save the human race. As is to be expected this part of the story is just wrapping up the previous episode (duh it's part 2 of a two part episode) but I personally felt that this part of the story wasn't as good as part one was simply because it wasn't as fun to see the events play out.

In the guest cast for this episode we have Sylvie Briggs as Ada Lovelace , Aurora Marion as Noor Inayat Khan , Mark Dexter as Charles Babbage , Lenny Henry as Daniel Barton and i'm so glad I can finally put him here because everyone has seen the first episode Sacha Dhawan as O / The Master. As well as series main cast members Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor , Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien , Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair and Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this episode bravo to the cast because they really did knock it out of the park all of the actors both guest and regular really did a great job in this episode in my opinion. As for who I thought was the best actor in this whole two part story without a shadow of a doubt it was easily Sacha Dhawan who is just fantastic to watch as The Master who is obviously having a great playing this character and it really does show in his performance.

 SPOILERS START HERE SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Gallifrey is a pile ash and rock pretty much I will admit that when this scene first appeared I guessed right away who was responsible for it and I was right it was The Master. Which doesn't really make that much sense to me it just doesn't seem like something that character would do let us not forget this was the same person that ran away from the time war and who has helped the doctor against the timelords and yet we're supposed to believe that he destroyed his home planet.

Luckily tho they do set up something which could possibly last through the whole of this series and that's the timeless child. Whatever that is and what ever lies both the doctor and the master were told it must have been bad because after the doctor finds out she really doesn't speak to her friends for a few days so what ever lies they were told it must be something earth shattering to have them both react in shock.

I don't know why but there's something just right about The Master posing as a Nazi I don't know why but when he first showed up in full on Nazi gear it just felt right to me. Altho I personally would have made him higher up in the Nazi ranks just because again it would feel so right and so in character for him of course he would want to be in charge of his platoon because he'd want to be the boss.

What was also interesting is that while travelling between times for a TARDISless Doctor might seem like seconds for the Master at least in the third act it's decades. That was such a cool idea for me and yet it also raises the question on how the master could have been better prepared since he knew he'd be facing of against the doctor and her companions so why didn't he have some allies with him to tip the power in his favour incase his plan went badly wrong.

One of the things that I wanted for this episode was for it to answer how The Master or how this version of the character came to be. Sadly tho we didn't get that answered so like many Doctor Who fans i'm going by the theory that this version of the character is the one between the John Simm version and Missy just because that's the one that makes the most sense to me but it is something that i'd like the show to answer for sure in a future episode.

Another thing I wanted from this episode was for Yaz to get more screen time and she didn't but this time all of the companions didn't really get alot of screen time or anything to do. So yeah I can't really fault the team for giving Yaz less screen time in this episode because they did same to all of the companions but at the same she's the least developed character so there should have been some focus put on her just to develop her character.

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall this was a bit of a let down when compared to the previous episode mostly for the reasons that i've already said and also because some of the newer characters don't get as fleshed out as they possibly could. It is however still a really good episode and like I said on Wednesday it gives me high hopes for the way that this series is progressing and so this episode score a 7 out of 10 from me and i'll see you alot sooner then you think Doctor Who fans.

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