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Wednesday, 30 December 2020

My Top 5 Worst And Best Films Of 2020


Ladies and gentlemen this is something that I usually do on December 31st however i'm writing this review a day early simply because I cannot think of a single thing to review. I think it's safe to say that 2020 has been a terrible year for reasons that you all know and it's because of those reasons that alot of films either got delayed until next year or were dumped onto one of the thousands (or possibly millions) of streaming services and so instead of producing a top ten films of the year i've been forced to spilt this post in half with the first five films being my worst films of 2020 and the second half being my best films of 2020 and the rules will be the same those being I have to have seen the film in the question then film in question has to have had a UK release date of 2020 and so let's get this post started shall we.




Perhaps the worst sin that this film commits is the fact it's boring and is very easily forgotten i'm honestly sat here right now i'm trying to think of anything that happened in that film and I can't think of anything. This film really wasn't needed we didn't need another film adaptation of Ju-On: The Grudge and it doesn't help that as far as I ca remember the film does nothing original so it's a pointless remake / sequel to the American the grudge films.


Now you'd be forgiven for thinking that there wasn't any comic book movies released this year however there was a very small amount of comic book films that did get released both on Christmas Day and in February of 2020. Sadly this film does start of a small trend for the next few entries in this list since this film is pretty I can't say that's as bad as another comic book film on this list but yeah this film is bad because it takes a cool idea of having a human be enhanced by something to give them superpowers and it somehow makes that idea dull and bland.


This is a film that i've been looking forward to for literally years since the film was meant to be released back in 2018. This film just like Bloodshot and even the next film on this list had the potential to be good but it just didn't live up to it mostly because of the fact that the film had been delayed so many times that it became ridiculous but also because the film has bad writing , slightly bad acting and just does a bad job at being a horror themed superhero movie or just being a movie in general since none of the characters are likeable the film isn't scary in the slightest in my humble opinion.


Now I know that this is going to upset alot of you but i'm one of the many , many , many people that didn't like this film. To say that I hated this film would be like The Mandalorian is a good TV show and the best thing in Star Wars right now (no duh) every little thing that this film could do wrong it does do wrong hell it doesn't make the titular Birds Of Prey team the main characters it instead makes Harley Quinn the main character which trust me is just the very tip of the ice berg when it comes to the amount of things that I didn't like about this film.

1) American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules

I'm just going to be blunt as hell here this film is really freaking bad all this film is is gender swapped version of the original American Pie and nothing more. This film is more bothered with shoving an agenda down your throats then it is about being a good film hell this film is more interested about reminding you of the original American Pie then it is about being aa good film there's nothing redeeming about this film whatsoever and it's one that should be avoided at all costs in my humble opinion.


5) Scoob!

You know it really is something when the first film in my best of 2020 films list is at best OK but like I said at the start of the post due to alot of films either getting delayed or dumped on a streaming service the fact that there was enough films to even make a top 5 worst list is astounding. This film is honestly really freaking entertaining and it does a good job of bringing the Mystery Inc gang into the twenty first centaury but I do wish that the film makers had gone with the current official voice cast instead of using celebrities but at least they brought back Frank Welker to voice Scooby-Doo so there's that at the very least.


Now for all of you who are getting ready to bite my head of that this isn't higher on the list let me explain. It's at number four not because it's bad film because it isn't it's honestly a really good film but it's because the following three films are films that I happen to like more then this film but like I said this is still a good film since it tells a good story and is in my opinion one of the most fun films to come out this year and i say bring on Sonic The Hedgehog 2 because they are working on a sequel and yes I will be covering it when the sequel which currently has no title with the sequels current release date being April 8th 2022.


Now it was very hard for me to choose which film went in this spot since in my opinion both films are really good. I will fully admit that Wonder Woman 1984 isn't as good as the first solo live action Wonder Woman film from 2017 which was also called Wonder Woman (duh) but in my opinion this film is still a really fun film to watch and it's full of good acting and really good action but that's just my humble opinion tho.


I went with this one over Wonder Woman 1984 because this film was very visually stunning in my opinion. I cannot put into words how much I was looking forward to seeing this film because the words simply haven't been invented yet and while this film didn't live up to my own person expectations this film is easily one of the best films of the year and I say one of the best films of the year because there's another film which is slightly better in my own humble opinion.


Wolfwalkers for me is easily better then Soul since it does every little thing that Soul gets right but it does those things better in my opinion. Everything about this film is just simply stunning from the animation , to the music and the acting it all just works really well in this film and like with The New Mutants this is a film that i've been looking forward to watching for years but whereas The New Mutants didn't live up to my expectations this film exceeded them.

To cut a very long part of the post short I used various fandom wiki pages for alot of the images that I used in this post with the exception on the American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules poster which I got from Google Images and I used Google Images for the 2020 logo / whatever you want to call it at the start of the post. In this case it would be pointless for me to say which website would be best to use since im not talking about one particular thing here but I will say that the fandom wiki page's do nine times out of ten have high definition images.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Viz: The Wizard's Sleeve Annual 2021 Review


Viz fans it's been along time since I last talked about anything to do with Viz comics and well as luck would have it one of my presents for Christmas this year was the latest Viz annual. As such since there's a bit of a tradition going on here where I review each Viz annual when it comes out or when I get my hands on the annual it only makes sense that I review the latest annual and so here is my review of "Viz: The Wizard's Sleeve" enjoy.



For some reason this annual features alot of Biffa Bacon which for those that don't know Biffa Bacon is meant to be an average lad but he lives in a world dominated by violence. As such Biffa often finds himself in brutal but comical fights often with his own parents and for some reason in this annual the character is featured quite alot which wouldn't be an issue if the character was good or his stories really funny but sadly there not and Biffa and both of his parents aren't that good characters and so his stories just come of as dull and if i'm being honest kind of boring in my very humble opinion.


The character of Mr. Logic does appear in few strips which is good because I find his stories to be pretty funny and the same is true here. I just love that even tho this character is very good natured he more often then not ends up in more danger or trouble then what he was in originally due to his insistence of using logic and giving people these very longwinded talks about how to reached whatever conclusion he was trying to reach.


Lastly in the characters that i'm listing we have my personal favourite characters from Viz The Fat Sl*gs. I just adore these characters because not only do you get a good sense of who each of the characters are in each strip that they appear in but you could literally put these characters in any location and in case of this annual time and give them any kind of set up and it would be funny and i'll fully admit that there strips in this annual got alot of laughs out of me just due to how funny there comic strips were in my opinion.

There are alot of characters who appear quite alot in this annual and so I chose not to include them all since I would be here all day listing them all. However as you can no doubt tell by the character's that i've listed alot of the old favourite Viz characters are featured in this annual and alot of them do have some really funny storylines but at the same time characters like 8Ace only have one storyline and our featured several times and in the case of 8Ace it's that he's trying to find money to buy some beer and that's that's the story which would be fine if 8Ace appeared once but he makes a few appearences in this annual and it's all just variations of the exact same story.

As to be expected by now they don't list who's doing the artwork for each comic strip anywhere in the annual as such I cannot tell you who's doing the art work for what strip. However in terms of what I thought about the artwork that was featured in this annual it wasn't that bad with alot of comic strips having some really good art work of course the artwork isn't perfect which is to be expected but the artwork is in the minority in this case with there being alot more better drawn comic strips then there are comic strips in this annual that aren't drawn as well as the other comic strips in this annual.

There are some characters that don't make an appearance in this years annual for some reason like for example Buster Gonad is nowhere to be found. Which I found to be rather odd since from what I could gather Buster Gonad was a fairly popular character as well as a character who appeared in alot of issues of Viz Comics and so it would make sense for him to show up even once in this annual but nope him and a few other characters (who I cannot remember the names of right now) don't appear at all in this annual.

Now then since Viz Comics / Viz Magazine is a comedy comic / magazine that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes that are in this years annual. Which for me personally the jokes in this years annual weren't that funny don't get me wrong there are some really good jokes like for example alot of the newspaper stuff is really funny as are alot of the letters that are featured in the annual but alot of comic strips just either didn't make me laugh or had a very weak punchline which for Viz is never a good thing since the guys and girls over at Viz can make anything funny but they just didn't with alot f the comic strips that are featured in this years annual.

Overall while this years annual is indeed very good and can be very funny at times as i've mentioned in this review. They put alot of focus onto unfunny and uninteresting characters and tell the exact same story with the same character in multiple comic strips in the same annual but I do recommend this to any Viz Comics / magazine fan just because it's filled with the same Viz goodness that many of us know and love as such this years annual which as the title of this review says is called "Viz: The Wizard's Sleeve" gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either Amazon UK , Google Images , the official Viz fandom wiki page or the official Albion British Comics Database Wiki fandom wiki page. I honestly have no idea which would be the best website to use for images mostly because there aren't that many images out there when it comes to this annual and so you have to know what characters you want to feature and look up the images individually which means that the image quality really does vary as such i say use whichever website you want to use but I will say that Google Images is a very good place to start since you can get alot of images from Google Images but that's just me being helpful tho you guys feel free to use whichever website you want to images from either this annual or anything to do with Viz Comics / magazine.


Sunday, 27 December 2020

AEW Dynamite Episode One Review


Guys and girls even tho as pretty much all of you will know i'm a huge wrestling fan and yet i've never actually reviewed a wrestling show before. Well i'm hopefully going to be changing that because if this post does well i'll look into reviewing more wrestling episodes and since this is basically a pilot how this review might not be how the other reviews go should this review do well that is and so join my as I review the first ever episode of "AEW: Dynamite" enjoy.

Firstly i'm doing this review based of the ITV version of the episode which I didn't realise cut the episode in half and so half of the matches are missing. This right here is a huge issue for me personally because when i'm doing a review I like to watch the whole product start to finish and as it turns out the ITV cut of the episode is the only one that's online which means I can't view all of the matches which is a shame because alot of the talent on this opening card is really good and so I wish that ITV had aired the full two hour show instead of cutting it down to forty six minuets.

The set for AEW: Dynamite while it is indeed a very nice looking set to me it looks like the set that TNA / Impact Wrestling used in the mid 2000's. However tho TNA / Impact Wrestling used that set better in my opinion because they had it where if you were a face you'd come out of one of the set's two tunnels and if you where a heel then you'd come out of the other AEW tho doesn't do that instead having both faces and heels come out of the same tunnel which to me makes the other tunnel pointless because it's just sitting there doing nothing.

There's also a chandelier type object above entrance way which as far as I can tell is there simply to cover up the gap between the two main video screens. Like I said the set isn't that bad and it does look very nice but at the same time they could have done alot better with the set so that there using as much space as they can and not just having large amounts of empty set to waiting to be filled in but for the brands first set it's not that bad.

Our opening match is "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhoades who is being accompanied by his wife and future mother of his kid Brandi Rhoades as Cody takes on "The Best Ever" Sammy Guevara. Out of the two full matches (damn you ITV) that I was able to see this was the better match in my opinion just due to how technical the match was plus the feeling that I got from this match is that it could possibly lead to something down the ling which I can't recall if it did or not but based on this match I want to see Cody and Sammy Guevara wrestle each other again just because the two have great chemistry together in the ring.

One thing that really sort of stood out for me personally is the fact that for the first match at least Tony Schiavone cannot stop talking about the last time WCW was on TNT. We get it Tony Schiavone you worked for WCW back in the day you don't need to bring it up every chance you got speaking of the commentary Jim "It's Ross Time" Ross , Tony Schiavone and Excalibur do a solid job altho it's mostly just Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talking while Excalibur just stands there saying nothing for large portions of both matches.

The matches that I sadly didn't get to see at least on the copy of the episode that I have are MJF vs Brandon Cutler. As well as PAC vs Hangman Page and Riho vs Nyla Rose altho I did get to see the final few minuets of the Riho vs Nyla Rose match due to those few minuets being up on Youtube but in really bad quality , it's a shame that I got to miss these matches because most of the wrestlers involved are really good wrestlers and I would have liked to have seen those matches.

I really cannot find any faults in this first show because in terms of debut shows this is honestly one of the more better ones. I know that this will make alot of die hard WWE fans angry but to me this episode of AEW Dynamite is alot better then alot of the stuff that WWE  was putting out when this show debuted in 2019 so much so in fact that I believe AEW Dynamite bear WWE NXT several weeks in a row in terms of ratings but I could be wrong there so don't quote me on that.

One of the other travesties is the fact that ITV cut the Kevin Smith appearance I say it was just Kevin Smith's appearance because just after they do the intro to the show and we go live to the arena for the first time I could have swore that we saw Jason Mewes in the crowd. So ITV cut Silent Bob's appearance on the show but they kept Jay's which to me makes no sense since Kevin Smith is the bigger name and so it would have made alot more sense to keep his appearance on the show in the UK / ITV cut of the episode.

Like I said at the start of the review this episode at least in the UK runs for forty six minuets and thirty two seconds. Which in my opinion is a decent amount of time for a debuting brand / company / wrestling show just because it gives you enough time for your wrestlers who are wrestling on that particular show to show what they can do and the audience at home isn't left bored the issue that I have with the episode is the fact that ITV cut down a two hour show to forty six minuets and thirty seconds and so alot of stuff ends being cut and there's a few awkward cuts because of it.

The final match on the show is a six man tag team match with The Elite ( The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega) taking on Chris Jericho , Santana & Ortiz. In my opinion this match suffered due to the fact that it was on last and the fact that ITV only but this show on for barely fifty minuets which sadly means there are a few awkward cuts here and there but the match it self is honestly really good with both teams getting in alot of good high impact moves and it's here where the commentary team do a good job of selling the Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley since when Moxley does interfere the commentary go insane as well as make it point to point out how destructive and violent Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley are when they are wrestling each other plus we get to see a cool spot where Kenny Omega suplex's Jon Moxley through a glass table which was awesome in my opinion.

Overall this is a solid first episode you can tell that AEW (All Elite Wrestling) is going to be some competition either for WWE or for TNA / Impact Wrestling which in the end can only be a good thing since competition is healthy since it forces you to keep your product fresh and exciting. I'm not going to lie and say that this episode was perfect but alot of the faults that I found with the episode tended to be more from ITV's side of things rather for AEW's (All Elite Wrestling) side of things as such this episode gets a solid 8.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from the official Pro Wrestling fandom wiki page (which is just called Pro Wrestling) or Google Images. Honestly I cannot say where it's best to get images from this particular episode of AEW Dynamite from since even tho the official Pro Wrestling fandom wiki page has more of a verity of images the one image that I got of Google Images which was of the AEW Dynamite set was over five megabytes so I say use whichever website you want to use since image quality wise chances are there going to be the exact same on either website.

So there we have it guys and girls my first ever wrestling show review is done and in the can I admit I wasn't quite sure how I was going to tackle this review since i'm more use to reviewing movies and other TV episodes but once I started writing this review it just came to me so please let me know how you think I did on this review and if there are things that I need to improve upon and please note that if I do do more of these wrestling show reviews they will only be episodes of the weekly shows just because they are alot easier to watch where as with a PPV i'd be sat there for three and half hours if not more.



Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Friends "The Pilot" Review


Ladies and gentlemen there are alot of TV shows that I want to base reviews n and alot of them I simply haven't gotten around to covering. One of those can now be ticked of since as you can see by the title i'm doing a review based of the first episode of a show that I loved growing up and I have to say going back to this first episode felt weird since i'm used to seeing these characters looking older and not younger and so here is my review of the pilot episode of Friends which is known by many names but i'm just calling it "The Pilot" enjoy.

Now here I would normally disclose what the plot of the episode is and give you my thoughts on the plot but the episode did me a favour and didn't include a plot. Instead all the pilot episode is is just a bunch of scenes whose sole purpose is to tell jokes which since this is a comedy show it makes alot of sense that the scenes are there jus to lead up to a joke but at the same time it would have been nice if there was a story being told since it would then give your show a reason to exist even if the story is just about Rachel who meets the gang in this episode is just trying to get to know the gang even a story as simple as that would still work because it's still a good and simple story and doing simple stores is what this show is good at doing in my opinion.

Starring in the episode is future A list actresses Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Greene , future Scream franchise star  Courteney Cox as Monica Geller and Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay. Also starring in the episode is Matt Le Blanc as Joey Tribbiani , Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing , David Schwimmer as Ross Geller , John Allen Nelson as Paul the Wine Guy , Clea Lewis as Franny and Cynthia Mann as Jasmine.

For their first episode the cast really do knock it out of the park in my opinion with all of the main six actors giving some really funny performances. Honestly I can't really find that much wrong with the episode when it comes to the acting since the acting is exactly what you expect from a pilot episode in that it's good but there's clearly room to grow which for me at least is a good thing because it would be hard for anyone to keep on delivering great acting on a weekly basis but here the six main actors have room to grow and improve and they do improve over the shows ten years.

One of the things that i'd say this show is famous for it's the dance that the main six actors do in the show's opening. However what I didn't know is that this pilot episode is the only episode in the show's entire run to feature the full dance and while I do like the opening to this show alot I can see why it was trimmed down a bit since it does take a while for the intro to end which given this show isn't that long you need all the running time that you can get.

Now I could be mistaken but I do believe that this episode uses a laugh track but like I said I could be very well be wrong. If it does use a laugh track I have to wonder why they used a laugh track because alot of the jokes are genuinely funny on there own and if they didn't use a laugh track then I have to give them credit because they had a lot of funny jokes in this episode and yes I will be talking about the jokes later on in this review.

This episode has a running time of twenty two minuets and forty nine seconds so let's round that up to twenty two minuets and fifty seconds. Which oddly feels about right for this episode since there's not story going on at all but at the same time it feels alot longer then that because of the fact that there's no story going on and so that does make the episode feel a bit boring at times which is never a good thing since if your a film , TV show / episode / book / video game / comic book or whatever you always want your auidence to be entertained and the only way that you can do that is by having a story which as i've mentioned is something that this episode lacks.

Now i'm not kidding when I say this but this is a show that I grew up with and I mean that in the literal sense since I was four when this show started airing. This is one show that I can never escape since even now sixteen years after the show ended I still cannot escape the show since it's repeated a lot on a lot of various different channels / networks and honestly I love that fact since this show is lighthearted fun and given that it's 2020 we need a bit of light hearted fun right now due to everything that's going on in the world.

Now then boys and girls this is a comedy and so that means that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the episode itself. If i'm being honest the jokes in this episode are were the episode shines best in my opinion simply because the jokes in this episode are freaking funny while yes there are some jokes that didn't get a laugh they were few and far between and they very quickly followed up those unfunny jokes with jokes that were really funny or at least least I thought that the jokes in this episode were funny and like I say all comedy is subjective and so what I found funny you guys might not find funny and what I didn't find funny you guys might find to be really freaking funny.

Overall this was honestly a really solid episode in my opinion and like I said at the start of the review it was weird seeing the cast so young since i'm so used to seeing the cast a bit older. I'm not going to say that this episode is perfect because it's honestly not and all the issues that i've had with the episode i've covered in this review but at the same time there are alot of good things in the episode and just like all the things that I didn't like about the episode all the things that I did like about the episode i've also talked about in this review as such this episode gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Friends fandom wiki page or Google Images. Since I got the vast majority of the images that I used in this review from the official Friends fandom wiki page I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use the official Friends fandom wiki page since even tho there aren't that many images either from this episode or from the either the show or it's spin off show called "Joey" the images that they do have are fairly high quality which for me at least is an important thing when i'm creating a review with the other being if i'm reviewing a TV episode (like with this review) then is there an episode by episode cast list but that's only important if i'm reviewing a TV episode and it isn't important if i'm reviewing a movie.



Monday, 21 December 2020

Aeon Flux "Pilot" / Season One Review


Animation fans you've all seen me review alot of animated media before be it films / TV shows or TV show episodes. However there has been one piece of animated media that i've wanted to remove from my never ending but somehow always adding list of things to review and well now i'm finally getting it done and incase your confused about the title I will explain the title of this review later on in the review and so join me as I review the first season / pilot episode of Aeon Flux with the episode oddly enough being called "Pilot" enjoy.

The plot of this episode is Aeon Flux is sent to assassinate a government official all the while a strange disease is going round making people sick and ending with them dying. Just like how Star Wars: Clone Wars relies on it's visuals to tell it's story the same is true for this episode / first season since there are no words of dialog spoken and so you have to pay close attention as to what's going on but let me assure you that the story being told is honestly very well done in my opinion.

As to be expected since there's no dialog spoken in this episode / first season that also means that there's no actors. Which i'm not going to lie I found to be pretty off putting just because i'm so used to hearing in animated media and so to see an entire season of an animated show tell a story with not only no spoken dialog but also have no voice actors was honestly weird for me personally but at the same time it allowed the story to be told in a more naturel way and instead of having people telling you how to feel you can now have those feeling come to you more naturally in my opinion.

Honestly what was fun for me was trying to imagine what this pilot / first season would be like if it had voice actors in it and well truth be told it would still be pretty good. However the pilot / first season loose that something that helped make it stand out from the crowd since if it did voice acting in this pilot episode / first season then it would be just like every other cartoon out there with the only difference being that this was made with adults in mind and not with little kids / teenagers in mind but that's just what I think tho.

Doing the animation for this episode and thus this first season and i'm also assuming the entire show is Pion Animation who are now known as Luk Film and have done animation work for shows such as The Smurfs and Tiny Toon Adventures. As for what I thought of their work on this episode / first season it was honestly really good with the animation being alot better then it really had any right to be and honestly the animation in this episode / first season is alot better then the animation in alot of early nineties TV shows with the animation in this episode / first season looking like it could belong in a feature film the animation in this first episode / first season in that good.

Just to explain the title of this review (as I promised you that I would at the start of this very review) it comes from the fact that the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page , Wikipedia and IMDB have this episode / first season listed under the name "Pilot" however when the series was released on DVD it was labelled as the shows first season. So it really makes it hard to title this review since both titles are technically correct.

To say that this show is adult would be like saying the Simpsons was funny once (no duh) because yeah there's alot of adult scenes in this first episode / first season. Hell there's more blood and gore in this one episode / first season then there is in most R rated slasher horror films i'm honestly surprised that MTV let this episode / first season air unedited because the content in this episode / first season could have cost them alot of sponsors.

One of the guess you could say running jokes of this show and something that started in this first episode / first season is the fact that Aeon Flux dies at the end. This is second thing that makes this show standout (with the other being like I said the show has no actors in this first episode / first season) since no show either before or after Aeon Flux has the main character die at the end of every episode and honestly how they tell that part of the story here while it can be seen as forced it can also be seen as a story that was well told.

You can honestly the entire first season of this show in one sitting why I hear you ask because this episode / the entire first season of Aeon Flux is only twelve minuets and twenty four seconds long. Which yeah is another issues but not in a bad way because this episode is so good that I honestly wanted it to last longer and while the show would eventually get full twenty two minuet episodes that wouldn't be until the show's third season but hey it means that I get to say that I watched an entire season of a show in less then fifteen minuets so that's a plus it's not much of a plus but it's still a plus none the less.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action show that means that I have to talk about the action that's in this first episode / first season. Which sadly is another one of the episodes / first seasons bad things in my opinion since the action in this first episode / first season is so repetitive that it honestly becomes boring but when the action in this first episode / first episode gets creative it can honestly be pretty entertaining but that's just what I think tho.

Overall to say that I thought that this first episode / first season was really freaking good would be huge understatement. Even tho there are many good things and many things that I liked about this first episode / first season there are also somethings that I didn't like about this first episode / first season all of which just like the things that I liked about this first episode / first season have been covered in this very review as such this episode / first season gets an 8.5 out of 10 from this animation fan and no I won't be covering the film anytime soon and nor will I be covering the entire show any time soon either since it would take far to long to do and I just can't be bothered to do so.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page or Google Images. I actually cannot say which would be the best website for use for images from either this episode or anything to do with Aeon Flux since even tho the official Aeon Flux fandom wiki page doesn't have that many images the images that they do have are fairly high quality however on the flip side of that is Google Images because even tho they have more of a verity of images not all of them are high definition so I say use whichever website you want to use.




Sunday, 20 December 2020

Star Wars: Clone Wars 2003 Series Volume One Review


Star Wars fans there has been alot of animated shows set in the Star Wars with some of them being fairly well known. However there was one show that flew under alot of our noses mostly due to the fact that it's episodes didn't run for the standerd twenty two minuets and sadly due to the fact that this show came out seventeen years ago it's largely been forgotten about despite the fact that a few of the shows characters have not only appeared in other animated Star Wars media but with one of them being a main villain in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and so join me as I review volume one of "Star Wars: Clone Wars" enjoy.

The plot of this volume is Obi-Wan Kenobi leads an assault on the planet Muunilinst home of benefactors of the Separatists meanwhile Anakin who is leading the charge from in space encounters a sith like no other. Plot wise i'd say that this volume is honestly really good and while alot of the story isn't told in dialog it's very easy to pick up what the plot is because of how good the visual storytelling is and it helps that the plot is honestly so freaking good that it could have very easily have been the plot for it's own Star Wars live action feature film that's how good the plot of this volume is in my very humble opinion.

Now then just for the sake of my own sanity i'm not going to be listing every single actor who's in this volume because if I did that then i'd be here until at least Christmas Day 2021. As such starring in this volume is Mat Lucas as Anakin Skywalker , James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan Kenobi , Tom Kane as Yoda , Anthony Daniels as C-3PO , Corey Burton as Count Dooku and San Hill and Grey Griffin as Asajj Ventress and Padmé Amidala.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the volume is honestly really freaking good which is shocking since like I said there's not that much dialog in this volume. Considering that there's not alot of dialog in this volume the acting is so freaking (yes I know I just said) all of the actors in in this volume give truly good performances s much so that some of them would reprise their roles in not only The Clone Wars but also Star Wars Rebels as well.

Doing the animation for this volume and i'm assuming volume two is Rough Draft Korea who are perhaps most well known for doing the animation for The Simpsons. Thee animation in this film is so freaking good I honestly had no idea what to expect from this volume since I only watched one maybe two episodes back when the show was first airing and so I was honestly blown away by how good the animation like the animation seen in this volume could have been put in a movie and I wouldn't tell the difference because that's how good the animation in this volume is in my opinion.

Now this is something that I honestly didn't know and that's the fact that the characters of General Grievous (who in this volume is played by John DiMaggio) and Asajj Ventress (played by the super talented Grey Griffin) started out on this show. I honestly assumed that Asajj Ventress started out on The Clone Wars just because that's the first thing I saw that character in ad I assumed that General Grievous first appeared in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith because once again that was the first thing that i'd seen that character in and so it was honestly shocking to me to see that they first appeared on this little known show.

However that goes to show you how good George Lucas is at world building and interconnectivity since you have a character like General Grievous starting life on this show and then all throughout this show and The Clone Wars we get to see more of the character and then in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith we see his death. The same thing can also be said for Asajj Ventress since this show is basically her origin and over the course of not only this show but all of the other Star Wars media that she's in we get to see her grow as a character it's a shame that the Kathleen Kennedy doesn't take this same approach by having characters from TV shows appear in the movies since it's a great way to expand upon the world of Star Wars and expand your story telling because then you'll have people wanting to make stories about the character and at the end of the day that is always going to be a good thing.

One of the things that I wasn't expecting this volume to deal with was Anakin's anger since we all know that anger is a path to the dark side I had just assumed that the show wouldn't address it because this show is made for little kids and with little kids in mind. However not only do they address Anakin's anger they also have an entire episode dedicated to it and show him feeling some form of remorse at the end of the episode that really is above and beyond what they could have done and to me it shows that this show's creator , writer and director Genndy Tartakovsky is a true Star Wars fan because only a true fan of Star Wars would include something like having an episode dealing with Anakin's anger and have him show remorse for his actions in not only this episode but the entire first volume.

Now there is one thing that I didn't like with this volume and that's the fact that the volumes total running time is one hour and six minuets and forty two seconds. I say that this is an issue because all of the episodes start to feel the same and because of that this volume can feel boring at times but sadly this is what you get when you edit what was meant to be seen as individual episodes into a one hour and six minuet and forty two second compilation film.

Now then since this is an action show that means that I have to talk about the action that's in this volume. In all honesty the action in this volume is alot better then what I thought that it would have been , I was honestly expecting the action in this show to be pretty bad but no the action was honestly really entertaining and not only that the action was honestly pretty creative and honestly brutal since you see the characters actually struggle to beat their enemy which is honestly something that I don't think we've seen in Star Wars before but there's a chance that I could be wrong tho.

Overall while volume one only has the shows first two seasons those two seasons are honestly worth watching because of how good they are. Like I said in this review this volume isn't perfect and I do expect this issue to pop up in volume two but at the same time this was alot of fun to watch as such this volume gets a 9.5 out of 10 from me and as for where I got the images that I used in this review from well I got them from Amazon UK and the official Star Wars fandom wiki page which is called Wookieepedia and the due to the fact that the overall majority of the images that I used in this review came from the official Star Wars fandom wiki page I have no choice but t recommend that you use the official Star Wars fandom wiki page just due to the fact that the images on the official Star Wars fandom wiki page are honestly really high quality.


Tuesday, 15 December 2020

The Muppets 2015 TV Series "Pig Girls Don't Cry" Review


The Muppets is a brand that will never go away they will always some form of product good to go be it a new film a TV show or whatever there will always be something to do with The Muppets. However there seems to be one Muppets show that alot of people forgot about myself include and that's there 2015 workplace comedy show called The Muppets and so here is my review of that shows first episode with the episode itself being called "Pig Girls Don't Cry" and once again the show is called "The Muppets" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the episode is Kermit has booked Elizabeth Banks as a guest for Miss Piggy's late night talk show called "Up Late With Miss Piggy" the only issue is Miss Piggy doesn't like Elizabeth Banks and Fozzie Bear trys to win over his human girlfriends parents. In all honesty the plot wasn't that bad it's exactly the kind of plot that you would expect from a workplace comedy starring The Muppets but at the same time the plot isn't as good as it could have been in my opinion.

Starring in this episode is Steve Whitmire as Kermit the Frog , Rizzo The Rat , Beaker , Statler and Lips and Eric Jacobson as Miss Piggy , Fozzie Bear , Sam The Eagle and Animal. Also starring in this episode is David Rudman as Scooter and Janice , Matt Vogel as Uncle Deadly , Floyd Pepper and Sweetums , Julianne Buescher as Denise and Yolanda Rat , Dave Goelz as Gonzo , Dr. Bunsen Honeydew , Waldorf , Zoot and Chip , Riki Lindhome as Becky , Tom Bergeron as Himself , Imagine Dragons as Themselves and the writer / director / producer and one of the stars of Charlies Angels 2019 Elizabeth Banks as Herself.

In terms of what I thought about thee acting in this episode it honestly wasn't that bad all of the muppet performers do a solid job which given that alot of these actors have been playing these roles for decades at this point shouldn't come as a surprise. As for the human actors they do a solid but I honestly feel that there performances would have been better if they took the Michael Cain approach and treated this show like it was an OSCAR worthy film and pretend that there co-stars weren't muppets but that's just what I think anyways.

This show is the one where they broke up Miss Piggy and Kermit and I have to say that I kind of like the character that they paired Kermit up with for most of the show. Denise (who is the character that they paired Kermit up with the vast majority of this shows run) is the complete opposite of Miss Piggy which kind of makes her a good fit for Kermit but at the same time i'm always going to prefer Missy Piggy and Kermit over Denise and Kermit.

Simply because we've had decades to get to know Missy Piggy and to see what she and Kermit are like together. Where as with Denise she and Kermit break up during this show and she's not been seen since and so i'm of course going to go with the pairing that we've had for decades because that pairing just works and while it is interesting seeing Kermit with another girl friend nothing is ever going to top Miss Piggy and Kermit in my opinion.

Honestly I like alot of the jobs that they gave the muppet characters in this show with Gonzo being the main writer for Up Late With Miss Piggy and Kermit serving as the executive producer for Up Late With Miss Piggy. What I don't get is why didn't they make Fozzie the main writer for Up Late With Miss Piggy since his whole thing is telling bad jokes which is exactly what Gonzo is pitching in this episode.

From what I can gather this show got very mixed results not only from critics but also from fans of The Muppets. I myself thought that the show was good when I first watched the episodes as they were being aired back in 2015. However now five years later and having seen better media related to The Muppets I gave to say that this show isn't that good but it's not also not that bad either since it does keep the spirit of the original characters intact and it does something new by making this more of an adult type of show.

This episode had a running time of twenty one minuets and twenty six seconds which I honestly felt was about right. Since even with both of the plots of this episode there's not really enough there to warrant anything even close to thirty minuets as such I do feel that twenty one minuets and twenty six seconds was the perfect amount of time for this episode since it meant that every scene had to be about advancing both plots of this episode (which i've mentioned right back at the start of this review) and that meant that no scene felt like filler or at least that's what I think about this episodes running time anyways.

Now then boys and girls since this is a comedy that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes that are in this episode. Honestly I thought that the jokes in this episode were rather hit and miss since while Scooter getting into a fight Elizabeth Banks was funny some of the Staler And Waldorf stuff wasn't that funny and alot of this episode has jokes like that since for every funny joke the episode has it very quickly follows it up with an unfunny joke.

Overall this was a really funny episode or at least in some parts it was a really funny episode since yeah as i've mentioned in this review the episode does have some faults. However the show does have alot of going for it and I liked the fact that it took the more mature route with these characters since it's an angle that hasn't been done before and don't worry if you forgot about this show because it only lasted one season lasting sixteen episodes with the first episode airing on September 22nd 2015 and the final episode airing on March 1st 2016 as for my rating for this episode it gets a 6 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got the images that I used in this well the images that I used in this review were gathered from the official The Muppets fandom wiki page. Since I only went to one website for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you use the official The Muppets fandom wiki page if you want any images regarding The Muppets since alot of the images on the official The Muppets fandom wiki page are very high definition which if your like me you'll know is always a good thing when your making a review.