Marvel fans I thought that I would but a spin on another post I did last week and honestly I can't believe that no one's thought of doing this. We all know that the MCU is this machine that at this point prints money i'm not even kidding Endgame hasn't even been out a week and it's already made over a billion dollars and so I thought i'd take a look at the Marvel movies that aren't set in the MCU and rate them from worst to best.
Marvel really hasn't had the best of luck with female lead movies Captain Marvel while making a tone of money at the box office isn't that good of a movie and the same thing is true for this movie. Altho this one didn't set the box office on fire Elektra is just Elektra in name only if anything this feels more like a bad romantic comedy then it does a superhero movie and it's so freaking boring no wonder it took them years to make another movie with a female lead.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
This film is just so bad in so many ways I think everyone is in agreement that this is the worst X-Men movie ever made. They some how make a character who was already watered down in the previous movies seem even more watered down if that's even possible and for some reason the makers of this film chose to give the film bad CGI because heaven forbid we have a movie where the CGI is actually good.
X-Men: The Last Stand
This movie isn't bad in that it's a bad movie it's bad because it was a let down here is this great epic storyline which could have a decent trilogy of movies but instead it's crammed into one movie. It's because of that fact that all of the storyline gets rushed I honestly would have been angry if this was the final film to feature the original cast because it's a bad send of for them and i'm glad that this film got retconned.
Ghost Rider
Honestly this film is more entertaining then it is bad because it's so balls to the wall insane that you can't helped but get sucked it in by it. I'm not going to say that this film is good by any means because it really isn't but there's so much fun to be had with the film that you can kind of forgive it for being bad that being said there's no excuse for not having a Nicolas Cage freak out those should be in every single movie he's in.
This right here was the first R rated Marvel film and the first Marvel film to have a person of colour as the lead character. This film was bada*s back in 1998 and it still is Wesley Snipes is perfect as Blade and in my opinion it's a must watch just so you can see how badas* Marvel heroes can be but at the same time there are things about this film that hasn't really aged well chief in which being the CGI.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Yes this movie isn't set in the MCU which means I can include it on this list. I really enjoy this film quite alot in my opinion it's a funny and fresh film and one that the Spider-Man films really needed since for a long time they all had one thing in common and that was they told the exact same origin story. The only film that didn't do that apart from this film was Homecoming , this film also has a great visual style that makes it stand out from all the other animated films out there.
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