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Monday 29 April 2019

Rating Some Of The Non MCU Movies From Worst To Best

Marvel fans I thought that I would but a spin on another post I did last week and honestly I can't believe that no one's thought of doing this. We all know that the MCU is this machine that at this point prints money i'm not even kidding Endgame hasn't even been out a week and it's already made over a billion dollars and so I thought i'd take a look at the Marvel movies that aren't set in the MCU and rate them from worst to best.


Marvel really hasn't had the best of luck with female lead movies Captain Marvel while making a tone of money at the box office isn't that good of a movie and the same thing is true for this movie. Altho this one didn't set the box office on fire Elektra is just Elektra in name only if anything this feels more like a bad romantic comedy then it does a superhero movie and it's so freaking boring no wonder it took them years to make another movie with a female lead.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This film is just so bad in so many ways I think everyone is in agreement that this is the worst X-Men movie ever made. They some how make a character who was already watered down in the previous movies seem even more watered down if that's even possible and for some reason the makers of this film chose to give the film bad CGI because heaven forbid we have a movie where the CGI is actually good.

X-Men: The Last Stand

This movie isn't bad in that it's a bad movie it's bad because it was a let down here is this great epic storyline which could have a decent trilogy of movies but instead it's crammed into one movie. It's because of that fact that all of the storyline gets rushed I honestly would have been angry if this was the final film to feature the original cast because it's a bad send of for them and i'm glad that this film got retconned.

Ghost Rider

Honestly this film is more entertaining then it is bad because it's so balls to the wall insane that you can't helped but get sucked it in by it. I'm not going to say that this film is good by any means because it really isn't but there's so much fun to be had with the film that you can kind of forgive it for being bad that being said there's no excuse for not having a Nicolas Cage freak out those should be in every single movie he's in.


This right here was the first R rated Marvel film and the first Marvel film to have a person of colour as the lead character. This film was bada*s back in 1998 and it still is Wesley Snipes is perfect as Blade and in my opinion it's a must watch just so you can see how badas* Marvel heroes can be but at the same time there are things about this film that hasn't really aged well chief in which being the CGI.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Yes this movie isn't set in the MCU which means I can include it on this list. I really enjoy this film quite alot in my opinion it's a funny and fresh film and one that the Spider-Man films really needed since for a long time they all had one thing in common and that was they told the exact same origin story. The only film that didn't do that apart from this film was Homecoming , this film also has a great visual style that makes it stand out from all the other animated films out there.

Saturday 27 April 2019

Some Of My Favourite Animated Comic Book Films

DC and Marvel fans depending on where your currently seeing this post i've spent the past few days making posts about either company talking about both there film out put and there TV output. Both of those posts dealt with the live action side of things and well I thought lets not break the habit of a life time just yet except instead of talking about there live action stuff i'm only doing there animated movies and not all of the films included will be from either Marvel or DC.

Hellboy: Sword of Storms

This is one of two animated films to feature Hellboy and it's also the only one I own on DVD and the only one i've seen. I can't honestly say if this version of the character is close to the comic book version in anyway shape or form since my only exposure to the character is the movies but with the new movie now out I honestly think that this movie is better then the new movie just because it's at least trying.

Superman: Doomsday

While The Death Of Superman and Reign of the Supermen told this story better i'll always have a soft spot for Superman: Doomsday. This was the first animated superhero movie I bought and it kicked of my obsession with watching the latest DC Animated Movie so no matter if the other two told the story better i'm always going to come back to this one because of the fact that it has a special place in my heart.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

I'm counting both films here because they tell one story so it wouldn't really make sense for me to include one film and not the other. Like the other two movies I actually do own both parts on DVD and I watch them both regularly again I can't say if this is  true to the comic book or not but as a movie the story works , it has great animation , great action and solid voice acting I will admit I would have preferred Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill but the Batman and Joker we did get were solid enough.

Ultimate Avengers

Just like i'll always have a soft spot for Superman: Doomsday there's a few animated marvel movies that i'll always have a soft spot for and this is one of them. This was the first movie that introduced me to the Avengers I had heard of these characters but I didn't know they also teamed up so for me seeing these characters together in an animated movie was just so cool. I also noticed that the live action Avengers movies borrowed some elements from the comic boom that this movie is based off which I thought was awesome.

The Invincible Iron Man

This is the other animated Marvel movie that I have a soft spot for because both this and Ultimate Avengers were the first animated Marvel movies I saw. I might not be able to tell you the year it was either before or just after the first live action Iron Man movie. I will say that plot wise there's alot of similarities between the two movies and while I did indeed own this and Ultimate Avengers I have since gave them away to charity.

The Haunted World of El Superbeasto


Not many people know of not only this movie but also the comic book and that's such a shame because there both balls to the wall insane. That's honestly the best way to describe both the movie and the comic book I will say that this movie is made exclusively for adults so don't go thinking that little kids will like this because they won't but if you like something that just pure insanity in cartoon form then this is for you.

Wonder Woman

People give alot of credit to the 2017 Wonder Woman movie for being the first good female lead but those people either forgot or straight up didn't know about this one. This film was good back when it came out and it's still good ten years later and out of all the movies to get a sequel this one should have been one of them because there's so many stories that could have been told and while we are getting a new Wonder Woman animated film this year we won't be getting sequel to this film.

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

This is the movie that none of us thought would be any good given the show that's spawned from but low and behold it was actually really funny. Seeing how good this movie was makes me wonder why the makers of the show don't put in the same amount of effort that they put into the movie because if they did the show would be ten times as good and would actually have a lot more fans then what it currently has.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Now then both this and the next film i'm going to talk about are very good films and it was honestly hard for me to choose which one to talk about first. I went with this one because it's the best Spider-Man film but it doesn't include who I think is the best Spider-Man Tom Holland this is honestly a super fun movie and is a love letter not just to Peter Parker but to all of the Spider-Men and that's not something that's been seen before now.

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

You all knew that this film was going to appear on here at some point i've expressed my love for it so many times now that it would be pointless for me to say why I love this film. For me this is a film that every Batman fan has to watch at some point in there lives regardless if they've seen the animated series or not in fact i'd go as far to say that in terms of quality it's the Avengers: Endgame of Animated DC movies and if you've seen Endgame then you'll know that's quite the statement to make.


Friday 26 April 2019

Rating Some Of The Live Action DC TV Shows From Worst To Best

DC fans lets be real for the next few months Marvel is going to be on everyone's lips and while there taking all the money ever made on the big screen DC is getting all the views across both TV and there are own streaming service. So I thought i'd rank some of there TV shows from worst to best and yes I will be including stuff done for there streaming service but i'm only counting the live action output since if I didn't the number spot would be very easy to predict.

Legends of Tomorrow

Out of all the shows set in the Arrowverse this is perhaps the worst one in my opinion and i'm saying that because it's the same storyline every single year there's this big bad guy that the team has to face all the while avoiding this big corporation who wants to stop them. It honestly gets boring after a while which is a shame because when it wants to be this show can be really fun especially during the action sequences.


This show just aired it's final ever episode but in my opinion while that episode was indeed good the series as a whole just isn't. The reason why I think this is the case is because it's a prequel so we know none of the main cast of characters are going to die because they play a part in the Batman lore and so all suspense is gone but to the shows credit it does have a great performance from Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot.


Now i'll admit to not watching much of this current season so I can't really say if this season is any good or not but just based of the previous three this is one of the worst shows on the Arrowverse. It's not that bad of a show by any means but what really gets me is the fans the fans of this show can be really insane when it comes to these shows even going as far as threaten to boycott the show because an actress chose to leave the show.


Our first show from the DC Universe and I have to say that I really did enjoy this show alot the show had alot of things in it that I really liked like for example the acting from the leads was really good , I liked the fact that it was more mature because it's not a take i've seen on the Titans before and the action was solid. The reason why this show isn't higher is just because it didn't grip me so I wasn't compelled to watch the next episode.

Doom Patrol

Now i'll admit i've only seen the first episode of this show and so this show being placed here is purely based on that episode alone. To me the show seems really fresh and unique it has a great mixture of comedy , action and drama but as far as the first episode goes that's all it has since like Titans i'm not feeling compelled to watch the next episode so I have no idea if it's getting better or worse.

The Flash (2014 Series)

I know that not alot of people like this show but I love it for me it's a comic book show that's not afraid to be a comic book show. I will admit that there can be some bad episodes but the same thing can be said for every show , this show honestly has some of the best CGI seen on network television and they do it on a weekly basis as well. The show knows when to use humour which to me really does help sell the show because it makes it feel more real to me and it's easily the best show in the Arrowverse.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Some Animated Shows That I Like

Animation fans I thought that instead of bringing you another review I would instead do something a bit different. That is i'm going to tell you some of my favourite animated shows but instead of sticking just to cartoons like I normally would in this case i'm going to split it in half with the first half dealing with anime shows (Pokemon , DBZ etc) and the other half is going to be strictly cartoons and incase you couldn't tell by the title this is only some of my favourite shows and chances are what I like might not be what you like and vice versa.



I had to start of with this one it was one of the first anime that I ever watched and while I don't watch it as much now I still do watch the odd movie or two. The fact that this series is still going on is to me freaking insane we are on season 22 right now and as of this writing there have been over one thousand episodes of the show broadcast so that goes to show you that the show is still popular weather or not it's still good tho is open to interpretation.


Anybody who saw this show growing up loved it and it was the same for me I watched this show every night it was on. Not only did I watch the show but i've also very recently seen some of the movies and yes that includes the new one which I don't like that much but i've also played some of the games and I was watching Super subbed. There's just something about this franchise which keeps on pulling me back heck it's due to my love of this show that I saw the dreadful Evolution movie and I own the DVD.

Love Live!

I've not specified which one because I honestly love them both and in fact there the only idol anime that I not only watched all the way through but also the only idol anime where I have one of them on DVD. I honestly don't know why anime fans don't talk about any of these shows because they are in my opinion well written , have great comedy and they get you invested in the characters i'll admit the set up for both shows is very similar but that's really the only issue I had.

Fairy Tail

I know that this is the most basic anime that you can like but I like the show it's not the best show by any means and it relies on the power friendship way to freaking much but it's a fun show. Like alot of things this show is also coming to an end but unlike those shows this one could be ending by the end of this year because each series for this show lasts hundreds of episodes so we have a while before this show ends.

Sword Art Online

Another show that not alot of people like but I do i've seen so many episodes of this show that it's unreal. I will agree with people tho when they say that the first season went downhill after the first arc because it did and that's the reason why i've not got the whole of season 1 on DVD I just have the first half because that's the good half and the only arc actually set in Sword Art Online. In my opinion tho this is a great gateway anime because there's a little bit of everything in this show so you could find something you like about it and go looking for more shows that have a similar aspect in them.


Adventure Time

Unlike alot of people I got into this show really late into it's run like it might have been around season 6 or 7 when I started watching it by that time tho all of the character development was pretty much over and done with but I stayed with it because the stories being told where so good. This show blends drama and comedy really well so you could be laughing like mad in one scene and then the next scene later you could be crying your eyes out.

The Flintstones

Without this show we wouldn't have The Simpsons or Family Guy this show is in my opinion one of the greatest animated shows out there. Not because it has any deeper meaning plot lines or has the best animation but because it has great writing. Anyone who's seen the first few seasons of the show cannot deney the fact that the writing for those seasons was the show at it's best and while the writing dipped a little when Pebbles was introduced it straight up went downhill when Bamm Bamm was introduced.

The Simpsons

How could anyone not like this show it's something that we've all grown up with and while that won't always make the show good the fact that it's still going gas to count for something. There's no denying that when this show was in it's heyday it was unbeatable and like The Flintstones in recent years the quality of the show has dipped at least in terms of writing but it's ogd up in quality in terms of the animation.

Robot Chicken

Honestly it would have been so freaking easy for me to put something like Steven Universe on here but I thought i'd go for something that's a little bit out there. For me this show is a great popcorn show and by that I mean you can just turn your brain of and laugh at what's being shown infront you yes there will be some that say the show isn't as funny as it once was and that's fair enough but in my opinion it's still funny.

Batman: The Animated Series

Come on this show just had to be in here it's such a good show and it's one that I highly recommend to lots of people. Without this show we wouldn't have gotten Harley Quinn since she was created for this show and more importantly we wouldn't have got who many people my self included think is THE voices for Batman and Joker that's really all I need to say because everything I could say about the show has been said by many others.


Tuesday 16 April 2019

My Idea For A Game of Thrones Animated Series

Animation fans you don't know this about me but i'm a huge fan of Game Of Thrones and like millions of you I watched the season eight premier and I loved it. However there is a hint of sadness in the air as this season is going to be the shows last and HBO being smart have ordered a prequel pilot which does honestly sound good but i've come up with an idea that will take GOT into another medium all together and that is the realm of animation so let's get going.

The Plot

Now I honestly had a hard task here because it would have been super easy just do a more faithful version of the books. The trouble is tho alot of people know that story because it's being played on screens as we speak and I can't do a sequel show because we don't know how it ends and so for a while i'll admit I was stuck and almost considered canning this post all together but then I remembered one little animated special called Game of Thrones Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History of the Seven Kingdoms.

That was when it hit me the plot of the show would be the entire reign Aerys II otherwise known as The Mad King. I know that name won't mean anything to none GOT fans but if you are a fan you'll know exactly what that names means the show would basically follow him from a teenager all the way until the end of Robert's Rebellion and all the things that he goes throw to get what he wants and the people he's willing to betray.


I'll straight up admit that i've not really thought this part out since I don't know that part of Game Of Thrones history that well. So for the sake of my own sanity all of the characters apart from Aerys II aren't going to be named but tho in my opinion Aerys shouldn't have a comic relief best friend unlike Jon because while Aerys II is going to start out as the hero of the piece as you'll no doubt know by the end of it he's the villain.

If you know Game Of Thrones lore then you'll know that targaryen's marry brother to sister and that is something that would be shown in this show. There will also be a master of arms who's there mainly to give our hero advice in my eyes the master of arms is a war veteran and so it would make sense in that regard there will also be characters who in the live action show have relatives just because this would be a prequel so there's no getting around that.


When coming up with this post there was one thing that I knew would have to be in the show and that's the fact that the animation style would have to be something more in line with The Legend Of Korra and Castlevania. I knew that would be the case right away because any other style just wouldn't do the show or the world any kind of justice and in my opinion that style allows for better movements and facial expressions and also it allows for more detail to go into the backgrounds.


Now like with the plot of the show this one was also kind of hard to put together because while I could come up with some good names to appear in the show none of them in my eyes would match up to the live action cast. So appearing in the show is perhaps the most fitting cast member given who she plays on the live action and that's Emilia Clarke I have no idea who'd she play but I think it would be cool to see her play one of her ancestors.

As for other actors i'd like to see in this show Grey Griffin would be great in this she's done plenty of mature shows before but she's not done any shows made exclusively for adults. As i'm writing this i'm kind of thinking it would be cool to hear Sheri Moon Zombie since she was pretty good in The Haunted World Of El Superbeasto but at the same time i'm kind of thinking it would be great to have Nancy Cartwright on the cast list.


Originally I had Netflix pencilled in here since I thought the show would be a good fit for them but then I remembered that HBO airs Game Of Thrones and pretty much owns all adaptations of it. So it only makes sense that they be the ones to air this show and that would be a great things because then it could also serve as an officially canon prequel instead of something that takes place in another world.

Episodes And Episode Length

This is something that i'm not fully set on so I would be willing to change it but I think if there was ten episodes a year and we have god knows how many seasons then I think that the show could indeed work. One of the advantages of airing the show on HBO is that if i'm right they have no adverts and this is wear i'd do something a little bit different and have the episodes be an hour long each.

Age Rating

Finally the age rating in the UK Game Of Thrones has always been rated an 18 so that would make it TV-MA in American if i'm right. This is something that i'd like to keep because the world of Game Of Thrones isn't for the faint of heart and no matter what the adaptation is that should be reflected which means having a very mature rating. Plus with that rating we'd be able to get away with alot of the things that's been detailed about The Mad King.


Thursday 11 April 2019

Alien News Desk Review

Animation fans this is a review that i've been putting of for a few weeks and well now i'm finally getting down to it and nothing is going to stop me. This is a show that not alot of people know about and given that it airs on SYFY that's to be expected but given how good it is I think that's going to change. This is also one of the few shows that was on my previous animation related post and this is one of the few shows that i've been watching since episode one and so here is my review of Alien News Desk.

There's no plot to this show at all so the basic premise of the show is two aliens called Drexx Drudlarr and a robot called Tuva Van Void present news from a strange species known as humans but they give it an alien twist. I'm not sure if this set up has been done in animation before but I do believe that SYFY themselves once had an alien news show before so it's not new to them but I personally like the set up since i've not seen it before so it's new to me.

Now there are only two cast members credited in this show and they are Will Forte as Drexx Drudlarr and Heidi Gardner as Tuva Van Void. That is honestly the shortest cast list i've had to do for a review and it's honestly annoying because I can usually fill up an entire paragraph just with the actors and who there playing but now I have to think about what to say. I guess it makes sense that there the only two actors credited because this is meant to be a news show after all.

In terms of what I thought about the performances there's honestly really good I mean it is just the two of them talking to each other so of course there going to develop chemistry together. It would have been nice if they added a weather man or a sports person just to really make it feel like a news show and plus it would give me more to freaking talk about but for some reason they don't really do that they do have guest characters come on but that's really it.

The animation was done by Bento Box Entertainment who are also working on the new Adult Swim show Lazor Wulf. I have to say that the animation seen in this show is far better then what's seen in Lazor Wulf but with that being said the animation here due to it's setting and overall premise is very limited and that does make it hard to fully judge the overall quality of the animation since the characters are in one setting and they very rarely stand up.

I've been planning on doing this review for a few weeks now and everytime a new episode came out I always for various reasons would put of doing the review i'd still watch the episode tho i'd just not write the review. This is a show that's really slipping by alot of people a few weeks or maybe months ago I put up on various facebook groups a question asking what people thought of the show and lot of people said that they've not even heard about it. That to me is a sign that the show wasn't even being marketed because I live outside of American I can't get access to the SYFY youtube channel so I have no idea if a trailer for the show was even released.

Like I said part of the reason why i think that people aren't talk about this show that much is that it airs on SYFY and as much as it kills me to say this since they have aired alot of good shows shows that air on there channel / network aren't really talked about as much. Now like I said I live outside of American and i've always had the SYFY Channel so I don't know why more people don't talk about there shows maybe someone who doesn't have the SYFY Channel can help me out here because im at a lost for words.

So far there have been at least eight episodes of the show released from my point of view (i'm not going to say how i'm watching the show tho I will just say im using "Other Methods") and each episode is around thirty minuets so there's nether a long episode. That to me is both the show's biggest strength and weakness it's a strength because if the episode is bad it doesn't really matter because it will be over soon anyways but it's a weakness because if it's good then it'll be over soon and you have to wait another week to see the next episode.

This show is a comedy and like you might have guessed from the premise of the show all of it's humour comes from how our hosts misinterpret things that are happening on earth. I will admit that not all of the episodes can be funny but when they say something that's actually funny it really does work. For me tho the funniest jokes that the show has a long running joke where they pronounce certain countries as there spelt it's a small thing and it could be seen as childish but it gets a smile out of me everytime I hear one.

Overall this can be a funny show depending on the episode but i'd wish that they'd do more with the setting and the premise because it could also mean you get more funny jokes and funny characters. This is a show not meant for little kids I just have to get that out there incase there our parents reading this thinking they can let there kids watch this this show gets a 5.5 out of 10 from me.