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Thursday, 24 January 2019

Some TV Shows That Could Make Decent Animated Shows

Animated fans there are alot of shows out there and alot of them should get animated shows and I thought that for once i'd do something a little bit different and tell you some of the shows that I think could make at least a semi decent animated show. Please note that some of these shows are currently airing on TV and I might not say which network they should air on but I can guarantee that they all would make decent animated shows.

The Walking Dead

The ratings for this show have been dipping for years but picture this what if as well as the live action version there was a more faithful and possibly more gory animated version. To me that just sounds pure awesome and it could be more faithful because none of the characters would age so it could work plus this is a mega popular franchises so it's shocking to me that no one has thought of this idea heck even an animated spin off would work.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Now this is interesting because a pilot for an animated spin off of Buffy The Vampire Slayer does indeed exist but its only four minuets long. That being said tho I honestly think that this show should happen because of the fact that Buffy still to this very day remains popular with both a comic book continuation and comic book reboot going on at the exact time so to me it makes sense to make an animated spin off as well because of the fact that you can do more with animation then you can with live action.

Game Of Thrones

Not gonna lie this show right here was the main reason for me wanting to do this post because I am a huge Game Of Thrones fan i've seen every episode I own all the books heck I even played the terrible console game a few years ago. Now obviously doing another straight adaptation so soon after the TV show has ended just won't work in fact it would be utterly pointless but it could happen in say twenty years from now and then you could include from the forthcoming books and maybe all of the add on books as well so you could go into more detail then the live action show can at this point.

Any Of the Marvel Netflix Shows

This one might be tricky to do just because Disney owns Marvel and if you've seen any of the Marvel Netflix shows then you'll know that they aren't exactly kid friendly. However that being said it would still be nice to get a continuation for any of these shows given the fact that alot of them ended on a cliff hanger but tho if i'm being honest chances of any of these shows getting a continuation is very slim at best but we can always hope and who knows we might get a decent season of The Defenders out of it.


Now this show did get an animated movie spin off called Tabitha and Adam and the Clown Family but I think it would be cool to see this classic comedy get an animated reboot. Like with the Marvel stuff the chances of this getting an animated reboot is pretty slim partly because a live action reboot is currently in development but also because this franchise isn't as popular as it once was so it's not a guaranteed hit.

Breaking Bad

Now I know your all wondering how an animated version of Breaking Bad could work and to that I say look at what I said about Game Of Thrones, Just do this show twenty or so years later or if your really desperate and want to do a different story then why not get working on it right now and pitch it to Sony and maybe get it to air to air on Netflix.

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