OK cartoon fans i've been struggling to come up with at least a semi decent blog idea and this was the only one that I could think of that was something different. In this post we are going to look at both Cartoons and Anime and try and judge which is better please note tho that I won't be looking at shows or movies but rather writing , animation , acting and if it's for kids or not since there the things that they'd both have in common so it makes sense so here we go.
The writing in most cartoons like anything can range from good to bad depending on who's involved with the show. Take for example The Flintstones for it's first four seasons the writing was pretty solid but when Bamm-Bamm got introduced suddenly all of that mature writing was gone and in it's place was something that was strictly for kids and it's in my experience that this kind of thing wouldn't happen in anime.
Now to keep things fair and scare here i'm not going to make comparisons to a show that is clearly better if it's a cartoon or an anime and im not going to be talking about films either. Now lets talk anime because even tho i've seen some pretty bad anime recently the overall writing in the good shows is really freaking good. Pokemon for example even tho like The Flintstones it's for kids it treats it's audience with respect and this will be the only time in this post that you see me mention a film but in the movie I Choose You there were some good emotional moments in there.
Now incase you don't know the above image is from an anime called Eiken it's known as the worst anime ever made and yes i've seen it. I mention Eiken because it's a perfect example of an anime with freaking terrible animation every single mistake that could be made with the animation in this show is freaking made however it's important to note that not all anime shows have terrible animation infact sometimes that's far from the truth.
Like Eiken have had the pleasure of watching the reboot of The Powerpuff Girls and while I personally didn't the wlel known animation errors. I do agree with people when they say that this show is badly animated now however like Eiken this isn't true for all cartoons or all cartoon reboots for example the Ducktales reboot has some great animation as do shows like Final Space but when the animation is bad be it in an anime or cartoon it really does show.
This is a bit harder to split into both mediums but i;m going to try my best because I do think it needs to be talked about. Cartoons have a rich history when it comes to voice acting legends we have all heard the late and great Mel Blanc be it when we were growing up or if we just want to watch a Looney Tunes cartoon however sadly in my personal opinion outside of maybe a few actors we have nobody who we can truly say are great actors.
Again as with cartoons we've all heard the great Sean Schemmel as Goku be it in various Dragon Ball TV shows , movies or video games. Now i'm not a big follower of Japanese actors yes I will watch subbed anime but I have no idea who's in them so in terms of dubbed anime the acting can really be off at times and alot of that isn't the actors fault because by the time they get to record the lines it's already been animated and shown some where else in the world so they have to match the lip movements. However when the acting in an anime is good it can be heaven to listen to.
Is It For Kids
This is where both cartoons and anime are in the exact same boat because it some point you'll hear these exact words "that's for kids" well truth be told in cartoons that will not always be the case but sadly the main stream people won't ever convert to that way of thinking because of the fact that cartoons are marketed more towards little kids. Which is because it's alot easier for them to try and sell something to a little kid then it is to an adult.
Anime is in the exact same boat but not for the same reason anime is in this boat because alot of the main stream audience confuse an anime show for a cartoon. Which is understandable since anime is short for animation however unlike with cartoons where you'd have a hard time trying to convince people that a show like Adventure Time can also be for adults you can try and get alot further with them with an anime. Since all you'd have to do is mention shows like Hellsing Ultimate , Elfen Lied or Castlevania and they'll know right away that those shows are for adults only.
Now you might have noticed that I havn't put who won what in this post and well there's a simple answer for that. I want to keep the ending open to interpretation so you guys can think that I think that cartoons are better or you can think that I think that anime is better and guess what you'd both be right.
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