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Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Harley Quinn And Her Gang Of Harleys Review

DC fans we've been getting alot of Harley Quinn movie news recently and I thought that for a change instead of reviewing a movie or TV show i'd review a comic book featuring Harley. You can see by the title which book I chose and honestly it's not that good of a book but it is a fun way to pass a few hours so without dragging this introduction on two long here is my review of Harley Quinn And Her Gang Of Harleys.

The plot of the book is that Harley has hired some people to be in a gang with her with the aim to help make New York safer but something goes wrong and Harley ends up being kidnapped now it's up to the gang to find there boss and friend and put a stop to this madness. Story wise I felt that the book was very Harley like only she would put a gang together to help protect new york only for it go wrong but that being said the story isn't as good as it perhaps could have been.

As you'll know by the name of the book Harley Quinn isn't the only star of this book heck even go as far to say that she's more of a minor character. In my eyes the actual main characters are the gang of harleys themselves which all have names which rime with Harley Quinn heck even the the character descriptions at the start of the book do a better job of explaining the characters then the actual book or story does that's how you know it's pretty bad.

I have to say the idea of Harley having her own team is a good idea and it does open the door to alot of ideas. However how this book handles that idea isn't that good imagine if the whole book was about them coming together as a team to take on some big bad and all the time Harley is there just getting angry at them that to me would seem like a funny idea because Harley in my eyes wants a team like the Justice League but instead she's getting a lower level Justice League.

Writing this book is Frank Tieri (Old Lady Harley and Gotham Underground) and Jimmy Palmiotti (Friday The 13th , Deadpool Family and alot of Harley Quinn books). First of as a horror fan I had no idea there was a Friday The 13th comic book but in terms of this book the writing is fairly decent it's not the best which is a shame because as I mentioned one of the writers writes alot of Harley Quinn books so you'd think he'd know the character and what works for the character.

In terms of the art we have Mauricet who only hasn't worked on that many books and one of the books they have worked on is the unneeded Dastardly & Muttley comic book. Yeah I can see why this person hasn't worked on that much because the art work in this book isn't that good it's not bad by any means but it could have been so much better there's quite a few off looking drawings all the issues I have with the art could have been fixed with a quick re-drawing but I guess the artist didn't want to go the extra mile.

The villain of this book is the greatly named Harley Sinn and if you couldn't tell by the name she's a fan of Batman only kidding she's a fan of Harley Quinn. As far as I can work out this is one her earliest appearances and judging by some research I did she appears in other Harley comics I mention this because she is one of the best things about the whole series. She is just so freaking insane like for example she makes all the people that work for her wear colours similar to Harley and she even kills one of them for almost hitting Harley that is pure insane right there.

I have to wonder tho why the heck does she have a face that's similar to the joker when his face was stitched on? that to me just looks weird. Now i've just praised the villain but now it's time to dot the opposite because she has very little motive literally her main goal is I think to make Harley fall in love with her it's not really made clear on that front nothing about her plan is made that clear they might make certain things more clear in future issues but in here there's quite alot left unexplained.

This mini series came out in 2016 and ran for six issues and from what I can work out it was a monthly series. Thank god this was only a short series because the plot really doesn't work well for a six issue series so if they made it longer that would have meant that we would have got a lot of filler if anything this series should have been at least three or four issues long since that would fit the story perfectly.

What honestly shocked me was the fact that Harley Sinn's father looks exactly like a certain President who i'm not going to mention because I don't want to start a political war. I'm not even kidding in fact not only does her father look like this person but the first time we see him he's on a news station called wait for it Faux News that is just so freaking perfect and I would have been so happy if the series was just lampooning this person.

Since this is a Harley book that means we have to talk about the jokes in this series to put it simply there's a lot of unfunny jokes in this series. Don't get me wrong there's some good jokes like for example Sinn's dad once you see who he's based of is a good joke and even Harley gets in one or two great one liners but there's a lot more unfunny jokes in the series then there are funny ones which for Harley is a bad thing.

This is also an action book and that means we have to talk about the action contained with in it and in this case the action is really good. Of course it doesn't have any super powered fights and i'll admit that was a bit jarring for me personally since i'm used to reading books where that's the case but once I got over it I found the action to be pretty exciting and perfectly suiting for this book since alot of the characters get there time to shine and yes one of the characters is basically Barbra Gordon.

Overall this book does have a lot of issues with it and I think i've covered them all but in my eyes it's also a fun book if your a Harley fan you'll be disappointed that she isn't the main character in her own book but there's plenty of Harley to go around and so this book gets a 5 out of 10 from me.


Monday, 28 January 2019

Gen:Lock First Impressions

OK Rooster Teeth fans i've just finished watching the second episode of the companies newest show and as you might have guessed by the name of this post this is only my first impressions of the show. Which basically means it's not going to be as detailed as my reviews usually are so let's crack on with my first impressions of Gen:Lock.

Now since there has only been two episodes released I can't really say what the story but I can say that it does involve some kind of alien invading earth. At least that's what I got from it anyway I will also say that the story does seem alot like Pacific Rim to me just with the whole giant fighting robot thing and yes I know that that idea isn't exclusive to that film but it is one of the more recent films to use that concept.

Acting wise we have the likes of Michael B. Jordan as Julian Chase , Dakota Fanning as Miranda Worth , Maisie Williams as Cameron 'Cammie' MacCloud , Golshifteh Farahani as Yasamin Madrani and current Scrooge McDuck actor David Tennant as Dr. Rufus Weller. So far the acting has been pretty solid if you've seen any of these actors in anything else then you know what to expect from them acting wise.

As you'll know by the list of people that i've just mentioned this is pretty much an all star cast even for Rooster Teeth since alot of there voice actors are usually people who work for them. I think they were able to attract such big names because of the fact that not only do they make some good stuff but also because Michael B. Jordan as well as starring in the show is also producing it and he is a big name actor so if he's involved then you know that alot of other name stars are going to get involved.

I can't say for sure if Rooster Teeth is a good animation company since the only other thing of there's i've seen is the mega hit RWBY and Nomad Of Nowhere. I can say tho that so far the animation seen in these first two episodes blows away anything seen in either of those two shows i'm not even kidding the animation here so far is freaking fantastic i'm not sure what budget they had for this show but it must have been pretty big.

Also being really good are the action scenes which to me is nothing new since the action scenes in RWBY are always a joy to watch. So seeing great action in this series to me is to be expected heck even the big action scene in episode one kind of reminded me of alot of action scenes in various anime and I think that's because Micheal B. Jordan is himself an anime fan so it would only make sense that the action scenes be that good.

Overall so far this looks like it's going to be a great show but of course only time will tell if it is or not. I'm not going to say if it'll be as big as RWBY because that would be a stupid thing to say at this point but it is a show worth watching.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Some TV Shows That Could Make Decent Animated Shows

Animated fans there are alot of shows out there and alot of them should get animated shows and I thought that for once i'd do something a little bit different and tell you some of the shows that I think could make at least a semi decent animated show. Please note that some of these shows are currently airing on TV and I might not say which network they should air on but I can guarantee that they all would make decent animated shows.

The Walking Dead

The ratings for this show have been dipping for years but picture this what if as well as the live action version there was a more faithful and possibly more gory animated version. To me that just sounds pure awesome and it could be more faithful because none of the characters would age so it could work plus this is a mega popular franchises so it's shocking to me that no one has thought of this idea heck even an animated spin off would work.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Now this is interesting because a pilot for an animated spin off of Buffy The Vampire Slayer does indeed exist but its only four minuets long. That being said tho I honestly think that this show should happen because of the fact that Buffy still to this very day remains popular with both a comic book continuation and comic book reboot going on at the exact time so to me it makes sense to make an animated spin off as well because of the fact that you can do more with animation then you can with live action.

Game Of Thrones

Not gonna lie this show right here was the main reason for me wanting to do this post because I am a huge Game Of Thrones fan i've seen every episode I own all the books heck I even played the terrible console game a few years ago. Now obviously doing another straight adaptation so soon after the TV show has ended just won't work in fact it would be utterly pointless but it could happen in say twenty years from now and then you could include from the forthcoming books and maybe all of the add on books as well so you could go into more detail then the live action show can at this point.

Any Of the Marvel Netflix Shows

This one might be tricky to do just because Disney owns Marvel and if you've seen any of the Marvel Netflix shows then you'll know that they aren't exactly kid friendly. However that being said it would still be nice to get a continuation for any of these shows given the fact that alot of them ended on a cliff hanger but tho if i'm being honest chances of any of these shows getting a continuation is very slim at best but we can always hope and who knows we might get a decent season of The Defenders out of it.


Now this show did get an animated movie spin off called Tabitha and Adam and the Clown Family but I think it would be cool to see this classic comedy get an animated reboot. Like with the Marvel stuff the chances of this getting an animated reboot is pretty slim partly because a live action reboot is currently in development but also because this franchise isn't as popular as it once was so it's not a guaranteed hit.

Breaking Bad

Now I know your all wondering how an animated version of Breaking Bad could work and to that I say look at what I said about Game Of Thrones, Just do this show twenty or so years later or if your really desperate and want to do a different story then why not get working on it right now and pitch it to Sony and maybe get it to air to air on Netflix.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark Issues 1-4 Review

Hello there for the first time both comic book fans and horror fans if you've read my previous reviews you'll know that I love both comic books and horror but this is the first time i've reviewed a horror comic book and i've chosen a pretty solid one to get things started. The book that i've chosen has only just finished it's first story so my review as the title would suggest is based of those first four issues only so here is my review of Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark.

The plot to these first for issues is that while filming a movie Elvira finds her selfs being transported through time and meets up with various horror legends all while trying to defeat Vlad The Impaler. I'll admit the story wasn't what I was expecting from an Elvira comic book but at the same time it perfectly fits the character. However I would have liked the story to reference the fact that Elvira isn't as popular as she once was just because I think there's some comedic value there but that's just me.

What really bugged me about the first issue is that it takes a full seven or eight pages just to get to the first actual panel. Now the first issue is twenty eight pages so it's not that big of an issue but when your just trying to get to the first panel of a comic book you don't want to bugged down by tons of what I assume are variant covers for that same comic book. I know that's only a major gripe and i'm sure that not many of you will have that same issue but it's something that really did bug me and i'm glad that they didn't do it for the other three issues.

The writer of these first four issues at least is David Avallone who's works also include Altered States: Doc Savage , Altered States: The Shadow , Bettie Page and Twilight Zone The Shadow. I've not read any of those books so I can't say if he's a good writer or not but based of these first four issues i'd very much like to check out more of his work since it seems like he gets the Elvira character down perfectly.

Now since there's no comic book shop near me i've had to read this series online and the site i;m reading this from has David Avallone as both the writer and artist. That's not the case tho as the artist for the book is Dave Acosta I don't know what else he's worked so I can't say if he's a good artist or not I can say however that the art in these four issues was really good and alot better then what I thought it was going to be or then it had any right to be for that matter.

The book is being published by Dynamite Comics how publish the Red Sonja books and the Grimm Fairy Tale books. In my opinion they are the best company for this character since they are known for being a little bit more edgy then either of the main stream comic book companies like for example Marvel or DC so they can really push things further and for a character like Elvira is really fitting and it would have been seen as out of character if she didn't have those more mature moments in there.

As far as I can tell this series is released every two months or so which I think is a bad move just because people might forget where there up to in the story. Heck even prior to this review I had to re-read all the issues just so I had an idea of what I was going to write about but that's also because I read issue four on Wednesday but I couldn't write the review because I had a ton of other reviews to get through.

I will say that so far this year is a good year for Elvira fans not only do we have this on going series but it was also recently announced that Elvira actress Cassandra Peterson was considering a third Elvira movie as well as trying to work something out with Netflix for Movie Macarbe. Honestly i'm going to go as far to say that this is the best comic book out there just due to how well written these four issues are and how well it represents the character.

Each issue you'll always get one or two hand drawn covers and then you'll get a live action cover so you get to see how stunning Elvira is both in comic book form and in live action form. There is kind of a twist that happens in issue three I say kind of because it doesn't really read that way at least in my own personal opinion so that is perhaps something that they could have worked on doing since it's also kind of a plot point.

Now i've done some digging around and it turns out that we're getting two Elvira comic books we're getting this Mistress Of The Dark series and starting some time this month were getting The Shape Of Elvira so when I said it's a good year for Elvira fans I really did mean it. I really do hope that this series runs for a long time because it really is a fun read and I truly do believe that it's something you'll enjoy regardless if you like horror or not.

Now since this is a horror book we have to talk about if there's any scares or not and if you've seen anything from Elvira you'll know what the answer to this question is. To put it simply there are no scares to be found in this book but that doesn't bother me at all because the character wasn't about scaring you she was about telling jokes so the fact that there's no scares in this book is really fitting and it would have seemed out of place if there was anything scary in it.

As for the actual jokes there honestly not that bad as with anything to do with comedy the humour is subjective so what you find funny I might not. For me tho alot of these jokes really do work and once again they are in keeping with the actual character of Elvira so there's a lot of sex jokes , there's alot of boob jokes and there's alot of jokes about how Elvira at the start of each issue from issue two onwards would give the reader a repeat of everything that's happened.

I know this is a bit late in the review but incase you've been living under a rock for the past thirty or so years and you don't know who Elvira is well let me tell you. She was in the nineteen eighties the host of a horror show called Movie Macabre think Mystery Science Theatre only there's a stunning woman hosting the show and after a few years of doing that and becoming an icon in the local LA area Cassandra Peterson would write and star in the first Elvira movie called Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark which I highly recommend checking out and to cut  along story short she is now a pop culture icon.

Overall these four issues were a joy to read and they really are just a fun ride i'd highly recommend this series to both comic book fans and horror fans because there's something in there for both of you i'm giving these four issues a solid 9 out of 10 from me.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Reign of the Supermen Spoiler Free Review

Well then DC fans this is a review I wasn't expecting to be giving you this early (i'm writing this the day before the digital release) I was honestly expecting to do this review the day the film came out on Digital platforms since that's usually when i'd do it anyway but I don't know what the heck happened and the film popped up online a day early and well you know I never miss a chance to see a movie i've been dying to see early. So here is my review of the follow up to last years kind of hit movie The Death Of Superman with Reign Of The Supermen.

The plot of the movie is Six months after the events of the last movie the world is still mourning the death of it;s greatest hero when four new heroes all claiming to be Superman show up. As alot of you will know this film adapts the second half of The Death Of Superman storyline and while I personally havn't read that arc I can say that it's great that Warner Bros Animation decided to re-adapt the book this time splitting it into two movies.  How the film handles the storyline is pretty good the story is very easy to follow so you won't get lost at all.

Starring in the movie is Rebecca Romijn as Lois Lane , Rainn Wilson as Lex Luthor , Cameron Monaghan as Superboy , Black Lightning as John Henry Irons / Steel , Patrick Fabian as Hank Henshaw / Cyborg Superman , Jason O'Mara as Batman , Rosario Dawson as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman , Shemar Moore as Victor Stone / Cyborg , Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern , Christopher Gorham as Barry Allen / The Flash , Nyambi Nyambi as John Jones / Martian Manhunter and horror legend Tony Todd as Darkseid.

Now I know that I left out alot of actors but there's alot of people in this movie and I can't just name the ones crucial to the plot because alot of them are. That said tho the acting is actually really good Rainn Wilson makes for a terrifying Lex Luthor and Tony Todd is just great in anything he's in. There was one name that I left out on purpose tho and if you've read the comic book you'll know why but I will say that this actor has been alot of the recent Dc animated films.

Now I can't fond who did the animation for this film but common sense would dictate that it was the same company who did the animation for the previous film. If that is the case then I have to say that in my opinion the animation in this film is a huge step down from what was seen in the previous film. Don't get me wrong it's still great animation but by DC standards it's not that good which is a shame because this storyline really would require the best animation that you can get on a small budget.

I said this in my review of The Death Of Superman but I prefer Superman: Doomsday not only because it was the first DC animated movie I ever bought but because I think it's a great movie. I can see why they did split this story in half because there's no way in hell it could have been done as one movie. Even if your movie is a great movie there still would have been alot of stuff cut out so at here they won't have that issue and they could have included things that people thought was missing from Doomsday.

Speaking of doing this story as one movie that's kind of what DC are planning I say kind of because there re-releasing both films but now they'll be edited together and have new footage added to them. I have to wonder why there even doing that it makes no sense no sense at all and it now means that the people who already have both films on DVD or whatever now might have to go and spend even more money just to see what the extra footage is.

One of the other things that I didn't like about the film was the pacing for me this film felt alot longer then what it really was. This film really didn't need to be an hour and a half especially because it's a second half of a story so if anything it should have been around an hour and fifteen minuets long but that's just my personal opinion. Another kind of issue that I had with the film is that the emotional moments just don't work as well in this film as they did the in the first film and i'm not sure why that even is.

This film does have a lot of humour and rather fittingly alot of the jokes do go to Nathan Fillion's character. I say that because the guy has pitch perfect delivery and can make pretty much anything funny and it helps that the jokes he's got in this film are genuinely quite funny I mean there nothing special but there alot better then anything you'll find in the typical episode of Teen Titans Go and that is a huge plus.

This is a superhero film so that means we have to talk about the action scenes and I honestly think that the action scenes in this movie are kind of dull. There honestly not that bad to look at but when you think about how good that they could have been compared to what we've actually got it does make me feel disappointed and also because DC animated films usually have great fight scenes so to have action scenes here that aren't as good when they so clearly could have been much better is a huge let down in my personal opinion.

I know that this might not go down well with alot of people but I can't help but think that this would make a great live action film. I know they kind of did it in Dawn Of Justice and Justice League but imagine if dawn Of Justice didn't do that storyline at all and Justice League part 1 was basically The Death Of Superman except you don't do it in under two hours you make the film two and a half hours because don't forget you'd still have get the league together. You have part 1 end with the death of Superman and the death of doomsday and then for part 2 it's the return of Superman that to me just sounds awesome.

Like the first movie there kind of is a nod to the first Christopher Reeve Superman movie and unlike the previous film where it's used at a highly emotional moment here it's just done as a joke i'm not going to spoil what it is but if you've seen the 78 movie you'll know what I mean. There's also a rumour to another classic DC live action show and again i'm not going to spoil it but I will say it's not Batman'66 and it involves a WONDERful character and yes that is a huge clue.

Overall this film is not as good as the previous film it is still a good film but it could and should have been so much better and so with all of that in mind the film is getting a 7 out of 10 from me if you want to own the film it's out on DVD and Blu-ray on January 29th.


Sunday, 13 January 2019

Green lantern: First Flight Review

Dc fans the company is known for making great animated movies in fact as of this writing the companies latest animated feature is due out on Digital release within the coming week. For this review tho we're going back to near the start of there animated movie line back to a time where it wasn't as popular as it is now and when Bruce Timm was a producer on all the films and the film i'm looking at is Green Lantern: First Flight.

The plot of the movie is Hal Jordan is a rookie Green Lantern who teams up with mentor Sinestro to find out who killed Abin Sur but during there quest they discover that one of them is a traitor. I admit that while the story is well told and fairly well paced if you know anything about the Green Lantern lore then you'll know right away for the traitor is so it isn't that much of a surprise when it happens and I have no idea why various GL movies keep trying to do this twist because we all know it's coming.

Starring in this movie is Christopher Meloni as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern , Dr. Martin Stein as Sinestro , Number Six from Battlestar Galactica as Boodikka , Michael Madsen as Kilowog , My Foot Up Your A*s as Kanjar Ro , John Larroquette as Tomar Re and Olivia d'Abo as Carol Ferris. I know that alot of people love Nathan Fillion as Green lantern but for me Christopher Meloni is a good Hal Jordan as well granted he might not get as many funny lines as Nathan but for the tone that this film is going for it really does work.

As for the rest of the actors I was honestly surprised at how many great actors were in this movie and I know that I made alot of jokes when I was listing who played who. I only made those jokes because I was honestly shocked that they were in this movie and there all really good in it as well altho Olivia is only in the opening of the movie and she was good so the movie could have used more of her somehow.

The animation for the film was done by Telecom Animation Film Company who are now TMS Entertainment and they did work on the 1994 Spider-Man series as well both the Batman and Superman animated shows. I can say that having them on board did give me some hope for the quality of the animation not like it was ever needed because the DC films are always well animated but here it honestly looked like this film belonged on the big screen.

What is surprising when you think about it is that even Wonder Woman is the more popular character she's only had one solo animated movie where as Green Lantern who isn't as popular has had two solo movies plus a solo animated series. That was honestly quite a shock to me altho given how poorly the Wonder Woman sold it does kind of make sense but still you'd think that Warner Bros would want to make more stuff with a popular character instead if focusing on a character that isn't as well known.

For those wondering if this is an origin story the simplest answer is kind of I say that because the opening few minuets is the traditional backstory. After the credits tho that does kind of continue as we see Hal joining the corps but it's not a backstory in the more traditional sense and that does make sense since apparently they did his backstory in Justice League: The New Frontier and director Lauren Montgomery didn't want to cover the same story.

There is a lot of CGI in the film and unlike the live action Green Lantern film it's not that bad but don't get me wrong it's pretty bad but unlike the live action film which had a huge budget here it's more understandable since the budget for straight to DVD films is alot smaller. So you can forgive them for having pretty bad looking CGI and also unlike the live action film Hal's super suit isn't fully CGI whoever made the call on that film to have the whole suit be CGI should have been fired because it was a dumb move to make.

This film was the fifth film in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies line up of films and for me this isn't the best film in that line up which I will always state is Wonder Woman heck this one wouldn't even crack my top 10. It is still a really good film tho and alot of that does come from the action scenes which are really well handled and to make things interesting the final isn't just a scene where the hero and villain use there super powers instead it's a hand to hand fight.

Anyone remember when this movies had opening title sequences because I do and they were always fun to watch granted alot of them where nothing special but they always looked visually interesting. For some reason the recent movies have got rid of the opening title sequence instead just opting to show the title of the movie can we bring back opening title sequences for these movies please when they look good there great.

Overall like I said this is a really decent film it does have a very predictable plot twist tho which is something that the GL movies should just stop doing because we all know it's coming but apart from that it's a movie that I really did enjoy so it gets a 6 out of 10 from me.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Back To The Future: The Animated Series Review

Back To The Future fans depending on where you read this review you'll know that i'm currently in the process of reviewing things from the Back To The Future franchise and that includes what i'm about to review today. What i'm going to review is something that not even fans of the Back To the Future franchise talk about and after seeing a few episodes I can kind of see why so here is my review of Back To The Future: The Animated Series.

The premise of this show is basically it's the further adventures of Doc , Marty and Doc's family so to say it's episodic would be an understatement. Unlike other episodic shows where you don't need to have seen the first episode to understand what's going on in this case you need to have seen at least the first and third film just because those films introduce alot of the characters that are seen in this series.

Returning as Doc Brown in the shows live action segments is the great Christopher Lloyd with the character being voiced by Homer Simpson yup you heard that right Dan Castellaneta is in the show. Chris isn't the only returning actor tho as we also have Mary Steenburgen as Clara Clayton Brown and Thomas F. Wilson as not only Biff Tannen but also every ancestor of the Tannen family. The new actors are Cathy Cavadini as Jennifer Parker , David Kaufman as Marty Mcfly , a young Josh Keaton as Jules Brown and Troy Davidson as his brother Verne Brown.

The returning actors are fine even tho Christopher Lloyd shockingly sounds pretty bad in the live action segments. Both Mary and Tom are pretty decent in the show altho none are really given much to work with which I guess makes sense since we did just have three films set in that world. It's with the new actors tho that in my opinion the acting works it's best even a young Josh Keaton is actually pretty good in the show.

The animation was done by Big Pictures don't worry if you havn't heard of them I havn't either and I can't even find out what they've worked on because there's nothing about them on the internet anywhere. As for what I thought about the animation it's very cartoony which normally wouldn't be an issue but the fact that the film series it came from was very mature in a lot of ways it really is kind of jarring.

Another issue I have with the show is that it's aimed at little kids which wouldn't be an issue but it trys to have it cake by having be set in the world of Back To the Future. From day one people should have realised that having a Back To The Future animated series aimed at kids is a bad idea and it's because in order to understand anything you need to have seen the movies they can't make a kids shows based on a film that had a PG rating and expect the kids watching the show to understand everything that's going on.

Unlike the film series which strictly follows the rules of Time Travel established in The Time Machine for some reason this series doesn't. Just so you know what I mean the rule of time travel is if you build and then use a time machine you can only go backwards and forwards in time not in time and space. For some reason this show doesn't follow that rule in fact it breaks it in the very first episode and that really annoys me because the first film did time travel really well so now to see those same characters moving in time and space in a time machine to me is really irritating.

This show first started airing on CBS on September 14th 1991 and lasted for two seasons airing it's final episode on December 26th 1992 and lasting twenty six episodes with each season being thirteen episodes. For you see this show went into production just after the third film came out and the world was craving more adventures and since Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis didn't want to do a sequel they instead chose to make an animated series that way the world can get more adventures and they can work on other films. It's not a bad idea in theory but the issue is like I said they chose to aim a film which would have been seen by teens and adults at little kids.

To me what would have made the most sense was if they used the actual Back To The Future theme for the intro to the show since that's the theme that's most associated with the franchise or if not that at least "The Power Of Love" by Huey Lewis and The news. What we have instead is a pretty bad cover version of "Back In Time" which granted was written for the film but it's not a song that you think of when you think of Back To The Future and for some reason they reuse a scene from the end of the first movie and they remove the great score by Alan Silvestri and replace it with a terrible piece of music.

I have to say that I kind of hate that they made this show very cartoony it's not a bad idea but when it comes from a film is kind of grounded in reality it doesn't make sense and can be jarring. I think that they made it cartoony just to please the little kids but without realising that the people most likely to not only watch this show but also enjoy it are people who watched and enjoyed the movies so why they didn't take a more realistic approach is beyond me.

It seems that the animation wasn't the only thing done to please little kids because anything that made the movies more adult isn't present in this series at all. All of the jokes are jokes that little kids would have enjoyed. I honestly don't think that I laughed at one single joke all throughout the entire series which is pretty bad considering that this is meant to be a comedy. Heck even the characters seem like a more cartoony version of there movie counterparts how they managed to do that with established characters is beyond me but some how they did it.

Overall I can very easily see why fans of the franchise wouldn't talk about this franchise however at the same time it is still new adventures with our favourite characters so if your a fan of the franchise it might be worth checking out but if your not a fan don't even bother just avoid the fan inside me is giving this series a 5.5 out of 10 but if I wasn't a fan it would be getting at least a 4 out 10

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Some Animated Films That You Might Not Have Heard Of

Animation fans i'm not going to lie i've been sat here racking my brain for a good few hours trying to think of something at least semi decent to give you guys and I think i've come up with it. It's something that's a little bit different and will hopefully expose you guys to some more animation which can only be a good thing so here we go so yeah i'm going to be looking at a lot of animated films that you guys might not have heard of and I hope that you guys go and check these films out.

Ethel And Ernest

Boys and girls i;m not going to go into to much detail about this one since I do plan on reviewing it very soon but I can say that this film is so little known that until I began writing this post I didn't know about it and that's a shame given that the cast is full of great British actors. The reason i'd say you might not have heard of it is because it's British and aired on British TV and as much as I hate this fact but British shows don't get as much attention as American ones unless it's Doctor Who or Downton Abby.

When The Wind Blows

This is on here for the exact same reason that Ethel And Ernest is on here and like that film I do plan on reviewing this one very soon. As far as I can tell this did get a theatrical release at least here in the UK but I might be wrong another reason why I think that this film isn't that well known is because it came out in 1986 so it could just be because of the passage of time that people have forgotten about the film.

Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero

Last year was one of the best years for animated films that we've had in a long long time yes there was one or two bad films but the overall majority of them were good if not great. That's where this film comes in because while people were focused on the major animated films there was this small little indie animated film doing the rounds and it was really good it's a film that I will continue to talk about because it deserves to be talked about and it deserves to be seen.

A Silent Voice

I was really freaking tempted to put Your Name here but I get the feeling that even if you don't watch anime on a weekly basis you've at least heard of that film and that's not what this post is about. I went with this film and the next film on this post because they both got overshadowed by Your Name and that's a shame because all three films deserve to be talked about heck when people were saying that Your Name should have been nominated for an OSCAR I was making the case for these two films they are that good.

In This Corner Of The World

While A Silent Voice was about a death girl and her former bully learning to be friends this film is about the struggles and hardships of surviving Hiroshima. When I say surviving I don't mean you see the military trying to get by you see the average people just struggling to get by day to day and that right there makes this movie ten times more heartbreaking then Your Name ever will be and this will most likely be the final anime you see on this list but we'll see.


I'm sort of cheating with this one since it did get a wide American release under the name Leap! but I still want to talk about it because of the fact that not that many people do talk about it. In fairness I can see why since it is a very forgettable film heck even right now i'm struggling to think of anything from this film but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be forgotten since even the bad films should be talked about so we know what to look for when spotting a bad film.

Mary and the Witch's Flower

We're heading back to the land of the rising sun for this film because it seems that the only anime that people in the animation community will talk about are either really popular films like Your Name or anything by Studio Ghibli. Which to me isn't fair because not everyone can be Studio Ghibli and films from smaller and this case newer studios should be talked about as well infact alot of ex Ghibli employees worked on this film. From just this film alone I can say that Studio Ponoc have a bright future ahead of them.

Mary And Max

Now i've not seen this film myself yet I do have it downloaded tho and I hope to be watching it sometime within the next week. This was a film that someone on Cartoon Amino told me about and after seeing the trailer that they provided I went and downloaded the film because it looks freaking fantastic and for the life of me I have no idea why this film didn't get much attention when it came out in 2009.

The Breadwinner

It still shocks me to this very day that not alot of people know about this film and this is one of the few times were I agree with the OSCAR nomination. This film is everything you want from a great film it's funny , it's tragic and most importantly of all not only does it have great animation done by Cartoon Saloon but it comes from a place of pure passion. So I urge you guys to go and check this film out because you won't forget it one bit.

So there we go guys I want you guys to know that you shouldn't feel obligated to check these films out like I say a few times early on in the post i've not seen them yet but I plan of doing soon. All of these films should be seen for one reason or another and the reason why I chose to stick with small indie animated films is because whenever a big name animation studio announced a new film people start talking about it but no one bats an eye lid when one of these smaller studios do.