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Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Aeon Flux TV Series Review

Animation fans there has been one show that i've always wanted to review but i've never done it for one reason or another well now I can safely cross this show of my list because i've just finished all three seasons and i'm here to bring you my review so here is what I thought of Aeon Flux.

Now I would normally write what the plot to the show is here but the show is so strange that I can't work out what the plot to the show is. It's because of the fact that the show has no plot that to me helps the show stand out quite a bit and yes I know that there are shows out there that don't have a plot but those shows also have a premise which means you can very easily pick up on if the show is going to be good but that's not the case with this show.

What also makes the show standout out from all the others is that for the first two seasons there was no dialog at all so the actors i'm listing are only in the shows third and final season and they are Denise Poirier as Aeon Flux and John Rafter Lee as Trevor Goodchild. There are alot more voice actors in this show but since the supporting cast changes with each episode I thought it made more sense just to list the two characters who are in every episode. 

As for what I thought of there acting for a show that started in the early nineties the acting is pretty decent don't get me wrong when it's bad it's really freaking bad but when it's good it's great. I can't help but wonder if the either the actors or the crew involved didn't know what they were doing because there are times where you get this really odd line delivery and that's something that could have been fixed very easily.

After some research (less then five minuets on Wikipedia and IMDB) i've narrowed down who did the animation to two companies one is MTV Animation and the second is Colossal Pictures. Either way the animation is clearly the best thing in this show and that's saying something because there's quite alot of things in this show which are great and worth talking about. I will say tho that the character designs for this show are really weird and i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

This show aired from November 30th 1991 until October 10th 1995 spanning three seasons but I know what your wondering how can a show be on for three seasons but be running for four years. Well the answer to that is the first two seasons of the show aired on a show called Liquid Television and each episode was around two to five minuets in length. However it's when we reach the third season which started in 1995 that the show's length expanded to a full twenty two minuets as for why there was a three gap between seasons your guess is as good as mine on that one.

You might have noticed that i've not posted an image of what the character of Aeon Flux looks like well that's because if I did I could get banned in some places where this review will go. Now that i've said that I might get banned that should give you an idea as to how mature that this show gets at times so I wouldn't recommend any little kid watch this especially the first two seasons i'll explain why later on in the review.

One of the reasons why I wouldn't recommend this show to any little kids is because in the first two seasons of the show there's a lot of blood and alot of gore and when i say a lot I really mean a lot. It was common place for animated shows in the eighties and nineties to make guns sound like lasers and the villains henchmen robots but here our hero uses guns and not on robots on real life people. 

The other thing that makes this show really freaking adult is the fact that in the second season Aeon Flux dies at the end of every episode so you can only imagine how disturbing a little kid would find a show like this and more importantly if this was made for kids all of the parents groups would loose there collective minds. I do have to say tho that I liked the fact that the main character dies at the end of the every episode since it makes the show standout but you can see what's going to kill her a mile away.

I don't know if anyone else will agree with me when i say this but in my personal opinion the show lost some of it's edge when it moved to a twenty two minuet show and that has me wondering where this show is at it's best. In the original format it worked but it didn't allow much time for character and story but we got a lot more mature content but in it's new form we got alot more character and world building but it lost some of that mature content.

When I was watching the show I couldn't help but compare it to the anime film Ghost In The Shell because they both came out in the exact same year and they both pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in animation. So without those two things saying that both anime and animation can be for adults and we wouldn't have these more mature shows today that we all love yes there were others that helped with that but for me it was these two that really got people thinking.

Due to the fact that this show has no real plot or story to tell there's no continuity at all and while that does work for the first two seasons. It doesn't work for the third season since your in a longer format and that means there's only so long you can go without having continuity but tho on the flip side of that it also means you can get episodes where both the hero and villain switch roles and this show does that really well in my opinion.

Overall this series is strange and weird and yet at the same time it works yes the show does have a lot of faults but we cannot ignore the fact that it was a mainstay on MTV for a long time and it has inspired to check something else out (hint check the above picture) the show gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

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