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Sunday, 3 June 2018

My Top 5 Best And Worst Animated Shows

Alot of animated shows come and go all the time some are good and some are bad and I like the rest of you have my own list of shows that I like and that I hate and now i'm going to list my top 5 best and worst animated shows.


5) The Little Mermaid

Honestly the worst thing that I can say about this series is that both it and it's stories are forgettable honestly i'm trying right now to remember any story from this show and I can't it's fine if you like these characters but if you want to remember what happens in any episode then your better of watching something else.

4) Wabbit

Yes I know this show is now called New Looney Tunes but it first aired under the name Wabbit and so that's what i;m going to call it. This show is really bad it dumbs down all of the characters especially Bugs and considering he's the main character that's not something you should be proud of at all.

3) Nate Is Late

This is show is a drag to sit through each episode is only twenty two minuets long but it feels so much longer then that i should know I watched an episode just to see what the show is about and I almost fell asleep half way through the first episode.

2) Spy Kids: Mission Critical

As well as being a really dumbed down version of the movies everything in this show just seems wrong the show doesn't know if it wants to be set in the same world as the movies or not and the characters look really freaking ugly quite frankly it wouldn't surprise me if Netflix cancelled this show.

1) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle

I very recently reviewed this show so if you want to now more about why this show is bad that I suggest you check the review out but to summarize this show has ugly looking characters , bad writing and bad animation.


5) Tiny Toon Adventures

This show is really freaking funny it really is a great use of the classic Looney Tunes characters and the show has some funny original characters overall i'd say any cartoon fan should check this show because it deserves alot more attention.

4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1980's Series)

This show right here defined everything that we know and love about the turtles today everything from there personalities to the multi colored masks all came from this series it's a must watch for any fans of the ninja turtles.

3) Looney Tunes

This series of cartoon shorts brought the world such characters like Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny both of which are now household names and some of the shorts were directed by true animation legends everything about this series that was great back then is still great today yes some of the pop culture gags won't be as funny but some of the routines are legendary.

 2) Animaniacs

What more can i say about this show that hasn't already been said it has great animation , the voice acting in the show is freaking fantastic , the animation for a TV show is the best your going to get and oh my god the jokes this show fires so many jokes at you and nearly all of them land heck this show was so popular that it's spawned two spin off shows , a movie and an upcoming reboot.

1) Batman: The Animated Series

You all knew this show was going to make an appearance on this half of the list at some point I would go as far to say that it's the best superhero show ever made and that's freaking saying something while Animaniacs only spawned two spin off shows this one spawned an entire universe dubbed the Timmverse after producer Bruce Timm.  

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