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Saturday, 5 May 2018

Ballmastrz: 9009 Review

Guys it's finally time five weeks ago I posted my initial thoughts of the series but now Ballmastrz: 9009 has aired it's final two episodes I now present to you my full review of the series so let's get it on.

The plot of the series is washed up player Gaz Digzy is forced to join the lowest ranked team of a sport called "The Game" and if she can get the team to win one game she can join any team she wants. It might not sound like it based of the set up but the series is fairly episodic I say fairly because there are some episodes that drive the story forward but they are few and far between and for me the plot is wonderfully absurd.

Starring in this crazy show is Orange Is the New Black and American Pie star Natasha Lyonne as Gaz Digzy , one of the stars of Adventure Time Jessica DiCicco as both Ace Ambling and the anime inspired Duleena "Dee Dee" Duneeda , Dana Snyder as Baby Ball , Eric Bauza as Flip Champion , Dave Willis as Leto Otel and the shows creator / writer and director Christy Karacas as Crayzar and Aboo Buvu.

The acting in this show is better then what I thought it would be just given the fact that it's an adult comedy from the maker of Superjail but I did enjoy the performances from all of the cast and I had no idea that was Flame Princess playing the young male character Ace she was so believable in that role that I actually thought they had cast a guy in that role.

Handling the animation for the series is Titmouse who animated the opening for Avatar: the Last Airbender and the cancelled Son Of Zorn and I have to say that the animation in this show is fairly decent I say that because there are times where the style the show is going for does become a little distracting.

I have seen other people refer to the show as ugly and I don't think it's ugly looking at all personally I think that's part of the show's visual style but to flip it I can see why they would say it looks ugly it's just in my opinion it's not ugly to look at.

Back when I did my initial thoughts on the series I said that the show looked to be anime inspired and as the show went on I can definitely say that there is alot of anime inspired characters in this show heck one of the teams in this show has characters that are dressed up like Sailor Moon characters and the character of Dee Dee looks like an anime character and that's not to mention all of the anime looking fight scenes which here are when two teams are playing each other in "The Game".

To say this show is crazy would be an understatement half the time I found my self wondering what the heck is going on and the other half enjoying what I was seeing because of how crazy it is and I love the show for being so crazy but at the same time I do wish they would have slowed it down so I could work out what was going on.

For some unknown reason Adult Swim now likes to show two episodes of a show per week and it's something that I don't understand why they do it surely it would be better in the long run to let a show air it's episodes once a week then to air two episodes a week and get the series over and done with as soon as possible and it only seems to be the shows that are fifteen minuets long as well I dare them to do the same thing with something like Rick And Morty and see how well it works out for them then.

Overall this is an entertaining if not flawed show and it's one that I hope does get picked up for a second season and I hope it doesn't take as long as Superjail to make because I want to see more from this world and these characters this show scores a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

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