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Thursday, 31 May 2018

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle 2018 Review

Cartoon fans reboots are everywhere but one of the shows that for a while never got a reboot was Rocky and Bullwinkle well that now changes because Dreamworks has released a reboot but not on Netflix but on Amazon so here is my review of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle so let's get it on.

The plot of the show is Rocky and Bullwinkle get into situations and have to end up saving the day time and time again. What makes this series stand out is the fact that each story will last a number of episodes so the first story lets five episodes , the second lasts four episodes and the final story lasts three episodes and the story is the best thing about this show and that's not really saying much.

Replacing the late June Foray as Rocky and Natasha are the great Tara Strong as Rocky and Rachel Butera as Natasha Fatale but also in the show are Brad Norman as Bullwinkle J. Moose , Ben Diskin as Boris Badenov , Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader and Daran Norris as the Narrator. The show did have the hard task of replacing the legendary June Foray and i give them credit for doing just that.

That said however out of all the actors on the show Tara Strong is the only one who I feel is trying and giving a decent performance and she actually does a decent impression of June Foray Rachel Butera I feel would have better if she cast as someone else bu she's cast as another character who was played by June and she doesn't do a good impression.

This show was produced by Dreamworks Animation Television and the actual animation was done by DHX and while this is there first series not to air on Netflix the animation on the show is really freaking bad the original show didn't have good animation to begin with but that show barely had a budget this show is animated by a major hollywood studio so they have no excuse what so ever it doesn't have to be movie quality but it has to be at least watchable.

One of the things that struck me about the show was how ugly it looks people say most adult cartoons look ugly but so does this show in fact i'd say this show looks worse then most adult shows and that's really saying something I get that the makers of the show want to make it there own but this is also a kids show so it has to look appealing but nope everything in this show from the characters to the backgrounds look ugly.

I'm not gonna lie I didn't watch the original show nor did I watch the live action movie infact this is my only time being exposed to the franchise and even i can tell that these characters deserve better then this show.

Make no mistake about it this show is made for little kids but I can't really see little kids getting into or even liking this show and I can't even see fans of the original show liking this show so I have to ask who is show even for since the original fans are going to be put of by the either trailer or the idea of a reboot and the kids might be put of the by how ugly looking the show is.

In case your wondering this show has thirteen episodes but i'm only doing this review after watching the first five episodes since they tell one story it only makes sense to do that however after watching those five episodes I will not be watching the rest of the series that's how bad it is i'm going to publish this review and then get to work on purging this show from my brain forever.

Right now i'm sure your wondering if there's anything that even slightly redeems this show and that answer is yes because from what i've seen the show does have some funny jokes but there jokes that only a little kid would find funny and while that's not a bad thing since this show is based of an older property they have to understand that alot of adult fans will check it out as well so why not give them some jokes.

I will say that if you hate Teen Titans Go! get ready to hate this show even more because at least that show has alot more funny jokes and ideas which this show barely freaking has altho i will admit that the James Bond style opening sequence is pretty funny.

Overall this is a reboot that nobody asked for nor was it one that was even needed honestly your better of avoiding this reboot all together and watch something that's actually good and entertaining this show gets a 3 out of 10 from me.  

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Doctor Who " The Daleks" Review

Doctor Who fans as you may or may not be a where of Twtich are currently airing around 500 to 800 episodes of the classic series and when I logged on this morning one of the stories they happened to be repeating is the serial i'm going to be reviewing for you now here is my review of the very first Dalek story The Daleks.

The plot of this serial is The Doctor and his companions find themselves on a planet and encounter some deadly enemies on the planet Skaro. I'm not going to spoil what happens in this serial because I want people to check out the Twitch streams but I will say that the story is really interesting and it does a good job of making the dalek an actual threat.

For you young Doctor Who fans the doctor in this serial is played by William Hartnell and his companions are played by Carole Ann Ford , Jacqueline Hill and William Russell and they are joined by Peter Hawkins and David Graham as the voices of The Daleks , Alan Wheatley , John Lee and Virginia Wetherell. I will say that this episode for the most part is very acted I say for the most part because there are a few scenes where Carole's acting isn't that good and it's mostly when she's running.

What really shocked me was how early the daleks appeared in the series this serial is only the second ever serial made and out of all the monsters the first doctor ever faced these are the ones that the fans took to the most and like i said before this episode does a really good job of making them scary unlike recent stories where they would show up just for a ratings boost.

Honestly the amount of episodes in this serial for me is a bit much there's seven episodes each one around 25 minuets in length that's around two to three hours in total which for my liking is way to long but tho having that many episodes does help the story.

If your one of those complained about Clara being a strong character you should know that the show has always had strong female leads and yes this includes both Barbara and Susan who are more then a match for both The Doctor and Ian so if your going to take issue with her then you better do your research because if not your going to get taken to school and I don't give you money for lunch.

The show never really had a huge budget during it's first run and in some scenes in this serial it really does show because there are scenes where you can tell that the daleks in the background are cardboard cutouts which did provide me with a good laugh even tho i've seen this serial once before.

The effects in this show also look cheap i'm not comparing them to effects seen in modern day Doctor Who either but wow you'd have thought when this serial was released on DVD that the BBC would have put the money up for updated or better looking special effects but nope they didn't so instead we are left with effects that just look cheap and something that you could make in a computer in five minuets if you wanted to.

During the shows early years it became known for it's cliffhangers and perhaps the most famous one is in this serial it's a cliffhanger that's really well built up with lots of suspense and it leads to the reveal of doctor Who's most famous villains if only every episode in this serial didn't end with a cliffhanger episode six ends in a literal cliffhanger.

Overall this is a fantastic Dalek story and it's a great episode that introduces the classic villains I would recommend this episode to both old and new fans alike but it's an episode that does have it's fair share of issues so it's gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.


Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Rating Most PIXAR Films From Worst To Best

PIXAR are without a doubt the best animated studio out there right now most of there films have been hits and are loved by everyone so i'm giving myself the hard task of rating most of there films from worst to best and to make things a little bit easier those that are part of a franchise e.g. Cars and Toy Story will be judged as a franchise so here we go.

Cars (Franchise)

The first one is enjoyable and nothing else it has some good characters and some really nice animation however it's sequel it's downright bad it takes a character that works best in small doses and makes him the main character but they did redeem themselves with the really good Cars 3.

The Good Dinosaur

The biggest issue that I have with this film is that it's forgettable and that's the worst thing any film can be it does have an interesting story but you know where the story is going early on in the film and that makes the film predictable.

Finding Nemo (Franchise)

I admit to not really remembering the first film that well but i did see the second film and that's why it's here because I don't feel it lives up to the legacy of the first film despite having mostly the same cast and the same crew involved but they get an A for effort.


This film took alot of chances and I really did enjoy the film why people aren't talking about this film more I will never know plus in my eyes it helped start this new Disney Renascence I really cannot recommend this film enough and this is where this list gets even harder.

Toy Story (Franchise)

I loved these movies growing up and I still do heck the third movie was so perfect that I cried twice and while i;m glad there making a fourth movie I feel that the story has been told all of these films are funny and have great animation and they changed the animation industry since after the first film came out we got alot more CGI animated films.


The most recent PIXAR film which I did really freaking love I can't recall what score I gave it but I know it was a high score because of how good this film is and it deserves all of the awards that it won but it's second because there's a film that i think is better.

Inside Out

I freaking love this film I cannot describe how much I love this film it's that good heck it's that good that i've talked about it more then once it has great animation and the acting was rightfully praised and the story is so important and if they do a sequel they will have to come up with a freaking great story. 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

My Thoughts On The Recent New Series Announcements By Cartoon Network And Some Reboots That Should Happen

This is something that i've held of doing for sometime mostly because I had no idea what to think about these announcements but also because they came from out of know where and chances are you'll know exactly what announcements i'm talking about so here we go and i'm also going to list of some reboots that should happen.

Announced Shows

Thundercats Roar

Honestly out of three shows that got announced this was one of two shows that truly surprised me because no one 1) saw it coming and 2) wanted another reboot heck I like many of you wanted a second series to the 2011 reboot and like many of you I hated the trailer but unlike many of you I kinda like the artwork it looks alot like OK KO to me and I like that show and yes there will be review of all three of these shows after they've debuted.

I don't think this series will be as bad as people are thinking it will be but the terrible first trailer really didn't help things at all but I do think that the creator of the show does love the original 1980's show and i do think we're all judging this show far to early episode 1 hasn't even come out and i'm seeing videos on Youtube from people saying that it's going to be bad just give the show a chance because you never know it could turn out to be good. 

Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

This is the only show that really didn't surprise me at all when it got announced because Matthew Lillard tweeted a few months ago I think about recording a new series and then Grey Griffin was on Butch Heartman's podcast and she mentioned she was recording a new Scooby-Doo series so this was really expected.

However what wasn't expected was the fact that this show is basically a freaking remake of The New Scooby-Doo Movies if your going to basically remake any Scooby series don't remake the one that's dated the most remake one of the better series altho I will give this show this it's guest list sounds amazing it has Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill will be making an appearance and like the next show i'm going to mention this one will air on Boomerang.

Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs!

Honestly I was more surprised about this being announced then I was about Thundercats Roar just because there hasn't been a new Flintstones series for decades so when this popped up I was truly taken a back by it and even more taken a back by the fact there focusing on Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm even now I still have no idea what to think about this show i'll check it out for sure because Fred , Wilma , Barney and Betty are confirmed to make an appearance.

The one thing I can say for sure is I don't like the designs for Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm they just look so freaking strange the plot of the show is the kinda of thing you'd expect from a show being aimed at a younger audience in that it's Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm with the help of Dino exploring the world around them.

Shows That Should Be Rebooted

The Jetsons

Now this show is being remade in live action but i'm talking about doing a cartoon reboot of the series and it could actually work because since the 60's technology has advanced so far so it would be great if the animated series could reflect that.

Top Cat

Somebody please tell me i'm not the only one that wants to see a reboot of this show if any show deserves a reboot it's this one and again it would be so easy to do all you'd have to do is update it to reflect the current times and boom you have yourselves a show.


Trollhunters Review

Netflix has a mixed record when it comes to producing animated shows some are really bad but then there's a few shows that are actually really good and one of those shows is the show that i'm going to take a look at today so here is my review of Trollhunters.

The premise of this show is Jim an average high school kid finds himself in procession of a magic amulet that allows him to become a trollhunter and he along with his friends defend trolls from evil trolls as well as protecting there town. Yeah this series is as epic as i've just made it sound but what makes the show truly stand out is the fact that over it's three seasons each season has a different story to tell so you could watch any season and know who the characters are.

Now sadly this was the final voice role for actor Anton Yelchin who played Jim in the first two seasons he had recorded the first two seasons and some of the third so for the third season Jim was played by Emile Hirsch with Anton getting additional voice credit and in my opinion the two voices were really well mixed you can't really tell when it's Emile and when it's Anton which for me is always a good sigh.

Also in the cast are Charlie Saxton , Jonathan Hyde , Cersei Lannister , Kelsey Grammer , Fred Tatasciore , Lexi Medrano and Lauren Tom. While the main cast list is indeed impressive what really impressed me was who they got in the guest list in the first episode the troll that dies is played by Tom Hiddleston and Luke Skywalker is in the series. Performance wise the show can be a very mixed bag for me and honestly i'm expecting to get some hate fr saying this but it's true just because there are times where the line delivery could have been better.

As i'm sure you all know by now this show was animated by Dreamworks Animation and unlike there film division there TV output has been pretty solid and the animation has always been really good and the same can be said for this show for me at times the animation in the show looked like it belonged in a movie. 

I have no idea what the budget was for this show but given how good the animation was it has to be high because you don't get that good animation on a small TV budget plus they get a lot of crazy camera angels which really do show of how great the animation truly is.

Now this series was the first in a trilogy of shows with 3 Below and Wizards to come but what I noticed when watching the second season and first season was the fact that for the whole of the first season the name Tales Of Arcadia didn't show up in the titles it only started showing up in the final two seasons which leads me to believe that the trilogy wasn't planned until work on season 1 had been done.

Also of note is the length of each season for the first season there was a huge twenty six episodes which honestly i'm glad they didn't do for the final two seasons since they are only thirteen episodes respectfully if each season was twenty six episodes I wouldn't have even thought about doing this review because that's way to much even for me twenty six episodes is two much content to digest.

Speaking of 3 Below when I was doing some research for the review I found out that the characters Aja and Krel are going to be the main characters in that series which will also see the return of Cole Sand and Steven Yeun's Steve and Eli and given how this series ends I think it's safe to say that there will be at least one or two more returning characters but either way if your planning on watching 3 Below you have to watch Trollhunters and by the way I love Aja.

I have to say bravo to the team because the action scenes in this series are so freaking good it's unreal and again it makes me wonder what the heck the budget was for this show since most live action movies don't have action scenes this good and honestly they were the best part of the season 3 and series finale for me just because they were so stunning to look at.

What you might not know is this show is actually based on the book released in 2015 of the same name written by series creator Gulliermo del Toro and co-written by Daniel Kraus the book i'm guessing became a hit because Dreamworks then tried to adapt it into a movie before settling on turning it into a series for Netflix and well we know how that turned out.

Overall Trollhunters once again proves that Netflix can indeed air good animated shows and given what else they have lined up they could have more good animated shows on there but this series is not without fault since most of the first season is forgettable and like I said the performances are a bit off so it gets an 8.5 out of 10.


Thursday, 24 May 2018

Krypton Season 1 Review

Superman fans the first season of it's second prequel Krypton has finished airing and a second season is confirmed for next year and since i've got nothing to do today I thought i'd give you my review of the entire first season so here we go.

So then the plot of the first season is Brainiac is coming to Krypton and it's up to Seg-El and friends to stop him. This show is set 200 years before Superman incase you didn't know by the word prequel but I will say that the story is pretty well told and it does wrap up really well as far as I can work out there's going to be a new story every season and I think that might work for this show but time will tell.

The show stars Cameron Cuffe as Seg-El , Georgina Campbell as Lyta-Zod , Shaun Sipos as Adam Strange , Rasmus Hardiker as Kem , Wallis Day as Nyssa-Vex , Blake Ritson as Rao and Brainiac , Ian McElhinney as Val-El and Colin Salmon as General Dru-Zod. They sure as hell love casting British actors in this show because there's a lot of them in the main cast and that's not a bad thing since it means more people might then want to watch British films.

Acting wise the show is a very mixed bag and I think that's because for a lot of the cast this is there first big thing Cameron Cuffe who's only been acting for a few years prior to this show tho does deliver a great performance as Seg and for me it's always great to see Colin Salmon in anything I just love him.

This show does take liberties with established Superman lore i'm not going to spoil what liberties are taken but if you've seen the show you'll know exactly what I mean and it's something that did drive me a little crazy or is that crazyer?.

I will admit tho that the ten episode format does work for this show since alot of the episodes are jam packed with plot elements that even going to thirteen episodes could make people turn of the show but sticking to ten episodes means that the story can advance at a nice pace and it won't feel rushed or like it's out stayed it's welcome.

I'll admit that for a show airing on Syfy the CGI is pretty freaking good and I wish I knew who was doing the CGI so I could thank them because Syfy shows very rarely have good CGI in fact most of them have terrible CGI but this show has proven that a show on Syfy can have good CGI effects and I hope that other shows take note but tho the effects in this show aren't as good as the ones in The Flash.

Like Game Of Thrones this show films in Belfast but I don't think they film in same studio altho that would have been awesome and they also film in Canada and I have to say you can't really tell what was filmed in a studio and what was filmed out on location apart from obvious scenes for example any scene inside the fortress of solitude for example.

I'll admit that I checked out of this series around episode four maybe episode five but I did watch the season finale and i'd seen enough of the series to make an impression and from what i've seen everything is just meh and that includes the action scenes they just feel average to me and for an action heavy show like this that's not a good thing and I hope it's something that they fix in season two.

Overall this is mostly an average show for everything that I liked about it I found one thing that I didn't like but given how season one ended i'm interested in where they go in season two but season one scores a 5.5 out of 10 from me.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

The Loud House Review

Cartoon fans there are so few shows that show how far we've come as a society and one of those shows is the hit show The Loud House and i've read the title of this review then you know that i'm going to talk about and that will mean talking about the Chris Savino situation so here we go with the review.

The premise of the show is Lincoln Loud is the only boy and middle child in a family of eleven children. He has ten sisters with distinctive personalities bossy eldest child Lori, ditzy fashionista Leni, musician Luna, comedian Luan, athletic Lynn, gloomy goth Lucy, polar-opposite twins Lana and Lola, child genius Lisa and baby Lily. Lincoln occasionally breaks the fourth wall to explain to viewers the chaotic conditions and sibling relationships of the household, and continually devises plans to make his life in the house better. Yes this show is fairly episodic i'm saying fairly because there are episodes that call back to previous episodes so you'd need at least a basic understanding of the show but overall the setup is pretty fun.

The show stars Collin Dean and Grant Palmer as Lincoln ,  Catherine Taber as Lori ,  Liliana Mumy as Leni ,  Nika Futterman as Luna ,  Cristina Pucelli as Luan ,  Jessica DiCicco as Lynn Jr and Lucy ,  Grey Griffin as Lana , Lola and Lilly ,  Lara Jill Miller as Lisa and  Caleel Harris and Andre Robinson as Clyde. The actors playing Lincoln and Clyde have to different listed actors altho Lincoln technically as three but that was the pilot so yeah i'm not counting that and that's because the show does mainly use actual kids for those two roles which does mean they'll have to recast the parts in the future.

The acting from all of the actors I felt was pretty solid considering that like I said two of the cast members are children and kid acting generally isn't that good but here I felt like it worked since it allowed those voices to sound more natural and for a while I honestly thought that was Tara Strong doing Lana and Lola the voices for the two were that good.

Someone most have ordered a giant elephant because there's one right here in the room with me and well I kinda have to talk about it for those that aren't a where Chris Savino the creator of the show and it's main director was fired on October 19th 2017 due to there being allegations of sexual harassment.

I should point out that no further news has come out about him so these are to be treated as rumors it is sad knowing what someone behind the scenes of your favorite show was up to but at the same time it shouldn't effect peoples opinion of the show but it's sad because now whenever someone does decide to talk about the show they will now also have these allegations in the back of there minds.

I don't really think this needs saying but the show was animated by Nickelodeon Animation Studios and I think it's pretty obvious what shows they've worked on so i;m not going to mention them here but I can say that the show has rightfully been getting praise for it's animation because it is truly fantastic for me this is what The Peanuts would look like if it was being made today and that's not a surprise given that one of you know who's influences was The Peanuts.

When I started watching this series I kinda had a mental checklist of things that I wanted to talk about one of them was the Savino situation and the other occurs in the episode L Is For Love and this is where the show truly stands out because it is a well written and funny episode and also because it does something no kids show did before it and that's have a female character be in love with another female and i'm glad that this show did it because it's a risky move for a kids show to make and they did it with such care.

Honestly I couldn't find all that much wrong with the show at all and thats kinda frustrating since it means that this review could come across as biased which yeah it kinda is since I did watch the show when it started airing but I think all reviews should be well balanced and that means finding faults even in things you love and the closest thing to a fault I could find is the fact the episodes are two short and even that's more of a nitpick.

This show is really freaking funny I laughed out loud at least once per episode and that's extremely rare for me even the bad jokes got a snigger out of me that's how funny this show is and it's hard to say who's the funniest character because every episode it was someone else who made me laugh damn why did this show have to be so good I need to say something about it and quick.

Overall I highly recommend this show to just about anyone it's that good and people really do love it because a spin-off called Los Casagrandes which will follow siblings Bobby and Ronnie Anne Santiago as well there extended family living together and there was also a feature film in development I give this series a 9.5 out of 10.


Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Tom And Jerry Show 2014 Review

Tom and Jerry fans the famous duo have been around since the 40's and for awhile pretty much everything that did was pure gold but something happened they started to be unfunny and their movies were pretty bad well now i'm going to talk about the latest TV show to feature the famous cat and mouse The Tom and Jerry Show by the way this has 2014 in the title because there's another Tom and Jerry show with the same name.

This show doesn't have a plot which honestly for these two is a good thing instead each episode has one of five different set ups Tom , Jerry and Spike in an modern day urban setting , Tom and Jerry being pets to two witches , The duo owning there own detective agency , for the first season Jerry living in a lab with another mouse called Napoleon with Tom being an alley cat , from the third season Tom living in an Downtown Abbey type of house and the final set up is the duo in a parody of Van Helsing which was also introduced in season 3. 

So as you can see even tho there's no real story there's plenty of different set ups that help keep the series from going stale the issue for me was some of these set ups do get old pretty quick I started to grow tried of seeing the urban setting just because there wasn't much verity.

The show stars William Hanna as Tom Cat, Jerry Mouse , Mel Blanc as Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse and Harry E. Lang as Tom Cat no you didn't read that wrong there are four people doing the voices for Tom and Jerry but it's done by using archive audio. Also in the show are Frank Welker , Rick Zieff , Grey Griffin , Cree Summer , Tara Strong , Stephen Stanton , Jason Alexander (season 1 only) and Kath Soucie.

Now I mentioned that the show uses archive audio for Tom and Jerry and I do have to say that at times it does blend together really well but then there are times where it gets a little distracting or at least for me anyway and it did have me wondering why they didn't just stick with one classic Tom actor since then it would have created a more consistent sound. I don't really think this needs saying since alot of these actors are true giants but i'm going to say it anyway they do a really good job and it goes to show how much pulling power Tom and Jerry have.

Now most people will see the name Tom and Jerry and think that the animation was done by Warner Bros Animation well your half right Warner Bros are involved with the series but they handle the script writing and general production the actual animation is done by Renegade Animation who also do the animation for the currently airing Unikitty series and it's safe to say that the animation in that show is a step up from what's in this series. 

The animation in this show while not bad it's not the kind of animation that should be given to an iconic comedy double act the whole show for me just looks ugly and cheap and it's hard to think that this show is made in Flash since you can make some pretty good animation in Flash but then again this also the studio behind such hits such as Chop Kick Panda , Puss in Boots: A Furry Tale and of course that well known family favorite Tappy Toes.

For the first season the show aired in two eleven minuet cartoons and for some of the early season two episodes that was still the case but then they did something which I find weird in season two each twenty two minuet episode would now be made up for three six minuet cartoons to me that's just weird yes Tom and Jerry did start out in six minuet shorts but those were meant to be just that shorts this is a TV show so surely having two eleven minuet cartoons would be better.

Like most cartoons based on a classic property this show aired it's first season on Cartoon Network and then for it's second season it went to the place were all cartoons go to die sorry I meant to say Boomerang and since Cartoon Network don't promote anything that's on there i'm letting you all know here incase there are any fans of this show. 

It also makes no sense for them to keep doing this since the whole freaking point of Cartoon Network was to house older cartoons so surely they should keep the new shows based on those classic properties on Cartoon Network and if there not going to do then at least promote what's on Boomerang we don't need all of the air time taken up by terrible shows just use some of that airtime to promote your other shows it's that simple.

Now one of things that Tom and Jerry became well known for was it's use of slapstick and if I do say so myself they were the masters of it but sadly few people on this show got that message because the slapstick here can at times be funny but for the most part it's just not and I have a feeling that if the animators drew like one or two more frames then the slapstick that wasn't funny would suddenly be funny since slapstick like all forms of comedy comes down to timing.

Overall i'd say that this is a decent show but it's not the duo at there best if a little kid was watching this then I could see them becoming a fan but even with all that in mind the show gets a 5 out of 10.