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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Shows That Look Like Anime But I Personally Don't Consider Them To Be

Hello animation fans there are a lot of animated shows made every year some good some not so good but what gets me is that there is still some confusion over what is considered anime and it's usually just based on the visual style so I want to tell you some shows that look like anime but technically aren't.

Before I start the list I want to say that just because a show is produced in America doesn't mean it's not anime for me that would come down not only to the setting and character names but also if it's based in Japanese mythology or folklore.

Avatar The Last Airbender 

This one is kinda forgivable since visually it looks like an anime and it does have some Japanese sounding names but this for me at least isn't an anime it wasn't even animated in Japan but it was produced by people who love anime and that kind of story telling and the same goes for the Korra spin-off / sequel.


For me it seems that this show is more based on Asian mythology as a whole rather then just Japanese mythology but the characters names aren't Japanese and the show isn't made in Japan but I would understand it if you guys consider this show to be an anime heck you can find the show on most anime streaming sites.


This is one of those shows that when people first saw the trailer they said "this is an anime" I should know because I was one of them but it isn't anime since the show was made in America it has no bases in japanese mythology and no characters with Japanese names so literally anything that could be considered anime isn't in this series and bring on season 2.

Thundercats 2011

This one is a bit hard because it was animated in Japan and it has Japanese directors credited in it's credits but tho the show was made in America but based of this image alone you wouldn't really know that so I would fully understand if you said to me that you thought this was an anime. 

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