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Saturday, 17 February 2018

Some Thoughts About Final Space

Guys a few days ago TBS did something I don't think any other network has done and that's debut the premier episode or in this case episodes on Reddit and now finally i've seen those two episodes and here are some thoughts I have about Final Space.

Bottom line I really like it so far but i'm going to go into a bit more detail as to why starting with the mystery yeah there's a mystery in this show in the opening few minuets of both episodes one and two we see our hero is nearly dieing and yet we don't know why or what's caused this current situation plus there's this other mystery with another main character which starts in episode two.

The cast consists of creator Olan Rogers , Fred Armisen , Spongebob Squarpants , David Tennant , Tika Sumpter and Coty Galloway and I have to say that based of the first two episodes the cast are really good I honestly couldn't tell who David Tennant was playing in this show and I won't spoil it here just because it doesn't sound like at all nor does it sound like Scrooge Mcduck either.

Unlike most other cartoon shows I review this isn't episodic or at least these first two episodes aren't we see things set up in part one that pay off in part two and I hope we get more of that in future episodes I obviously cannot talk about the story just yet as we are only a few episodes in but I do like the fact that there seems to be a story forming.

Unlike Hot Streets where the animation was very mixed here the animation seems to be really freaking good and to be frank I was shocked at how good it really was just because I don't really think TBS has made a good cartoon series and yes I don't count American Dad as that show is made by Fox where as this show is made by TBS.

Not only is the animation really good but so is the CGI and the backgrounds I find it's very hard to see good CG in cartoons as it often stands out next to the 2D characters but here it honestly does look really freaking good and the backgrounds look like something you'd see on Rick and Morty or any Steven Spielberg produced show.

Guys to give you a fair warning these two episodes are violent as heck especially episode 2 where a main character has something happen to them and you see something I thought i'd never see in a cartoon and that's really all I can say about it without either spoiling the episode or making some of you feel sick but it's also something i'm glad they added since it makes the show feel more real somehow.

I don't exactly know if i'll do a full review of this series yet it all depends on how many episodes there are and if I can find the time to do it but this is a show I will be watching when it comes out that's how good it is I actively want to watch the next episode.

Overall guys this is a show worth watching it's dark and twisted in some places so if you like that kind of stuff then you'll love this and you watch the first two episodes now on the TBS website and on the TBS app or if you want you can wait until February 26th to watch them both on TV. 

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