A little under a year ago Watchmojo released a video called Top 10 Hottest Female Cartoon Characters and for the most part it was the type on content you'd see from them except they miss of characters everyone pretty much agrees are hot so i'm here today to present my own top 10 list with the a different title and unlike Watchmojo i'm going to include movie characters as well and if your favorite show isn't mentioned then it's because i didn't watch it.
10) Penelope Pitstop
She was a mainstay on both the original and the remake of Wacky races but there's nothing really more to her other then looks which is why she's so low on this list if anything she's more of a damsel in distress kind of character but she's still beautiful.
9) Riley's Mum
She is more then just traditionally beautiful she cares for daughter even tho we don't really spend much time with her in the movie we see enough to get a sense of who she is as a person and that to me makes her very beautiful both inside and out.
8) Pebbles Flintstone (Teenager)
There's no other way to put this Pebbles when she's a teenager is a knockout and that's really all i have to say since the picture above really does speak for it self.
7) Helen Parr / Elastigirl
Not only is she a superhero but she's also a stay at home mom and she has to do all the things that being at stay at home mom entails but my god does she look great in that red suit i'm trying not to make this solely based on looks but it's hard when the characters look so good.
6) Caitlin Snow
This is technically cheating since Caitlin appears in the live action TV show version of The Flash but since Danielle Panabaker also voices the character on The Ray i figured i can include her. She is not only beautiful but she's also smart like super smart and she has her PHD so she has brains as well as beauty.
5) Velma Dinkley
This adorkable girl has been rocking the sweater and glasses look for well over fifty years and she looks just as good now as she did back then and like the previous entry she wields both brains and beauty altho with all the times she looses her glasses you'd think she would have swapped them out for contacts.
4) Xena
Like with the Caitlin entry this is a bit of a stretch since she first appeared in live action but since she got an animated movie i'm going to include her this girl is drop dead stunning and she'd most likely kill you for even looking at her wrong but that goes to show how badass she truly is she's a strong female character and we need more of those.
3) Wonder Woman 2009 Film Version
Honestly you could take all of what i'm about to say and apply it to any version of the character since it holds true to all of them she's not afraid to get her hands dirty when she has to , she's not afraid to call you out on things when you mess up and apart from being stunning she's also perhaps the strongest female character on this list.
2) Daphne Blake
She's either the Scooby gangs resident fashion girl or there resident nut ball but one thing's remained the same she is one of there resident beautiful girls altho in the early runs of the show she did get herself into danger these days she's more likely to help get someone else out of danger then get herself in it.
1) Betty / Wilma
Honestly it was hard for me to choose which of these two would get the top spot and if you remember when i said Watchmojo missed of characters everyone agrees is hot these are two examples heck Wilma is so hot that in the 2015 animated movie The Flintstones & WWE: Stone Age SmackDown! they had a scene where she appears in a bikini.
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