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Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Doctor Who "Twice Upon A Time" Review

Hello there doctor who fans it's that time of the year again where i look back at the most recent christmas special and this special is also a regeneration episode so it has a lot to live up to so here we go.

Ok the basic premise of the episode is The Doctor is refusing to regenerate and he bumps into his first self and Bill and has to stop something which may or may not be deadly. I'm not gonna spoil the twist with the villains in this review because honestly it's really good and really refreshing but i will say that story wise the episode is lacking but the pacing for the episode was spot on.

Returning as Bill and The Doctor we have Peter Capaldi , David Bradley and Pearl Mackie and they all turn in fine performances which honestly from Peter and David is something you really expect at this point and you could say the same for Pearl as well. They are joined by Steven Moffat's BFF Msrk Gatiss and honestly when i heard he was in the episode i had no idea of what to expect from him so i'm glad to say he's really good in this episode.

In all honesty this episode was not what i was expecting at all there's very little action in it and there's that great twist with the villains so i really don't know what i can mention because of how strange the episode truly was.

As a regeneration episode for me this episode doesn't hold up well against something like Time Of The Doctor because in that episode all of the heart that was in the episode felt real where as here it just comes across as forced like there trying to force these moments on you and it just doesn't work well at all.

Overall this was a strange episode to watch which is why this review is so short but fear not for i will be working on a review of Shada sometime soon but i give Twice Upon A Time a solid 7.5 out of 10.


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