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Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Big Hero 6 "Baymax Returns" Review

Well then animation and comics fans it is here the debut episode of Big Hero 6: The Series has finished and now i'm going to give you all my thoughts on this new Disney/Marvel TV series.

The basic plot of this episode is pretty much in the title of the episode but it's also about Yama forcing Hiro to get something for him. that's really all i can say about the plot without going into spoilers but since this is the plot for a premier episode i have to say it's pretty solid i've never seen the film or reads the comic but based of this episode i have a fairly good idea of all the main characters personalities.

Pretty much all of the main cast from the film came back for this series except Damon Wayans, Jr. who is replaced by Khary Payton and T.J. Miller who's replaced by Brooks Wheelan. I have to say that in terms of acting the best performer for me was Ryan Potter who kills it as Hiro but that's not to say that the rest of the cast don't do a good job indeed all of them do and Brooks actually sounds alot like T.J. Miller.

I have to say that in terms of animation this episode wasn't the best since the animation to me felt a little off which is strange because the guys who did Kim Possible worked on this series to me the animation felt like something that would have been made an indie company and not freaking Disney and they've been knocking it out of the park recently with Star Vs The Forces Of Evil and Ducktales.

I couldn't do this review and not talk about the change from CGI to 2D animation to me it makes sense since producing it in CGI would mean having a huge budget and it would mean it would have to be as good as the movie but by shifting it to 2D it means it could be done a lot cheaper and i know alot of people are going to bring up the fact that Dreamworks produces CGI TV shows and to that i say there being done for Netflix and not for cable television so it works differently.

The humor in this episode i thought was very spot on for some reason i found Honey Lemon to be really funny and i don't know why but i can't talk about the humor and not mention Baymax he is just super funny.

Of course the action in the series isn't going to be anything like the movie so don't go expecting the type of action you'd see in a movie but with that being said the action is still pretty top notch we get to see what all the hero's can do and i thought that was really freaking sweet.

Overall this is a pretty solid premier episode altho i believe it messes with the last scene of the movie but it's still worth watching even if you didn't see the movie or read the comic and since it's a premier episode there will not a rating.

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