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Saturday, 19 August 2017

My Top Two Worst And Top Five Best Cartoons That Came Out Within A Few Years

It's not un-common for cartoon fans to name the best and worst cartoon shows or shows that they like but what makes mine kinda stand out is i'm only covering shows that came out within the last few years and i have to have seen at least the first episode so here we go.

Worst Cartoons

Kong: King of the Apes

Now i admit i was slightly looking forward to this show however all of that excitement went away by the time the first episode reached the 45 minuet mark it was just plain boring in this hour and a half pilot the show changes location twice and ages up the characters at least three times and it doesn't give you a clear idea of what the plot of the show is needles to say i'm not excited for season 2.

The Tom And Jerry Show

Now i'm a Tom And Jerry fan so i thought i'd check out this show since i'd never heard of it and my god was i disappointed not only was the slapstick lacking but so was the animation and those are two things that Tom and Jerry are known for so when you don't have either of those then what you have is Tom and Jerry in name only.

Best Cartoons

Danger & Eggs

I put this show on this list just due to how funny and creative the show is the show has a wicked sense of humor with all the jokes almost all hitting and the animation is about what you'd expect from a web series and i want to see more from these characters.

Avengers Assemble

Not only do i love cartoons but i also love comic books so anything that combines the two i'm guaranteed to watch at least the first episode but when you mix in great action with great wit then i'll keep on coming back and that's what this show does for me.

Guardians Of The Galaxy

For the reasons why i like this show see the above entry because my thoughts are exactly the same for this show except this time we have the look and designs from the 2014 live action Guardians movie which i love and will always state is the best MCU film ever.

OK KO! Lets Be Heroes

This is the show that right now is keeping cartoon network alive in my opinion it has great storytelling mixed in with great characters , great action and some generally funny moments anytime that KO makes a cute babyish face is pure gold in my book but there's one more show that just topped it.

The Loud House

If OK Ko is saving cartoon network then Nickelodeon is being saved by The Loud House this show has generally great heartwarming stories it might not also have the best jokes but when the jokes land they really land well.