Hello anime fans since i saw the TV version of Unlimited Blade Works i thought i'd check out the movie version just to see what it's about and well here's my review of it.
Now i would very much like to summarize the plot of the movie however the plot of the movie is basically a cut down version of the TV show and since that's what it basically is alot of stuff get's cut out character motivations are gone as are key character development scenes in this case i prefer the TV show to the movie since the story was given time to breathe.
Now i'm reviewing the dubbed version of the movie which stars Michelle Ruff , Liam O'Brien , Mela Lee , Sam Riegel and Tara Platt. The dub cast are actually pretty good i enjoyed Michelle as Saber i thought she sounded really badass and i liked Liam O'Brien as Archer the only cast member who i thought could have done better was Mela Lee just because in the first scene where we meet Rin she has a British accent for some reason but then she doesn't speak with a British accent again for the rest of the movie.
This was the film to be animated by Studio Deen and i have to say that they did a good job with the animation there's a lot of great fluid movements from all the characters you can tell that they had a big budget and you can tell that there was a lot of attention to detail just in the animation alone.
Another thing that looked really good were the action scenes they were just stunning but i have a feeling that since the studio knew they didn't have a story to work with they put all of there effort into making the action scenes look really great and while they did look stunning they should have put more effort into creating a story.
The score for the film was done by Kenji Kawai who did a little known film called Ghost In The Shell and i have to say that his score for this film was pretty good it's not his best by any means but it worked well for this film.
Overall just stick to the TV series it does a better job of telling the story but it does have good animation and a good dub so for me this movie is a 6 out of 10.
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