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Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai Review

Hello there anime fans anime fans well here we are yet again with the sequel to Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai is it better then the first one or is it exactly the same lets find out with my review of Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai.

The basic plot of this movie is girl falls in love with guy and another guy is in love with her the end. that little summery right there is more interesting then the whole movie which by the way has no story to it what so ever it's basically stuff happens: The anime that's it there's nothing that connects the scenes together at all but to this movies credit it has better pacing then the first one did.

Now the cast for this film are at best ok there's some actors i really enjoyed like for example Momo Asakura who plays the film's main protagonist i really liked her voice and her performance but then there's some i didn't like such as Hiroshi Kamiya who plays her older brother and he just delivers a flat performance as for the rest of the cast there ok but know one really stands out as for which of the characters really stands out i'd say Hina Setoguchi ( our main character ) but i can't explain why.

The animation was once again done by Qualia Animation and once again i'd have to say that they did a pretty good job altho with that being said i did notice a few repeated frames when it came to the characters running which made the film look cheap but that aside the film does have some great fluid motion and some lovely backgrounds and i have to applaud the team's attention to detail.

I have to say that if like montages especially ones with songs playing in them then this film has you covered i myself however don't like them and i found them really annoying here they add nothing to the overall plot ( or should i say lack there of) and they only serve just to pad out the film's run time.

I have to admit i didn't like the love triangle in this movie i'm not apposed to a good romance film that includes a triangle but here i knew what was going to happen once the triangle started and everything i predicted came true the makers of this film could have at least threw in some plot twists just to make it more interesting and less predictable.

The music for this film was done by HoneyWorks (?) and all the music is just songs which are either ok or just dull and typical love songs there was nothing about the music of this film that really stood out for me and when you add in the fact that the songs were mainly used in those awful montages it only makes it even worse for me.

Overall if you liked the first film you'll like this one but if your like me and you found this film to be a very mixed bag it's a 5 out of 10 and i'm glad this series of films is over.


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