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Friday, 30 June 2017

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Review

Hello there animation fans Tom and Jerry are back with a new movie is it as good as Spy Quest or is it as bad as the trailer made out (which was really bad by the way) or is it just ok well lets find out as i review Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.

The story for this film is basically the same one as Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory except with Tom And Jerry who now have to stop an evil businessman. I admit the story shocked because like the rest of the world i thought Tom and Jerry would just be of to the side doing there usual stuff but no they have a part to play in this story but that said it's still the same story and the same things happen in the same order.

The film stars JP Karliak as Willy Wonka , Jess Harnell as Grandpa Joe , Lincoln Melcher as Charlie Bucket , Mick Wingert as Mr. Slugworth , Rachel Butera as Augustus Gloop, Winkelmann , Dallas Lovato as Violet Beauregarde , Emily O'Brien as Veruca Salt , Sean Schemmel as Mr. Salt, Mr. Turkentine , Kath Soucie as Tuffy and Lauren Weisman as Mike Teevee. I have to say that the voice cast are very mixed you've got the guys who you can always count on like Jess Harnell , Kath Soucie ' Jeff Bergman and Sean Schemmel but then you get the newcomers like Lincoln Melcher who for some reason gives Charlie a British character an American accent the rest of the cast who play the kids are just meh and Karliak to me sounds like Gene Wilder.

The animation in this film i felt was like the acting a very mixed bag there's a lot of great movements and the character and facial animation on Tom and Jerry is really good which to me makes sense since there names are in the title but then you get to the character animation on the human characters which isn't that good at the best of times i swear to god there's a scene in this movie where Charlie looks like an arrogant jerk.

Now i kinda liked the character design in this movie i liked the way Tom and Jerry looked and i liked the fact that each of the kids looked like how they did in Willy Wonka well for the most part anyway but tho by sticking close to the original look of the kids it means the things the kids wear looks dated so i wouldn't have minded if they updated the fashion side of things. I have to say that i really loved the new look for Willy Wonka himself he looked like an honest to god businessman.

I have to admit the humor for me was very hit and miss but tho i think that's because the humor in the original Tom and Jerry shorts was so good and so on point that anything that followed those shorts know matter who worked on it would have had a hard time getting the jokes right but tho i have to admit there was a few scenes in the movie that did make me smile and that's always a good thing.

Now when i said the story was the exact the same i didn't mention the fact that the songs are also the exact same songs there even done in the same order except now Mr. Slugworth has the song that Veruca had in the 1970's movie and when it's her turn to sing it it turns into a duet i would comment on the original music but i didn't hear that much of it to make a fair comment but i don't think it would have killed them to include an original song or two just to change things up.

Overall this movie isn't as bad as the trailer made it out to be but at the same time it's not as good as it could have been so for me this movie is a 5.5 out of 10


Thursday, 29 June 2017

My Little Pony: The Movie Trailer Review

Hello there Bronies and animation fans since i've not done a trailer review in a while and since the first official trailer for My Little Pony: The Movie dropped i thought i'd give you my thoughts on it and what i think of the movie thus far.

I have to admit that when i heard the trailer was dropping i was both sad and happy happy because it's been freaking months since the thirty second teaser dropped and since we got the 360 video but sad because i knew i wouldn't be able to see it until Thursday morning but when i saw it i was smiling from ear to ear like in this part of the trailer.

I have to admit i really like the animation so far granted what's in the trailer doesn't represent the whole movie but based on the trailer alone i can see that the animation and art style got a huge upgrade and for me that's a huge plus plus who didn't love Pinkie in this scene.

Now people have been saying this is a 2D animated movie i personally don't think it is since you can see alot of 3D animated shots just in the trailer alone i think there's about three or four and i have to say the 3D animated stuff looks like it mixes really well with the 2D characters.

The picture above is obviously from the opening of the movie and since you only get one chance at a first impression i have to say that including this in the trailer was a wise idea since now the fanbase can see that the artwork and the 3D got a huge upgrade from the show since the show has a tight budget and the movie has a bigger budget some improvements would have been needed.

This scene from the trailer is a great example of the shows humor it has something happen and then some random character jumps in with a great line and steals the scene and i hope the movies humor is as well written since both kids and adults should be able to laugh at MLP.

Now i never noticed when i first watched the trailer but if you look carefully in this scene you can see Luna and Celestia since it was so quick in the trailer i thought i'd point it out and it goes to show that the makers of the movie are not just using movie only characters apart from the mane 6 there's quite a few characters from the show crossing over i spotted Trixie and possibly Applebloom but i'm not 100% sure if that's her or not.

The rainboom is here to stay people i don't really have much else to say other then that altho this looks like it takes place in either the third act or late in the second act either way it doesn't give much away other then confirming that Rainbow Dash is cool and awesome something we already knew.

I only have one minor complaint tho and that's the fact that the stars from the show are not credited in the trailer while i do understand why this is the case i still would have liked to see them get the credit they deserve. 

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Doctor Who "World Enough And Time" Spoiler Free Review

Hello Doctor Who fans we are so near the end of series 10 and i have to say this has been a really solid series thus far but how about we get onto my thoughts of this weeks episode well since you asked nicely here is my review of World Enough And Time.

This is the first part of a two part finale and thus there really isn't much of a story to think of the only thing i can think of is The Doctor , Missy and Nardole try to save Bill from an evil hospital. Not only is that the only story i could think of it's also the only one i could use that doesn't give away any plot points. To be fair the story is pretty good and it does have alot of twists and turns that did keep me interested.

Now in this episode we of course have Peter , Matt and Pearl who do a pretty good job altho they do spend most of the episode apart so you don't get that great banter which i really like and they are joined by Michelle Gomez who is a true delight in this episode she just fires of witty lines left , right and center and at times does act like the Doctor himself. Now i would at this point mention the guest cast but since the guest cast really isn't that big and one of them is also a spoiler i'm not going to mention them by name but i will say that the guest cast do a great job and it's great to see that person back in the show.

Now the so called monsters are from the classic series and i say so called because they don't really appear until the end of the episode but i will say it's great to see them again lets just hope it's not decades since we see them take center stage in another Doctor Who episode and they do look really creepy.

What i found kind of annoying was the fact that the episode focuses a little to much on Bill altho i do like the character she works best when she's with The Doctor and Nardole so to me having her on her own for a large portion of the episode isn't that good.

For a two part episode this episode flew by the pacing was just so fast i would have preferred it if they just took the time to slow things down a bit instead of just rushing to the great twist ending and the big reveal sometimes slower is better especially when it comes to multistory episodes you need a lot of tension to carry over to the next episode and i felt like there really wasn't any apart from the things i can't talk about.

Overall this was a great start to a two part episode but it does have a few personal issues that do keep it from being a ten so for me this episode is a 7.5 out of 10

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Doctor Who "The Eaters Of Light" Review

Hello there Doctor Who fans it's that time of the week once again where you read my look back on the latest episode (you know you love it) and this time i'm dealing with some nasty buggers in Scotland (no not the Scottish) here is my review of The Eaters Of Light.

The story for this episode is a hunt for the lost Ninth Roman Legion leads the Doctor, Bill and Nardole into the middle of an ancient battle that could cast humanity into the dark forever. Now Just by reading that little line right there you'd be forgiven for thinking that this episode was great sorry to say but it is not story wise at least the episode is pretty weak and really straight forward but there's one thing that old Doctor Who fans will love and that's the fact that the writer of this episode is one Rona Munro who's making her return to the series years after her last episode which was Survival.

We of course have our three main leads who at this point will earn nothing but praise from me as they are constantly doing a great job in each episode. They are joined by Rebecca Benson , Daniel Kerr , Brian Vernel , Rohan Nedd and Ben Hunter for me the guest cast did a really great even if one of them looks like Amy Pond crossed with ygritte from Game Of Thrones and honestly the only actor out of the guest cast who i could truly say was the standout performer was Benson and she's also the one who looks like Amy Pond to me she is the true heart of this particular story and i really liked that.

I'm sucker for great locations and for me Scotland is a great location i don't know if they actually filmed there or not but if they did then wow did they pick some stunning locations and if not they found a great place that looked like the country. To me the locations in this episode looked really good you cannot beat using an actual location there's only so much a studio can do and what it cannot do is recreate the beauty of a stunning location.

Now i have to say that in terms of humor this episode was hitting jokes out of the park like it's nobody's business all of the jokes from this episode like the one's in the rest of the series mostly came from Nardole i say mostly because there's a few lines from the end of the episode which came from a character i cannot mention but the ones that came from Nardole where really funny i won't give away the joke but i'll just these words Nardole and Popcorn.

The monster in this weeks episode was created fully in the computer and i thought it came out looking really good this weeks episode featured some truly great CGI monsters i can't really say much more then that since the creature is mostly covered in darkness when it's not it goes by to quick but from what i saw it looked really good.

Overall this weeks episode was kind of weak but as weak as last weeks episode altho i thought the ending to the story was kind of a let down really i give this episode i 7.5 out of 10 and next week it's the return you've all been looking forward to.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Doctor Who "Empress Of Mars" Review

Hello there Doctor Who it's that time of the week that we all love and look forward to oh and there's a new episode of Doctor Who as well but lets not waste any more time so here is my review of Empress Of Mars.

The plot of this weeks episode is a bit hard to describe so put it simply our main trio end up on Mars where they encounter an Ice Warrior. That's really all i can think of without giving away anything to major but i will say that in terms of story i thought this episode was rather weak and was not the best Mark Gatiss written episode but it did have some good pacing.

In terms of casting we of course have our main trio and for me out of those three the best performer was Peter altho you could see Pearl's confidence raising which i thought was nice Matt was only there for a few scenes. In terms of guest cast we have Anthony Calf , Ferdinand Kingsley , Richard Ashton and Adele Lynch i really thought the guest cast did a great job especially Adele who i think had the hardest job acting under a lot of make up but she was really good in this episode.

The Ice Warriors i thought were rather weak in this episode they didn't come across as rather threatening they were just there really they looked great but looking great is only half the job you have to also act scary as well and be treated as a threat which they weren't they were treated just a pest really.

There are a few cameos in this episode which i won't mention but they were really fun cameos and both of them are near the end of the episode. The best scene for me in the whole episode was the opening just due to how fun and funny it was plus it has a great CGI opening as well.

Overall this was rather a weak episode with only a few good points so for me this episode is a 6 out of 10 and sorry this review if rather short

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai Review

Hello there anime fans anime fans well here we are yet again with the sequel to Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai is it better then the first one or is it exactly the same lets find out with my review of Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai.

The basic plot of this movie is girl falls in love with guy and another guy is in love with her the end. that little summery right there is more interesting then the whole movie which by the way has no story to it what so ever it's basically stuff happens: The anime that's it there's nothing that connects the scenes together at all but to this movies credit it has better pacing then the first one did.

Now the cast for this film are at best ok there's some actors i really enjoyed like for example Momo Asakura who plays the film's main protagonist i really liked her voice and her performance but then there's some i didn't like such as Hiroshi Kamiya who plays her older brother and he just delivers a flat performance as for the rest of the cast there ok but know one really stands out as for which of the characters really stands out i'd say Hina Setoguchi ( our main character ) but i can't explain why.

The animation was once again done by Qualia Animation and once again i'd have to say that they did a pretty good job altho with that being said i did notice a few repeated frames when it came to the characters running which made the film look cheap but that aside the film does have some great fluid motion and some lovely backgrounds and i have to applaud the team's attention to detail.

I have to say that if like montages especially ones with songs playing in them then this film has you covered i myself however don't like them and i found them really annoying here they add nothing to the overall plot ( or should i say lack there of) and they only serve just to pad out the film's run time.

I have to admit i didn't like the love triangle in this movie i'm not apposed to a good romance film that includes a triangle but here i knew what was going to happen once the triangle started and everything i predicted came true the makers of this film could have at least threw in some plot twists just to make it more interesting and less predictable.

The music for this film was done by HoneyWorks (?) and all the music is just songs which are either ok or just dull and typical love songs there was nothing about the music of this film that really stood out for me and when you add in the fact that the songs were mainly used in those awful montages it only makes it even worse for me.

Overall if you liked the first film you'll like this one but if your like me and you found this film to be a very mixed bag it's a 5 out of 10 and i'm glad this series of films is over.


Sunday, 4 June 2017

Doctor Who "The Lie Of The Land" Review

Hello Doctor Who fans before we start this weeks review i want to say that next week i might not be able to review the episode and if i am able to it might not be until either the evening or Monday morning but with that out of the way here is my review of The Lie Of The Land.

The basic plot of this weeks episode is The Doctor , Nardole  and Bill take on The Monks and that's really it in terms of story which i think is great because this is the third part of the story and thus not much plot would be needed i also really liked the fact that the episode had really good pacing it wasn't two fast nor was it two slow it was just right.

We of course have our three main leads who all do a solid job in this episode i really liked Pearl in this episode there's a scene in this episode where i think she does her best acting i won't spoil it but it's worth watching. In terms of guest cast we have Emma Handy Hastings , Beatrice Curnew and Rosie Jane that's not really alot of guest actors i can actually mention since it would be a spoiler but the guest cast do a great job especially the certain someone who i cannot mention because of spoilers.

To me this episode is like an action movie just due to both the fast pacing and the fact that in almost every other scene something is always happening weather it be something character driven like the awesome Bill scene or something just cool so if you like action movies you'll love this episode honestly i was waiting for someone to come out with a cheesey one liner.

I already mentioned that i like the looks of The Monks in last weeks review but i think that the make up team out did themselves this week with another edition of the ranks of the monks i'm not sure if i can talk about it so i'll keep it short and sweet by saying that the creature looks awesome.

I will say that the special guest star in this episode has a wonderfully funny scene in this episode and they also look really good especially when it comes to the hair and i think the scene they were in was so well written and so well acted it almost stole the whole the episode for me and it's just a shame that i can't mention who it is because then you'll get why it was such a funny scene to watch.

Overall this was a truly great episode i won't be marking it a ten tho just because things happen for no reason what so ever and i can't say what they are which is also why this review is short i give this episode a solid 8.5 out of 10